Chapter 26

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You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.

William W. Purkey

I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans as I entered the tall building. I came here in my lunch break and need to get back in an hour hopefully this wont take that long "Hi my name is Isabella I'm here for this job?" I asked the lady at the reception showing her the article and she smiled at me sweetly "Ah, yes darling, do you have an appointment?" "Umm, no I saw this last night and today is the last day, so I didnt get a chance to call for an appointment" I replied her kind of unsure. "Well, let's see if I can squeeze you in, give me a minute" she gestured and picked up the phone dialling a few numbers. I stood nervous playing with my fingers as I waited for her to finish. "Ok, you're lucky the boss has some time, she'll see you now, head upstairs on the 3rd floor and ask the reception for Mrs.Daniel tell her Hannah sent you" I nodded my head and thanked her as I made my way towards the elevator.
"Hi I'm looking for Mrs Daniel? Hannah sent me" I said to her and she showed me into the most luxurious office ever. I looked around in awe almost forgetting why I came here as I heard someone clearing their throat making me snap out of it. "Oh hi, I'm so sorry, it's nice to meet you" I spoke quite confidently almost surprising myself with my tone. She nodded her head and gestured me to sit. "So Hannah told me that you came for the job of the nanny and maid?" "Yes yes I did" "well do you have any experience?" "Not alot, but I swear I'm a very fast learner. I will learn in no time" she nodded her head at my answer. "What can you do?" She cross questioned me. "I'll do whatever you want me to cleaning, cooking, taking care of the baby almost everything but the only thing is I also go to school so my timings will have to be after school" I explained to her. "Ok well, leave your number out on the desk and we'll get back to you. If I select you I'll give you all the details." she gestured towards the door with her hand. 'Thats it?' I thought to myself as I Thanked her, gripped the strap of my bag tightly and made my way out of the room.
"Listen!" She called me from behind "yes maam?" I turned back around to face her "can you stay the night? If need be?" And I thought for a second. If I tell him it's for a job he wont mind surely. "Yes, sometimes I can. Not all the time though" I replied rather confidently and she just nodded "ok thanks" she said and I took that as a cue to leave her room. Internally praying to get a call from her soon.



Arriving back at school I went straight upto Michael who was sitting with Aiden and Ace in an empty classroom "I need to talk to you" I spoke without even glancing at Aiden. But I could tell from the corner of my eyes that he was not happy that I came to Mike and not him. Michael just dusted his jeans off as he stood up and quietly followed me out of the class. "What's up?" He said as he leaned against the locker. "I applied for a job and gave your number. I need you're phone for 24-48 hours." I begged him "what? He asked confused. "I cant explain much I just need you're phone for 2 days. If they accept me they'll call on you're number" I explained him slowly and he just nodded "ok, but where is you're phone?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Phones are useless dad never got me one" I gave him my best nervous laugh. He just looked at me confused but handed it over to me showing me the passcode "DO NOT go through my phone" he said in a serious tone. "I promise but please don't tell anyone" I grinned up at him and he did a lips sealed action making me laugh. We both headed back inside still laughing but it died down soon as I saw Aiden's face. He stood abruptly and left the class with a loud bang. "What happened to him?" I asked Ace and he just shrugged. "By the way class got cancelled, sir just messaged he had some emergency" I looked back at the door that Aiden had just left from "great, you two have fun I'll be right back" I said as I turned around without waiting for a reply and ran after Aiden.

Arriving at the back of the school I walked up towards the back garden. Where I first rambled on about Aiden's mole. Shaking my head at the memory and my guess was proven right as I saw Aiden sitting there with a cancer stick in his mouth. I walked upto him and took it out of his mouth "What the-" he turned around in anger and stopped as he saw me. "Why are you angry?" I said just as he said "why are you here?" "Answer my question, first" we both said again in unison and he groaned after that. "Why are you angry?" I asked him again and he ran his hand through his hair. "Because I'm always angry" he said angrily to me and took out another one of his cancer stick and I just snatched that from his hand and threw it onto the ground squashing it with my feet. "Not the Aiden I know, now talk to me like a normal adult" I hissed up at him as I folded my arms against my chest. He glared at me as he walked upto me and I refused to give up standing my ground infront of him. His face came closer to mine and he hissed with his blank expression evident on his face "this is who I am, there is no other Aiden. There is only one and thats me right here who is angry, frustrated and want to punch something" "you weren't this Aiden when you kissed me" I pointed my finger up and down at him and he inhaled as I brought up the topic he probably didnt want me too. He backed off from me and turned his back to me taking deep breaths then running his hand through his hair. "It was a mistake" I said to him before I could think about what was coming out of my mouth and he had a chance to say anything. I knew he was thinking of words to somehow express what I just said. He was being nice to me just because of my abuse. Otherwise someone like Aiden can never fall for someone like me. And even if he did, this wont work out. My dad will make his life a living hell and who knows when he'll tell me to pack up again and move. I couldnt take that risk with Aiden. Whether he thought it was a mistake or not I dont know. But there was no other options we had to forget about it and move on. I cant be too attached to him and end up hurting him aswell. Besides, we both are very different from each other. It just wouldn't work. His head whipped towards me as fast as I could blinked probably anger seeping through his eyes and I just looked down waiting for what was about to come "what did you just say?" He hissed back at me and I lost all the confidence that I had built up in so many days to come talk to him about this. He walked up to me again and looked me in the eye as he was groaned out loud and just uttered the word "fine" and walked out leaving me standing there alone. What just happened? What did I do wrong? I said what he wanted to hear. Sighing in defeat I started to walk back to class only to be interrupted by a ringing sound. I fished out Mickey's phone from my pocket and answered it as normally as I could "hello?" I said and was greeted by a hello from the other side "am I speaking with miss Isabella?" The lady queried and I nodded my head forgetting that she couldn't see me. "Sorry, yes this is her" I replied sheepishly. "You came by today at AD enterprises for a job interview as a nanny?" And I nodded again before replying "yes yes I did" I said now getting excited. "Congratulations you got the job. Mrs Daniels however would like you to come over after school to talk about your responsibilities and pay" "Yes, ofcourse I'll be there by 4. Thank you very much" I told her in my fake professional tone and she hung up with a goodbye. I squealed loudly as I clutched my bag tighter and jumped up and down in excitement. I smiled widely before heading back inside the school for my next class.

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