[9] I Know You Will Remain Silent

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Thank you for my lovely cover/banner KatherineLange_


I open my eyes and turn around, blocking the light which aimed for my eyes. I look further and next to the road I see Kira laying. She had so many scars and burns on her back, her mane was full of leaves, thorns, and burs. Her tail was messy and it had a big ball of burs attached, that hang on her heir and mud.

As I approach, she lifts herself off the ground and shakes her coat, her white coat was no longer white but brown from dirt and mud.

''Hey, girl. This is a forbidden part of Pinewood acres.'' I coo and she bobs her head. Thankfully, nobody would ever know.

''I have to go get my horse,''  I say, patting the mare gently, I gaze at her eyes, which looked innocent, sad, but not scared. She was not afraid of me. She was tensed and I could feel it as I continue to pat her, her wounds and scratches bled and her white coat was stained red.

''You poor baby,'' I say, breaking the pat, I walk off towards the place I left Swiftfire. I feel dizziness but it passes as I take a deep breath. I see Swiftfire tied to a tree, he was laying and he looked at me. I untie the reins and I sit on his back. He lifts himself off the ground and I take the reins under my control. I ask him to walk away and he obeys, flickering his ears and swishing his tail. I pull on the reins and go towards the place I saw Kira.

''Oh girl, I wish they don't find you'' I smile and she snorts, kicking her belly nervously.  I charge Swiftfire to gallop and he dashes away from the mare. I feel guilty for leaving her but there is no turning back. I lower down and Swiftfire spots the barricade in front of us. He speeds up and bounces off the ground, making me feel like flying. I collect myself closer to his neck as he lands down, his hooves clearing the leaves as locked to the ground.

He continues to run as nothing happened. It was getting late and everyone has gone back to stables. I arrive when the last sunray hit the oil can which was in front of the barn. It shines right to my eyes before disappearing behind the horizon. He trots in the barn and I give a slight pull on the reins and move my legs forward. He stops and I dismount, patting his withers. ''Thank you, boy'' I lead him to his stable and tie him inside with the reins. I unfasten the straps of the saddle and slide it off his back. I toss down the blanket.

I walk off to the storeroom and grab one of the grooming boxes, I make my way back to Swiftfire and get the curry comb to remove the dirt and dust. I do so and then pass it with a soft brush. I comb his mane and tail with him not moving an inch. I untie the reins and slide them off his large head. I pat his face-line and take all the equipment with me. I walk through the barn aisle and I see Victor at his horse's stable ''Where have you been?'' He asks while grooming Bella.

''I um...well I stayed with my horse in the woods'' I lie and he chuckles.

''Fine, be aware'' He says before continues to groom her and I stick my tongue out to him. He didn't notice it and I exit the barn, entering the storeroom where I drop the equipment and I remember the board that wrote on Swiftfire's stable wall:

Feeding Schedule 

Mornings: Feed strictly 3-grain cups. During the training or rides feed treats.

Afternoons: Allow him to rest and graze at the pasture.

Evenings: Feed him a quarter of hay bale or more if you followed a schedule for Afternoons and Mornings if you haven't fed him anything earlier that day give him half and quarter of a hay bale with 2 cups of grains.

Please Respect The Feeding Schedule For This Horse

Alright. I didn't feed him anything because I thought other people were feeding him. I enter the food sections and get a hay bale, I share it to half and add one more quarter, I also fill a bucket with 2 cups of grains and carry it to Swiftfire's stable. I spill the grains and he starts eating them, and I push the hay in his manger.

I pat him and he lifts his head, eying me.

''Goodnight'' I say, before leaving his stable and closing it with a hasp. I sigh and look at Victor which passes next to me ''Goodnight, All'' He says, smiling. ''Night'' I leave. I enter the house and blindly follow my 'instincts' to my room. I close the doors loudly and hear a darn from across the room. Eeesh. I change into my sleeping clothes and throw these in a washing crib. All on my own. My eyes close and I feel the warmth from my comforter which allows me to fall into a deep sleep easier.

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