[8] Trails

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Above is Victor's horse Bella

''Argh, so what if I did?'' I groan and he shrugs ''Its special'' He winks before leaving to the barn.

''Its special'' I mimic him and burst out laughing. I walk in the barn and whistle, Swiftfire pokes his head out.

''Do you want to go trail riding, many of us are coming, babe?'' I hear a flirty voice of Austin from behind. Oh, I missed it, its Mark.

''Shut up, and where are you trail riding?'' I ask, looking at his tall figure.

''Oh, riverside trails'' He replies and I nod, you see, I know how to trail ride. Well...

''I can come'' I grin and walk to Swiftfire, patting him.  I hit my palm against my forehead and head to the storeroom. I enter and whistle in amazement. I grab a trailing tack box, with weigh I carry it to Swift. I open the stable and pat his back, slowly I put on the saddle blanket and he remains calm.  I tack him all for 15 minutes and we both leave the barn.

''Oh it took you long enough'' I shock, my glare switches to a girl on a white horse. She had long black hair, red lipstick, huge eyes that stared at me. Rachel Wales. Rachel.

''What are you doing here?'' I ask, surprised.

''Oh, nothing. I got switched to this group'' She shoots me a spiteful smirk. Just spiteful as her. I shake my head and put my left leg in the stirrup, I bounce off the ground, hoisting on his back. He dances in the place ''Easy, it is alright'' I say with a comforting voice. He calms down and I pursue him to walk, lining with Victor.

Nice horse you got

''Thanks'' He says and grins.

''What? Did I say it out loud?'' I chuckle and he nods ''Very loud''.

''She really is nice'' I shrug and he smirks. I shake my head and purse Swiftfire to trot, but Victor catches up.  I frown and he goes off the track and so do I, we go by the side of the trails. Bella bolts into a gallop and I grip the reins, pursing Swiftfire to gallop, he darts towards Bella and catches her, he lines up with her and I grin at Victor and he smiles, but after the smile, he disappears from my view by charging his mare to quickest gallop I've ever seen. I shrug and stop my horse to the walk, he will feel sad. We go in the walk and wait for others to catch up. Rachel races next to my horse, blowing dust on my face. I hit my horse's sides and he canters, I charge him to gallop and his mouth starts to foam, I grip on the reins and he dashes even quicker, I see Rachel with her beautiful horse. It was flea bitten white stallion with golden tail. I line up with Rachel and her stallion tries to bite my horse's reins, Swiftfire hits her horse with his head and he outruns her. I dislike horse bickering.  I look aside and pull the reins on left, hitting my horse gently on his right side. He goes on a left road and I disappear from everyone's view. The forest was lush pine wood, it had a devastated road, which was covered with orange leaves. That fell, it seemed like it was autumn, I no wonder its called Pine-wood acres. I slow my horse to a walk and decide to give him a break. I dismount him when he stops and I lead him to a tree where I tie the reins in a knot ''Its okay, just let me have a look around'' I say, holding the horse's head, I kiss his muzzle and pat his neck ''I will be back''. I walk on the road and disappear beyond the curve.

I see horse hoof prints and they seem very fresh, I run while I follow them and there is a barricade of fallen trees and broken branches in front, I slide under them through a hole and dust myself off. I look forward to the hoof prints and it seems that the horse jumped over the barricades. I continue looking forwards but see nothing but pines. Trees above me squawked and it seemed like the world around me was spinning like Mary-go-round. I fall down on the ground and I hear many fading neighs and leaf shuffling. I see a white fading figurine above me and loud neighs. I try to concentrate but it keeps spinning in my head like crazy. I feel a hit on my side, not a strong one to cause pain but to grab my attention which was nowhere.

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