Chapter 10

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Usually, people think that I'm a strong, happy person..but behind my smiles they just don't know how much I'm in pain and almost broken..
------ unknown

Running back inside the school I held the door to stop myself from running even more and took deep breaths before straightening my clothes out and clutching my bag tightly around my shoulder before continuing walking in my own daze. What the hell was I thinking? rambling infront of him like a fool. He must be thinking that I'm a retard or something. How could I be so stupid? mentally slapping the back of my head twice I kept on Walking until I reached the busy corridor with all the lockers, It looked more like a fish market. Sighing and barely paying attention to people around me I kept walking until I tripped because of something or should say someone. Looking up I noticed the school barbie standing in front of me tapping her foot with a evil smirk on her face. Great just what I needed. Looking back down I noticed people still passing by me stepping on my bag, books clothes and not even caring a bit. One of the student walked passed me in a hurry while hitting his loaded bag in my face causing a loud thud to occur in the corridor but not loud enough to empower the chatting sound of the students. His bag then fell off his shoulder and landed even more painfully on my knee. What did he carry stupid law books in his bag? why is it so damn heavy? It nearly broke my knee with a way it landed but he could care less as he turned out and scowled at me. "why are you sitting in a corridor full of students? If you are so interested in getting injured go ask someone else to help I dont freaking have time" He hissed as he roughly grabbed his bag but its zip was stucked onto my baggy jeans he cussed loudly probably worried about being late to his class as he ripped the sides of my jeans and walked away in a hurry. I looked upto see the barbie who's name I had already forgotten standing with her little minions laughing about the scene that just occured less than two minutes ago. As she noticed me staring she coughed trying to hide her laughter and then after about two minutes of her coughing fit she bent down grabbing me from my collar and pulling me up and slamming me in the nearest locker while hissing at me "didn't I tell you stay the fuck away from Aiden?" she said through gritted teeth "This is your last warning. If I see you even walking past him again." she stopped and smirked at me before continuing "well lets just say you wont even know what hit you" and with a wink she pushed me back on the ground and plunged her 6 inch heel in my already throbbing knee making me almost scream as tears entered my eyes. Giving me a one last evil glance she walked away with her side dolls swaying her hips in the most unattractive way. As she rounded the conor I let my first tear fall along with the other ones waiting, with a shaky breath and trembling hands I pulled my bag out from under me and picked up my scattered stuff wiping my tears in between. Suddenly a hand game from nowhere picking my now full bag while gently pushing me up from the ground with their hands on my shoulder. Looking up through my glassy vision I saw Ace standing infront of me with a concerned and worried expression "Isabelle! are you okay? I just saw Melissa walking with a-" but I cut him off before he said anything else "I need to leave, I'll see you later" after saying that I turned around and limped my way to my class not caring about my physical condition.


Arriving at my class door step I took a deep breath before knocking on the door and entering ever so slowly. All gazes turned towards me and I heard gasps all around the class. The teacher was quick to be by my side before bombarding me with her questions. "Are you okay dear?" "what happened?" "who did this to you?" and of course my favourite "do you need to go to the nurse?" I shook my head giving her a faint smile "I'm fine miss just slipped from the stairs, missed a step" I mumbled while scanning the class for an empty seat. The luck seemed to be on my side as I found one right next to Aiden. Note the sarcasm. Limping my way to Aiden I sat down and threw my bag on the floor before taking my notes out and getting started on the work. After a minute of silence I noticed Aiden shoulders were rigid but his face remained as blank as before and he had the pen clutched so tightly around in his fist that for a moment I thought he would snap it into 3-4 pieces.I slowly leaned towards him whispering "Are you okay?" but the only response I got was him glaring at me, clearing my throat I turned my attention back to my book ignoring him but he surprised me with answering my question with a gritted teeth "who?" he said. okay maybe he didnt answer my question but he still answered me. That was better than nothing. "what?" I asked him my own question completely confused by his. "I said who did this?" he asked more like hissed at me but I shook my head before replying "no one I already said that I tripped from the stairs" I mumbled playing with my fingers. Mentally, wishing that he doesnt question me further and thankfully he just scoffed shaking his head in response and decided not to comment on the topic further, much to my relief. I turned my attention back to the teacher who was about to tell us about our assignment. "okay, Listen everyone I'm assigning you guys your assignment as we discussed about it in the previous class, I want a full information on each of your topics and not just a copy paste of from the internet. The main purpose of this assignment is it to get you guys to interact with different people around you. So I want you guys to put as much effort as you can because the grade for this assignment will also be added in your mid-terms, and as for your partner you'll be working with the same person you're sitting next too. so good luck" Hearing the last sentence my head snapped towards Aiden just as his snapped towards mine and he glared at me like I personally requested the teacher to let me work with him. He cussed loud enough for me to hear before picking up his bag and walking about of class with a loud bang .
Oh boy.

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