Chapter 3

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Some days are just bad days, that's all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness, and I remind myself that not every day is going to be a good day, that's just the way it is!
------ Dita Von Tesse


turning around I saw a very angry looking handsome boy, who I was staring earlier in the class, shooting glares at me with his electrifying blue eyes. "I-I.... I wa-" I stuttered trying to form a sentence but he cut me of before I could i say anything.
"you what? just cuz Ace took a little pity on your poor self and talked to you, you think suddenly you've become a part of us? our gang? you think we are suddenly buddy buddy and you can walk around with us"
he said harshly with his eyes as cold as ice making me flinch from his tone. I just stared at him to scared to say anything, I didnt want him to hit me, already have enough of it to last a life time from my father, I looked towards Ace silently begging him to help me, after all it was him who forced me to sit here, obsessed took a step towards me and out of reflex I jumped from my seat taking some steps back trying to put as much space as I could between the two of us, my breathing was starting to get ragged, no no no I cannot have panic attack, not here, not right now, I tried to calm myself down by taking in deep breath, in, out, in, out. Adam was the only one who could calm me down during my panic attacks. He was the only one knew what to do. shaking my head slightly I tried to get him out of my head, I dont need him, if he didnt need me, I sure as hell didnt want him in my life.
"Aiden-" Ace tried to say but I stopped him before he could say anything further
"I-I... l-lleave, I know when i'm n-not wanted, i'm sorry.... I-II..... didnt m-mean to cause any t-trouble" I mumbled quietly not even looking at the 'Aiden' guy, even though I could feel his intense stare on me, I quickly gathered my stuff and keeping my head low I silently walked out of the cafeteria as fast as I could.
walking towards the girls bathroom, I went straight towards the sink and splashed water on my face trying to calm myself down. After getting my breathing a little in control I grabbed a tissue wiping my face clean I examined my bruise which had turned bluish purplish, I took out some makeup from my bag to hide the nasty bruise, finishing with the make up I grabbed my bag and was about to head out when two girls or should I say plastic barbies enterted the bathroom, one who I assumed was the leader was wearing a baby pink mini skirts which barely covered her butt and low tight pink shirt which gave a perfect view of her cleavage, while the other was wearing a slightly long skirt just enough to cover her butt and a baby blue shirt which wasnt tight but was giving a perfect view of her cleavage, keeping my head low I tried to get passed them but they blocked my way.
"well well well, look who we have here Sasha. arnt you the girl who Aiden just humiliated?" the leader raised her perfectly plucked eyebrow at me with a smirk on her lips as she gestured to the girl with her who i assumed was Sasha. I kept quiet much to her satisfaction as she took a step towards me her lips curling into a snarl
"listen here, you bitch, Aiden is mine, you get that? dont you dare go near him, he was, is and always will be mine, and i'm warning you for the first and last time, stay away from him or you wont like what comes to you, you havent seen what I, Melissa howards, is capable off, so back off kay? " she all but snarled at me. having no interest in her pathetic speech I simply nodded my head, and suddenly she grabbed my jaw roughly pushing me in the marble slab as she spoke brusquely "when I talk to you, I expect a verbal answer, now lets try again, do you understand?" I mumbled a quick yes making her let go of my jaw. I picked up my bag which fell on the floor while she was pushing me in the slab and left the bathroom hastily.
'ohh god, where the hell am i stuck! this school is full off animals' I thought as i made my way towards my second last class.



As the bell rang signalling the end of school. I grabbed my stuff and went out of the door, as soon as I stepped a foot outside cold water droplets started to fall on my head. 'just what I needed' I thought sarcastically looking up at the pouring rain with a heavy sigh and cancelling the idea of going to check out the three work places I circled, I started to walk back home.
I arrived home completely drenched from head to toe and went straight upto my room for a hot shower.
Feeling fresh and relaxed i came downstairs and looked at the time it was 3:30pm and dad arrives home at 8. so I had exactly 41/2 hours to sort the house out and prepare food. with a heavy sigh I grabbed the required items for cleaning and got to work.


3 hours later I was standing infront of a spotless house with the food in the oven. I rechecked everything twice to make sure i didnt miss anything. I dont want to face wrath of my dear farther specially when i'm not even properly healed from the previous one. but then again, he doesnt need an excuse to abuse me, he hits me whenever he like and wherever he likes. he tells me everyday how ugly and useless i am to him. sometimes i think that just killing myself would be a better option, its not like I have any friends who would cry over me. but then i am too much of a coward to do it. my dad is right I am weak and useless, which is why I cant go beyond cutting myself. the most I can do is cut my wrist,ankle and thighs with a razor. I already have enough scars on my body to scare anyone away few more wont hurt anyone. its not like I have a boyfriend for whom I need to look pretty or something.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door bell ring. 'looks like my father is home'
fearfully I walk over to the door, swallowing down the lump that formed in my throat, I opened the door carefully but instantly jumped back when a hand pushed back the door hard causing it to make a loud banging noise. gulping I tried my best to smile and control my erratic heart beat.
Behind the door stood my father with his shirt crinkled up and his hair was all over the place with his eyes blood shot red and his tie looked as if someone has been pulling it. It didnt take a rocket scientists to figure out that he just had sex and the red lipstick on his neck happen to only prove my suspicion. He slowly stumbled inside the house and when his eyes met mine he gave me his famous sinister smile, which was reserved only for me, and it sent chills down my spine. looking at him with disgust in my eyes I turned to go upstairs only to be stopped by his sickening voice.
" and-d w-where d-ddo y-you-u thi-in-nk y-you-ur g-goin-ng" he fumbled on his words grabbing my wrist and turning me around my breathing was getting harsh but I still refused to utter a word.
he pulled me towards him and gently stroked my hair
"y-you-u lo-ook j-ju-ust l-li-ike he-er" my heart was thumping at this moment and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. suddenly he gripped my hair hard causing me to cry out in pain and my hand automatically moved ontop of his begging him to lossen his grip. "that-ts ri-ight-t y-you b-bitch-h, cr-ry-y, b-beg-g for-r me-rcy-y. she c-ri-ied the-e s-same way-y did-dnt she-e? a-and-d what-t d-did you d-do? y-you r-ran, leaving her alone" he slurred loudly in my ear, making it hard for me to control my tears.
"you-u a-are g-going to g-get p-pun-nish-hed for-r it-t" he yelled at me and slapped me hard across the face with the back of his hand as soon as his ring made contact with my nose I knew it would have blood coming out of it. I fell on the floor in the fetal position while he kicked me and punched any where he could making me scream from the immense pain
"shhhhhh... baby-y g-girl, we wouldnt-t w-want-t the neigh-bours heari-ing now do we-e?" he cooed in my ear. He then kicked me one more time before going to the kitchen to probably take out the food from the oven and eat it. I dragged myself upstairs careful not to hurt the bruises to much and as soon as I reached my room I closed the door and lied down on the bed letting the tears drown my cheeks.

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