Chapter 31

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Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.

-Helen Keller

"I always knew there was something going on between you two" Mike yelled from across the parking lot as Aiden dropped me on the floor with a thud. "Thanks" I scowled up at him. "I'm sorry" he exclaimed as he turned to look at Mike who was now standing next to Aidens car with his arms folded near his chest with a loopsided grin on his face. "There's nothing going on between us" I grumbled at him ignoring Aiden's hand for help and getting up on my own patting my jeans to get rid of the dirt. "I'm going home" Aiden turned around "no, you're not! You will talk to me like a mature adult" I almost caught his hand pulling him away from his friends. "Give us a second guys" I smiled at them apologetically and Dragged Aiden away from them. Thankfully, this time he let me. "What's you're problem?" I exclaimed up at him just as we came across our spot at the back of the school. Aiden immediately brushed of my hand and took out a cigarette but before he could lit it I grabbed it from his hand and tore it up. "I'm talking to you" I tried again and he just sighed. "You got a job and didnt even bother telling me?" He threw his arms up in the air before folding them infront of his chest and looking down at me. "I didn't know I needed you're permission" I mumbled down suddenly feeling like a child being scolded. "Why do you need a job? I told you I will take care of you." "Till when? Until I'm 80? You're not understan-" "you're not understanding Bella" Aiden shouted grabbing me by my arms and pushing me against the wall behind him. "When I said I will take care of you, I meant it. Till u graduate, find a job and even if u need me after I will do it then too. You dont need this job, you've spend the last I dont know how many years taking care of you're sorry excuse of a father. Now is the time you be you. Be the teenage girl you always wanted to be. Do everything you always wanted to do. Live. Laugh. Enjoy. Grow up all over again. Live you're life the way you want to. Do things you want to do." He shouted at me angrily "why? Why do you want to take care of me? Why do you want to do this?" I Shouted back at him. Trying to pry his hands off me. His grip only tightened at my shoulders as he pulled me closer to him. "BECAUSE I FREAKIN LOVE YOU DAMMIT" he shouted at my face and then released me. And I stood there frozen at what he had just said. My mouth opened in a O form and I couldnt close it. I just stared up at him in shock. And he came closer to me caressing my face as he looked down at me with admiration in his eyes. "I want to give you everything you missed these years. I want to return that smile on you're face. The smile that you have when you're playing with Mia. The way your face lights up. Your eyes twinkle. I want that permanent glow on your face. I want to return that sarcastic Bella in you that can answer everything sarcastically. I want you return you're carefree personality that you have when you're with Ace or Mike. I just want you to be you, with or without me." After his speech any girl would be falling in his arms expressing how much she loves him back. But what did I do? I just opened and closed my mouth twice. pushing him away making him stumble. And Yes! Then I did what any other girl would never do. I ran. I ran like my life depended on it stopping in front of his car where Mike and Ace were no longer to be seen. 'Holy macaroni did Aiden just express his love for me'. I pinched myself to see if I was awake and ran both my hands through my hair. I didnt know how to feel. Shall I be happy? Sad? Million questions ran through my head. After calming myself down a little I looked up to see the whole sky filled with grey clouds. "come on Ella, you have to get to work aswell." I pepped talked myself wiping away few tears that had managed to escape and started walking out of the school towards Aidens house and just because my luck was so much in my favour the moment I started walking I heard a loud bang followed by lightning in the sky and it started pouring heavily. Sighing I just started walking. After about five minutes of walking a familiar car stopped next to me and the window of the passenger seat was rolled down. Aiden's head popped through the window as he spoke from the drivers seat. "Get in the car Bella" I just ignored him and kept on walking. He started driving next to me at a snails pace. Still shouting from within "you'll get sick. Just please sit down" he sounded tired and I stopped I looked at him looking at me with a pleading looking. I quietly made my way towards his car and sat down. He immediately blasted the heater knowing  that I would be freezing before starting to drive. Half way between the drive he rode into kfc and ordered us both burgers. He parked the car in the parking and handed it over to me. "You didn't have lunch" he just mumbled as he placed it in my lap and starting opening his own. "Thanks" I muttered without looking up at him. The tension in the car was so much. We both weren't talking about what had happened. Heck! I wasn't even looking at him. He just looked at me and sighed "so now you can't even look at me?" He muttered slightly hurt. "I-I" I just strutted still not being able to look at him. I grabbed my food bag and started playing with it. He just sighed loudly and started driving the car.

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