[14] Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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Following sunny day was great. I woke up earlier, but this time earlier. I decide to go to Kira. On my way, I see Mrs. Nelson. I grin and she smiles, relieved expression was on her face and I could sense something was different. I walk to paddock where I left Kira last time but I stop on my track. She is not there. I look around and run to another paddock. No. I check next and next but there is no sign of Kira. Maybe someone returned her to the barn. I start to worry and run pass by Mrs. Nelson, I run in the barn and look in Kira's stable. She is not there. I began to get more worried for her as I check every empty stable but she is not here. I have to find her. I enter Swiftfire's stable and pat him ''I have to hurry'' I mutter and grab his mane. Alright. I throw my leg over him and hoist my self on his back. He dances in one place and I grip on his mane, sending him out of his stall, he runs past by Mrs. Nelson which did not show act of confusion. I purse him to go faster and he gallops over the abandond road.

''Kira!" I yell her name, tears building in my eyes. I bounce on his back a little as he goes quicker and he erects over a log. I pat his neck during his run and he dashes ever quicker. I look around and eveerything seems smudgy, from the speed and my tears. Swiftfire continues to run and I bend closer to his neck. He speeds up to maximum and his mouth start foaming. I purse his to the left curve of devastated road. I pull his mane and slip off his back. I run in the forest, yelling Kira's name. Tears build in my eyes and I look above. Clouds gathered and sun was blocked from shining to the ground. I sense rain. It starts to pound down on leaves and I run back to where I left Swiftfire. I jump on his back and turn him around to enter the forest. He disobeys till I kick him harder, which he obeyes and dashes in the forest.

''Come on boy! Yah!" I shout and he avoids the trees, as if in the barrel racing. His hooves pound on the grass as we leave the forest and my heart beat races, I have feeling that Swiftfire can hear it too. Sound of his hooves pounding on ground increases and I shake my head. It starts to spin in my head and I loose my balance, Swiftfire drifts to another curve and I slip off his back, I land on the grass and hit my head against the cold and wet ground. He rears and runs before everything goes black.


I hear beeping and I slowly open my eyes, I stare on the ceiling. White. Suddenly a face appears on my vision and I freak out. Its Tess.

''Tess'' I groan and she smiles.

''Are you alright?'' She asks worried.

''I am fine, what happened?'' It seems that my memory was wiped away.

''One of the groups found you on a glade, your head was bleeding and Swiftfire was next to you.'' She replies, resting her hand on my shoulder.

''Oh...is Swiftfire okay?'' I wonder.

I eye my arms and see that many mechines and needles were stuck in my arm and there is an X-Ray scanner.

''He was delivered back to barn safely'' Tessa replies and I nod my head.

Doctor enters and he smiles at me ''Miss, are you feeling better?'' He questiones and I nod my head.

''Very'' I say and he smiles again.

''You experienced concussions, it traits might be headache, blurry vision, vomiting...etc'' He says and my eyes widen.

''Oh, that sucks'' I mutter, feeling slight headache.

''On your luck, it wont last more then 3 days, it could've been up to four weeks''  He smiles warmly and I nod sarcasticly.

I relax back in the uncomfortable bed and stare at the ceiling.

''Can I ride after three days?'' I ask and he smiles looking up at me.

''I was a rider once, you can. I know how it feels'' He says and I grin in amazement. My doctor is a rider, oops, correction was.

''I have to keep you three more days, no worries'' He says before leaving and I grunt. Shit.

Three Days Later

Doctors have taken my blood samples and I seem to be alright, my doctor said I can ride but careful, I can't do much harsh actions or lift heavy things, hell knows why. I thank the doctor for his help and leave the hospital. I walk outside and see many people walking by the streets. I see Tess and she grins. She runs towards me and pulls me in a hug.

''Oh thanks Tess!" I thank her for the hug and she grins.

''I am driving us back'' She says and leads me to her off roader car. Its a pick up rusty brown colored.

''Its yours?'' I ask and she nods, grining as she said cheese.

I sit on the passanger seat and close the doors loudly. Tess brings engine to life and drives out of the hospital parking. She carefully steers the car with her eyes not looking off the road, she was a good driver. I could not believe that someone her age would be an experienced driver like that. I glance out of the window and see small streets of city fade, we entered the country side. I guess the drive wont be long and I hope its that way, because I can't wait to see Kira. She probably missed me. After some time of drive Tessa pulls in a yard and I see ranch in front of me. I grin and thank Tessa ''Thanks'' I say before leaving the car and running out. I run towards the barn and see Serenity.

''Hi!" I sequal and pull her in hug. She smiles and I mirror her.

''How are you?'' She asks.

''Very good!" I say before running in barn to find Kira.

''Wait, Allison!" She yells but I ignore her, I look at her stable and my face drops disappointed. I check every empty stall and start to worry, my eyes start to get wet. I walk out of the barn and hit some people on my way to the paddock. I peek over the fence but I see no sign of her. Where is she?

I run to house of main head of the ranch and wipe my eyes.

''Where is Kira?'' I ask, clearly depresed.

''Sit , miss'' She says, gesturing me to sit.

''Kira has been bought here for some time, her previous owner was on trip to Switzerland and he left her for us, 4 days before in night, he came and kindly asked us to return her. We had to give him his horse.'' She sighs deeply and tears build faster in my eyes, they silently roll my cheeks.

''Are you kidding? You don't know how much I worked with her! You should've told me! Why didn't you tell me that she is going to go soon! You have no idea how any of have been treating her!'' I yell through my tears and kick the stool of the table before running out of the house. I cry and ignore the calls of  everyon that tried to explain. I look at the sky and continue crying.

''Im so sorry Kira'' I whisper and lie down on the grass, I sob and tears blury my vision. How could they possibly to that to me?

I run back in the house and enter my room. I shut the doors and lock them, last thing I needed are fake excuses.

I plop down on my bed and wipe off my tears. I have to get her back, I need her and she needs me. I miss her already.

Kira was the part of me that someone just broke off roughly.

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