Chapter 4

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I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight. And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you're going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.
------- C. JoyBell C.


i woke up the next morning with extreme pain in my body. it took me about 15mins just to get out of the bed, i couldnt even skip school because if i do and my father finds out then i'll be as good as dead. After alot of thinking i decided to get up and take a hot bath to relax my stiff muscles.
After spending about 20minutes in the bathtub i unwillingly got out, as i had only 45 minutes to make my father his breakfast, or he'll definitely chop my limbs off without a second thought. sighing i got ready for school and limped downstairs to prepare the breakfast. It felt as if my muscles were on fire i couldnt even walk more than 2minutes without getting out of breath, i had no clue how i'll able to walk 20minutes to school.
i prepared the breakfast 1 minutes early, i sighed in relief and grabbed my bag and headed towards the door, I didnt want to be around with my father when he wakes up.


Arriving at school 10 minutes to spare i sighed in relief, i didnt want to be late on my second day aswell, even though i had no idea how i managed to walk this fast, but as i could barely feel my muscles, it was miracle i hadnt passed out yet.
I went inside the school and straight to my class, sitting down, i took out my binder and pen and started revising yesterday's lesson.
after about 2minutes of revising i heard a voice behind me. "BOO"
instantly, i jumped from my seat and pressed my back towards the wall with my hands infront of me to prevent a hit "please dont hit me, please" i mumbled over and over again. my eyes were tightly closed waiting for the hit but all i heard was laughter in the response, slowly opening my eyes i saw Ace leaning on the cupboard beside me, clutching his stomach while laughing with tears coming out of his eyes, thats when i released a breath i didnt know i was holding and slowly scanned the classroom to see Aiden standing near the board with his arms crossed over his hard chest and his legs crossed infront him and he was looking at me intently, like trying to solve a puzzle, by the look he was giving me it wasnt hard to figure out that he heard what i was repeating 2minutes ago. despite him looking at me intently with his eyes, he still had an expressionless face. avoiding his eyes i looked back at Ace to see him trying to recover from his laughter, after coughing a bit at the end he turned towards me, "your face, it looked as if i was about to kidnap you, and take you to the Halloween witch so she could cook you for her dinner" he said between his coughs and i just kept looking at him with a confused look "Halloween witch?" i asked with the same confused look. He only grinned in response before answering "dont you remember we use to think that there is a witch, who comes on every halloween to kidnap children and eat them for her lunch and dinner?" he said in a 'duh' tone like i'm stupid for not remembering it. I was looking at him even more confused now " Ummmm.... noooooo...i've never heard this story" i said dragging out the no, Ace then scrunched his nose and scratched the back of his head in the most adorable way. he looked really cute all confused and embarrassed.
'wait, did i just call him cute? no no no... ella he cannot be cute. you cant think of him like that.'
Ace then turned towards Aiden "hey man? you've heard of it havent you? the halloween witch?" he asked him. Aiden rolled his eyes before replying "no one has heard that story Ace, your mum only used to say that to you to stop you from going out for trick and treating" Aiden replied in a bored tone his face still expressionless.
"but why would she do that?" he all but whined at Aiden.
Aiden again rolled his eyes at him before replying "because the two years that you did get to do it, you used to pull old couples pants down as a trick or throw stink bomb in their houses" Aiden said making Ace grin like a cheshire cat. "yeah! those were good days" Ace said almost proud of himself. "remember that old lady whose pant i pulled down? she had all those gorilla ha-" but i cut him off before he could say anything else, "Ace eeww please dont ever finish that sentence, how could you do that! specially to a poor old lady" i said scrunching up my nose in disgust.
"fine fine, egghead, relax, but you got to admit, it sounds fun" Ace said holding his hands up in surrende, making me roll my eyes at him. just then the bell rang signalling the start of school.


when lunch time rolled in i decided to head to library again but was stopped by my teacher.
"ella can i talk to you for a second" my history teacher called out to me. nodding my head i packed my bag and waited for the class to be empty before walking upto her desk. "yes ma'am" i mumbled waiting for her to finish signing some paper before answering. "Ahh. yes, actually i wanted some help can you go upto the computer lab after school and finish a report for me. i already have alot of work and i need to submit that report tomorrow at any cost, so do you think you could do it?" "Umm. yes ofcourse i'll do it for you" "excellent, here are the details, you just need to copy this down and add a little points here and here." she said pointing to different papers laid infront of her, collecting the paper from the desk, she thanked me before i picked up my bag and walking out of the class.


After school i went upto the computer lab and finished the report my history teacher gave me. After finishing the report i headed downstairs only to see its dark outside from the windows, looking at the clock hung up in the corridor i noticed its 6:00, our school finishes at 3:00, it took me 3hours to finish a report.
shit! my dad gets home at 8. i need to be there before he arrives, or he'll definitely kill me.
rushing towards the door as fast as i could, with the pain in my body, i tried pushing and pulling the door only to find it locked. groaning loudly i tried banging the door shouting but it was of no avail.
"theirs no use, i've already tried all the doors and windows" a voice suddenly says behind me making me scream a little.I turned around to glare at the person.
"you scared me, dont do that again" i mumbled.
"i've noticed you get scared very easily, don't you?" he said with his same expressionless face that he always has.
"do you always stay this expressionless?" i suddenly blurted out, regretting my question instantly. Aiden only raised an eyebrow at my
question. "thats none of your business" he said a little too harshly. mumbling a quick sorry i looked down towards my feet. "i need to get home before 8 isnt their anyway to get of here?" i asked him. he only turned around and started walking back to where he came from."nope i've checked every door and window, we cant get out of here until someone comes and open the door for us." he called out as he continued to walk. "where are you going?" i called out after him. "away from you" he replied and turned around the corner and disappearing out of my view.
'great now i'm all alone in this hell hole, can this day get any better' i thought sarcastically, only to be proven wrong as right at that moment the lights start flickering and then they were turned off. 'great, just fan-fuckin-tastic' and the cherry on the top was that i was immensely scared of the dark, i couldnt stand it and yet, here i was all alone in this new hell hole, with the schools most mysterious bad boy who was roaming around god knows where leaving me all alone in this dark place.


hope you liked it :)
and please excuse my mistakes.

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