[22] Wanted

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I know you all are thinking about killing me for not updating but don't! If you kill me I will NEVER be able to update it again, so its worthless, thanks for being patient my dearies! It mean a lot.




Her hooves gently slide through the sand, making the gentle moves of the dressage line, public applauses and I smile widely, she moves sideways while keeping her huge head and neck bent down, she walks around the poles which were main lines in dressage, with my control she circles them as NOTHING. I pat her neck while holding back on the reins, I felt guilty for dressage being a slight harsh but all I could do is enjoy public applauding us.


I jolt from my dream and look at the ceiling which was lit by the early morning rays. I groan and remember my dream. Dressage. I erect from my bed and change in my daily clothes, I abandon my room and walk downstairs. Brittany entering the house catches my attention.

''Brittany?'' I ask ''Is everything all right?''

''Its alright,'' She sighs

''Where is Victor?'' I question and she deeply sighs, looking back outside.

''Victor, is gone. He will not becoming till the winter...'' She trails off and I gulp.

''Oh...'' Is all I say and leave the house. I frown while entering the stable, I hear a soft nicker coming from Kira's stable. I stop at her doors and she flickers her ears while laying down. I  open the stable and before I enter it I throw a glance at Swiftfire's empty stable, I shut my eyes and close Kira's stable doors. I kneel next to her and she sniffs my face.

''I did not take anything for you,'' I smile ''Lets go on a morning walk,''.

I exit her stable and make my way to the store room, I find a matching tack and good treats and stuff them in my pocket, I carry everything to her stall and slumber on the ground, tack falling over me, a white muzzle appears above my face and I feel it tickling my nose, I gather my breath and let out a loud sneeze, Kira snorts while opening her stall by pulling the lock. She walks to me and stand still while I get up. I pick up the saddle pad and show it to Kira, she sniffs it and I place it on her back, I do the same with a saddle and she allows me to click the straps together, I pull the bridle over her massive head and find them rather fitting, I pull an apple cube out of my pocket and hand it to her, she munches it while bobbing her head.

I pat her and grab the reins, leading her out of the barn. We walk by the thin dirt road and I smile, hearing the beautiful, soft sing of birds. We enter a huge pine forest, which had lush trees that light seemed greenish on our path, the stumps were filled with water that flies and other animals and insects stopped and drank.

''Girl, do you want to try?'' I ask, placing my hand on her back, she lowers her head, nipping at the grass, I grab the reins and put my leg in the stirrup, I toss myself on her back and she lifts her head up tall.

''Whoa, easy girl, easy.'' I coo, calming her down. I press my heels to her side gently and she walks in front, her head is low and she does not mind me on her back, she is relaxed just as me, hmmh.

I loosen the grip on the reins and she changes the gait to her elegant trot, she speeds up to the gallop and I grip the reins, she darts over the thin dirt road and cuts the curve, with my command, we slowly 'glide' on the curves instead of cutting them, she breathes heavier as she spots a pond on our way, I rise myself from the saddle and she leaps over the pond, furthermore, her hooves touch the ground, starting canter again.

The surroundings around us were unusual, the forest stops and road gets thicker, the surroundings were lit by the sun and yells echo through the prairies, meadows and thin forests around. Village.

I pull the reins a slight and Kira slows down to walk, I stop her by straightening my legs and I dismount, I pull the reins over her head and lead her.

Villagers do not pay attention to us till I open the creaky gate. Crap. I and my horse pass through.

''Horse!" I hear them yelling while grabbing pitchforks.

''Its the wild horse! Its her!'' They continue, while coming closer with pitchforks aimed at Kira, whom rears, throwing her hooves tall in the air, they all gasp and jump back.

''Leave us alone! She is different! Please,'' I try to solve the disorder. Kira tries to show signs of fear but I lower my hand and she steps backwards.

''That mare, can never be different,'' Ugly villager claims and I shake my head. I pull the reins over her neck and place them on the horn, I grab it and hoist myself on her back. ''If you don't wish to leave us, we will leave you.'' I state and press my heels to Kira's sides. She urges a gallop through the village, leaving dust from the dirt road in their faces. Kira is stressed as much as me and we are not welcomed here, they want us away. They want Kira.

I slow her on edge of the village and we go around the fence, entering the thin forest, I pat her shoulder reassuringly, making her feel alright. She pricks her ears back and looks in distance, I frown as I hear quick whirls, I ask her to go further and she cautiously does, she keeps her eyes to the location of the whirling sounds, when we come on the clearer area, we both understand what was causing whirling sounds. The engines of cars, which hurried over the ruined asphalt road, whom led far over the hills, and far far away from home. I am considering Kira and myself lost.

''We have to come back,'' I say but something stops my gaze, sound of neighing coming from the down hill, I peek over and see a man riding a chestnut thin horse which could be mistaken as brown, thanks to the mud. Furthermore, man comes closer and I stop on my tracks, I realize who that man actually is.

Francisco Jones


That means we are in trouble, big trouble.


I am so so so so so so sorry for not updating sooner! I really am! Thanks for being patient it means so much to me! I am glad you decided to continue reading this, more will come quicker this time, every comment (Nice one) is welcome and vote, I am not much into reading these days so don't ask me much. Thanks so much.

Have a horsey day,

Sincerely, your Nancy Moore

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