[4] Time To Go

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Remember, Allison knows nothing about horses, and I try to make it that way. Don't judge how she explains.

This week was gone so quickly, I had fun with my best friends but now its time to go.

Now I wait for my parents to drive me to train station, I have to arrive at 8' o clock, my tickets were purchased.

My parents arrive and nod at me, entering their car. I sit in the back seat tucking the hair from my face. The day was pretty it was sunny and the cold breeze blew slowly.  I smile at my house, I will miss everything.

The car slides on a small drive away and joins the roadway. Its only a few miles to the station. Where I am leaving my luck and happy perfect life for a whole summer. Thank god it is not a whole year. I don't know what am I going to do without my best friends.

''We arrived, All,'' I hear my father say. I shake my thoughts and sigh deeply before opening my doors and stepping out.  I grab my luggage and pull it on the asphalted sidewalk to the station. My mother wraps her arms around my shoulder and I grin ''I will miss you, mom,'' I say, looking down. ''I know, we will miss you too,''.

My father speaks with a man and he hands me my ticket, I nod in thanks, walking to train platform. It opens the door and I look back.

''Its time to go,'' I whisper and walk on the train. I find my seat and look through the window and wave to my parents.

They wave back and they disappear from my view, next look on them is going to be the end of summer.


Full three hours the train was sliding on the rails. We were near. My thoughts were on everything, my friends, my family and my summer here. My summer here is probably equivalent to hell.

The train stops at the station and blows the steam as it stops. The man enters with inspector clothes and asks for my ticket. I give it to him and he nods, giving it back.

I exit the train and look around, we are at the country train station. I guess there will be someone to drive us to Pine-wood acres farm/ranch. I look in distance and see a yellow bus, students and children enter. Pure luck. I run towards it and read Pine-wood acres I enter the bus and the man nods ''Free, your name?''. ''Allison Laura Hummington'' I reply and he nods, writing it on a notepad.

''The last seat,'' He speaks and I nod, walking through the aisle, suddenly I trip on someone's leg and land on the floor. One girl next to me laughs with a sneaky smirk on her face. I frown as I already made enemies, I stay quiet and walk to the last seat. Pressing my cheek against the glass. The bus drove off the train station, the further it got the countryside became more fresh and nicer. The cows were on meadows, people on fields. And I even saw horses, not that I really care. But what I fear is that I am going to have to feed cows, and muck their stalls. Yuck!

The bus slid off the roadway to the driveway between pastures. With oh my god HORSES! It parked in front of something I could not catch.

I walk out of the bus after everyone does and look around.  The farm was large, it had green mowed grass and aisle between pastures that led to the barn. Which was white wooden walled and blue roof with HORSE head on top? It had a smaller house attached next to it. People were entering and leaving with HORSES. There was no asphalt or stony path, just deeply mowed path, to separate it from sides. The horses were grazing on the pastures and some were being ridden to a circular metal fence. Inside they trained horses to jump over some hurdles. I thought I would find cows and pigs and maybe chickens but all I found was horses.

I have a feeling I am going to get Hippo-phobia.  I don't like this.

''Hello, beginners. Welcome to Pine-wood acres farm. Let's have a look around,'' Woman announces and leads the group, I was first. To the barn.

''This is where we keep our friends. Horses. They live with us and you will learn not to fear them, but love them,'' She says, patting a horse. This horse is a yellow-red sorrel with a reddish mane. It has a splotch of white on the legs and front half and a white stripe down the face.

''What a color!" People shouted as they watched the rare color of the sorrel horse.

 ''As you saw, that is Azaque,'' She says smiling ''She is longest with us, from the start of the ranch, I literally brought her here as a filly''.

'' Let us move on!" She shouts walking to another horse.  She introduced us to many horses but she stopped in front of the closed stall where loud noise was heard.

Everyone stepped away.

''What is wrong with that horse?'' I step in front and ask.

''That's Kira, we call her Wild Girl. She was abused by her previous owners. I ask you not to come near,'' She says and I nod, looking at the stall.

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