[23] Options

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''Give my horse back, you have nothing to do with her.'' Mr. Jones says with evil grin.

''What about the police? Don't they have anything against you?'' I confusedly look at him.

''No, they let me have my rule, that horse is supposed be transfered to the driving&dressage CO, by me,'' He says but in my mind there is suspicion.  Why would they want her driving the carts around and dressage.

''You are lying!" I snap and he laughs. I quickly mount Kira and press my heels to her side, she gallops by the road, leaving dust to Mr. Jones, ugly Mr. Jones. I pull the reins and we enter the forest, leaving trails to our track. ''Yah!" I purse her to go faster and she obeys, her ears flickering. She stretches her neck as she speeds up to wanted speed, enough to escape the trouble.

This is not possible, they want her for dressage, how does that make sense, I mean she was a wild horse and this is senseless, I mean not wild to go out in herds, but crazy horse she was, she used to bite, kick, rear and hate everything on her way, she was scared, they could not possibly get her to dressage, or even driving, why does she need to drive a cart around the roads? Senseless! She is not a horse for that, she belongs here with me, not with some abusive monster of an owner, I will not let that happen. She is not doing any dressage or driving.

She suddenly stops and I fly over her neck, I let out a scream as I tangle on the reins and fall in front of her, I let go of the reins which lifted as she rears, I swallow and roll asides, it was a second before her hooves landed where I was earlier. I sigh and see Mr. Jones on his horse.

''You can't escape this,'' He laughs,

''No! You are not taking her, ever.'' I boldly snap at him and he looks away.

''I will give you two options'' He finally decides to say something ''If you follow me,''.

''I-'' I feel a  nudge on my shoulder by Kira as she stares directly at my eyes.

''Where are we going?'' I question and he grins, gesturing me to mount my horse. Wait, he looks different, he is not as ugly as before, huh, weird. How can people change by 1 week. I never said he was not ugly, but he was less uglier.

I ask Kira to follow Mr. Jones and she does, with hesitation, I mean, I would. The thin dirt road slowly parts, like cars or other vehicles were passing here, the mud locks the pasterns on both of our horses. I dislike the idea following this man (creep). I continue anyways and Kira seems uncomfortable, like she can sense something I can't and I wonder what is it.

''How much more?'' I ask and he shakes his head, gesturing me to shut up, this is starting to be creepy. The forests starts to get darker and Kira is getting spooked easily, I suggest we stop and return, since its getting late and others are probably worried sick for me.

''Allison!" Someone shouts behind me. Tess.

''Tess?'' I dismount and run towards Tess, which dismounted her horse too. I hug her and she looks at Kira.

''No!" She scares me and I turn around, Mr. Jones, well he was gone, with Kira.


''Come on, boy!" Tessa whispers to her big Percheron horse, which unfortunately had to carry us both. I have a feeling the ground is shaking under him as he gallops, even canters. We have to find Francisco and Kira, this is really bad, this is bad.

He cuts the curve and we spot some hoof prints on then muddy ground under the leaves, Hugo obeys Tessa which asks him gently to follow them. Forest ends here and city starts, it was an older town, but still a town. I dismount and so does Tess, she ties her horse in a huge knot and whispers something to him. ''On a whistle,'' It sounds something like that but I don't know. Tess and I walk in the town and see Francisco entering a cream wooden building. I chase after him and see Kira next to it. I hug her by her neck and she bows her head. '' I was so worried, I thought I would never find you, are you alright? He didn't hurt you?'' She snorts as I speak and I untie the knot. I hand the reins to Tess ''Tess, get her and Hugo to safe, go back to the ranch.'' I say seriously. ''But-'' I cut her off ''Go!" She nods and rides away on Hugo, with Kira behind, she shoots me a last glance and I nod. I go in the building and see Francisco.

''Oh, you arrived,'' He grins evilly and I nod.

''Now I will tell you the two options, only ones,''  He speaks seriously and I nod ''Speak up, creep.''

''Surrender Kira, or sell the whole farm''


Dont get stressed, its just the book! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I am sorry it was short.


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