[13] Unexpected

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I exit the car and smile towards Victor.

''Victor, thanks. The day was great'' I smile and start walking away. Suddenly he grabs my wrist and spins me around. Before I can blink, his lips crash on mine, our lips were perfectly fit together. He deepens the kiss and I wrap my hands around his neck, he pulled me closer to himself by wrapping his hands around my waist. We both pulled away, gasping for air. Suddenly it hit me, I start walking away and I look back ''This won't happen again, It was a mistake'' I say before walking away.

''Allison!" He calls my name, he was only one meter away. I hum and he pulls me back towards him. I want to kiss him again, but should I? I look at his eyes and crash my lips on his. My lips parted, letting him deepen the kiss. This kiss was shorter but more experienced.

''Well, who says all the mistakes are bad?''


I did not know what was that when we came back. I tried getting it out of my mind but it was worthless. I could not take the grin off my face.

I am starving and I decide to take something to eat. On my way to the canteen, I bump in Serenity.

''Oh, hey Serenity'' I exclaim as I see her.

''Hello'' She stutters and I grin.

''How are you?'' I ask, not knowing much about her but acting as she is my old time friend.

''Pretty well, what about you'' She replies, asking me. I nod.

''I am starving and I want food'' I say.

''Same,'' She laughs and we both enter the canteen, which was full I see Victor staring at me and I grin. He rolls his eyes and looks away. I laugh inside of me and sit next to Tessa and Serenity.

''How was your day, Tess?'' I ask, wrapping my hands around both of their shoulders.

''It was better than great, I was trail riding with my friends and we saw some interesting stuff'' She says and I nod. ''What we have for our meal?'' I examine the table and get up, handling my plate. I walk to the counter and take the spoon to scoop whatever there was for dinner. There was a toad in a hole, just the thought of it makes me water my mouth. I take my plate and make my way back to my friends. I dig in it with my fork and stuff it in my mouth. My friends chuckle as I continue chowing it in my mouth.

''What?'' I ask ''I am hungry''.

I finish my meal and brush my hands and mouth. This was delicious, I erect from the chair and push it under the table, hitting Tessa's legs which were stretched under.

''Ouch!" She yelps, rolling her eyes playfully. ''Sorry, and bye'' I giggle and she huffs. I leave the canteen and check the clock which was hanged on the ranch house wall. It is 14 and 56 o'clock. I walk into my room and slip my breeches off. I tug my shorts on and sit on jump on my bed. I am so tired. I yawn and cuddle to the sheets and pillows. They are so soft.

I yawn loudly once again and throw the blanket over me. Before heading to a good day's sleep. I roll on my side, hoping for the best to fall asleep, I was squirming about 15 minutes, I decide to quit. I yell and kick the covers off me. Abusive. I slip out of my bad and hop out of my shorts. I tug on my new breeches and other riding gear. I walk out of my room with helmet between my hips and hands. I clip it under my head and walk out. ''Good day'' I say, walking away from the crowd. They stare at me but I stop as I see Rachel next to Kira outside. She is trying to pull her back in the stable with a rope around her neck, tight. I frown and start walking furiously towards Rachel. ''What you think you are doing?!'' I shout, pulling her further from a mare. Which seemed to calm down when I came closer.

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