[21] Swiftfire

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Further on 2 weeks later, I was really close with Kira, but I did not ride her, I wanted to save her for some needed time....no...no...I have not seen Victor.

I walk from the house and roam to the barn, I hear trotting and I instantly turn around, Kira, she slowly stops in fornt and nuzzles me, I pat her muzzle and rest my forehead on her nose.

''You're a good girl, how did you escape?'' I chuckle and she nickers, leading me out of the barn, I grab a lunge rope on my way to her and see broken fence of a paddock. Well, its her.

I smile and attach the lunge rope, not really sure she did that, based on her clean chest, knees and head, and even hindquarters. I lead her to the wooden tying poles and knot the rope. She lowers her head to pick the grass and I pat her rump, moving to the barn. I see Brittany on my way.

''Ma'am, someone has crushed the fence of paddock 3,'' I inform and she frowns, nodding her head. ''Maybe it was Kira,'' She spoke and I shook my head ''No,'' I say, she was not even there, I just put her there for 15 minutes and I can't remember was it crashed.


''Come on girl, Swiftfire was here, but he is not anymore,'' I whine, caused by her stubbornness. She does not want to move and she stands still, as if she is glued to that place. She looks down at her hooves and I follow her gaze, a plank is there, with red trace on its cut sides,  I grab it and Kira rears, I pull her down and she steps far backwards. I smell the red trace and I gawk, the iron smell filled my nostrils and so did Kira's. I threw it far aside and looked at the paddock, some planks were a little hit. I manage to lead her in the same paddock and I take off the lunge rope, she snorted, I thought she is going to run off, but she didn't, she stands still and does not graze.

''Goodbye!" I shout after her.....

''Miss!" Brittany pulls me out of my thought ''I've been calling you for 6 times,'' She excuses and I gulp.

''Miss?'' She asks, holding her hand over my back.

''Swiftfire! I need to see him!" I yell and run towards his stable, rather empty. I look around and yell his name. I run out of the barn and I see Kira, I walk to her and untie the lunge rope from the knot.

''Let's find him.'' I say, pulling the halter off her head, I grab her mane and close my eyes as I hoist myself on her back, she rears and trots around, throwing multiple bucks. I pull her mane and whisper ''Easy..its alright''. She obeys to go by the dirt road which was abandoned, but I saw a lost hoof-prints, I urge Kira to follow them and she does. Prancing her head as we go further does not give me a good feeling, I smell iron and mud which was quite unusual, the ground was dry and there was no mud, I urge her even faster and she obeys, her legs quickly react, the dust rose and she dashes over the road, I yelp and she rears, throwing me off, I roll on the ground and jump on my back.

''Swiftfire!" I yell and run over the mud which was to my knees, I look at the horse, he was laying few meters from mud, a sob escapes my lips and I drop o my knees in front of him, he was all muddy, he even had blood on himself, I glance at the blood puddle under him and hold from vomiting. He nickers quietly and raises his head, he was in pain, I pat his neck and he breathes heavily. I grab my phone from my pocket and dial Brittany's number, she clicks the other line.

'What now?!' She groans tiredly and annoyed.

'On a dirt road! Call the vet and...and....get..a...truck,'' I trail off as my head start to spin, way to much surprise, way to much shock...way...way to much...red. I hear double nickering and pawing against the ground as my head feels twice as size. I shake mys head and see everything different, Swiftfire is loaded in a truck and I am carried away. I can't handle this anymore. Where is Kira?

''Kira?!'' I yell and fall from a tall place, I land on the ground and look up. I was on Kira's back before I fell, how dumb me. I manage to get back on her back and she continues to carry me, even if my head was against my neck, my hands on her many gently and my legs relaxed. She shook herself, I slid off her back and fell facing the ground. I groan and get up, feeling a lot better now that Kira was safe.

''Miss! Can I talk to you?'' Brittany comes out of nowhere and I nod, am I hallucinating?

We enter her office and I plop down on a chair, she sits calmly and stares at me, her eyes were wet and puffy.

''Swiftfire was my favorite horse, after Azaque, I knew he was going to be a great horse when he grew up, us two were meant to go to shows, the love we had for each other was love... but he seemed so much more alive when he met you, he wanted to go to shows, it was what he wanted, but he could never get that chance, he was kept as in royalty by me and everyone loved him, but  no,  he wanted to go to the shows. Swiftfire got  shot,   thats why he broke the  paddock and ran away, he wanted to die peacefully, he knew it was his end, I am sorry, he did not make it, he did not reach any applauses from public, I am so sorry,'' She was barely holding back to cry as she spoke. Tears wet my eyes and they quietly escape my eyes. I nod my head and walk out of her office, leaning on the wall.

I will make sure for Kira's dream to come true, if not Swiftfire's. And my.

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