[25] We Are Not For Sale

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Allison's point of view.

I listen a little more but hear nothing, I try to remember where the scream came from. Suddenly, I hear car engine from further away, I catch my pace and start running towards the sound of engine whirling. I run my fastest but the sound got weaker and weaker. I yell for it to stop but no avail, I can still see it. I hear the loud noise from bushes and I turn around. Kira. I smile quickly and hug her, she prances her head and I grab her mane, throwing myself on her back. She rears but I grip her mane and calm her down. I ask her to gallop towards the sound which was getting further and weaker, the car has nearly escaped my sight. She obeys and gallops her fastest towards the car, leaves rise in the sky as she dashes over them quickly. I bend closer to her neck, allowing her to speed up, I hit her with my heel and she gathers her strength for the speed I never felt. Kira catches the car and outpaces it. The car stops asides and I dismount Kira, who stays on exact same place. I walk closer to the car and I jump back as doors open.

''Who are you?'' I ask while trying to show least signs of fear.

''Just get in the car, please,'' Older woman says, pointing at the doors. I gulp but do as she says. I open the doors and throw myself on the seat. I turn around and see Tessa.

''Oh! Tess, are you alright?'' I hug her and she tightly hugs me. I smile and she smiles back.

''Yes,'' She replies.

''Did they hurt you?'' I question while looking up and down at her.

''Nope,'' She responds and leans in her seat.

''Did they-?'' I start but she cuts me off.

''Oh god All, no!" She groans and I shrug ''Just wanted to know,'' I wink at her and she shakes her head.

''Anyways, what do they want?'' I ask, shaking my head at the driver, which was two rows in front.

''I don't know, they want the ranch or Kira'' Tessa's eyes welled in tears.

''Heard that before,'' I mutter under my breath and she shakes her head.

''This time serious!"

''But we are not for sale! They gotta learn that first hand'' I shout and the driver gives me a glare, he didn't hear us.

''I know as much you,'' She side hugs me and I lower my head ''I am not giving Kira up.''

I have to make a decision, to sell the horse which helped me live and made my life a point, or, to sell a ranch which Brittney was earning for, living for and dreaming of, her whole life, where Swiftfire lived, where are homes of horses and bonds between owners and horses.

One horse for the whole ranch, I know that both will be mistakes but we will be forced to one of them. What do I do know? I lost my mind! I got them in this! Argh, I simply can't decide.

''Where are they going to take Kira?'' I wipe my tears and she weakly smiles.

''DD stables,'' She simply replies and I roll my eyes.

''Sorry,'' She hugs me. A quiet sob escapes my lips but I hug her back.

'' It is not your doing, my dear.'' I smile and look at the driver, which had a smirk playing on his lips. I stick my tongue out to him and he rolls his eyes but continues to drive.

''Bring sie Zum Rathaus!'' The driver shouts in German, I know its german but I don't know what it means.

''He said 'Bring her to the city hall','' Tessa translates.

''Jawohl sofort sir!'' Guard replies in German and starts walking towards my door. Guard opens the door and I scream, jumping back.

''Herkommen!'' He probably says for me to come. He pulls me by my hair and I walk out. I let out a scream and follow him.

''I can walk,'' I mumble and he shakes his head. He leads me to a room and throws me inside and leaves. I see a man sitting in the chair, he had slicked back brown hair with some white hairs, his face was dolly, his eyes brown and I am sure he is in the late 40s. Maybe even early 50s but hard.

''Please, let's not get deeper in trouble.'' He states, fakely smiling.

''What?'' I jump back.

''Make a decision,''

Wild Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें