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My lovely cover made by me

I remember today is Saturday and that means no college. I missed one of the parties last night, Friday night. So I am not sure what to do today.

I will probably take a walk, it used to be part of my morning routines when I was younger.

I grab my chewing gum and leave the house, once I got ready and everything. I started to walk a little on a sidewalk which turned into a jog.

I jogged like that to the lake, around it, to another side. I saw much interesting stuff, and I thought about the summer recess which is really soon. And why did I have to go to group A, couldn't I go to Rome, Athens or New York.

It would be really more fun than on the farm with cows and pigs. Probably nothing else. And why couldn't Carly come with me, or I with girls? Or we all together.


I wait for girls to arrive as I eat my bagel. I slowly munch it and look around. Shit. How long do I have to wait?

I hear shouting and yelling from behind.

''Leave me be you moron!" I hear Carly's voice. 

There was a student which had grabbed Carly by her wrist and tried to pull her away. She tried to struggle away and yell.

''Leave her alone!'' I yell as I approach.

Bully and his cronies laughed. I walk closer and punch the bully's face, he jerks his head as my hand collides with his face, immediately he lets Carly go, his friends stare at me and run along with him and I smirk.

I return my gaze to Carly which was rubbing her wrist.

''You okay?'' I ask.

''Yeah,'' She replies.

I grin and help her to her feet, we both walk away from the building and we see Tracy and Georgia.

''What happened out there?'' Georgia asks looking gobsmacked at  Carly and me.

''Some bullies attacked Car,l'' I say, wrapping my arms around Carly's shoulder.

''My gosh, you are alright?'' Tracy asks, pulling us all into the hug.  Carly nods.

''Tracy, tell them what happened,'' Georgia whispers and Tracy blushes.

''Tell?'' Carly and I squirm in our seats on the bench.

''Let me fill you in'' Tracy smirks.

She was telling us about 15 minutes about her old friend Calvin which is also going to Rome, but he asked her for a date tonight. She wanted to take our advice to accept or not, we said if he is kind and will not hurt her its fine. It took us 15 minutes to explain everything. We were laughing, joking with each other and every minute more I spend with them I have a feeling I will miss them more and more.

''Girls, I have to go, my parents want me to read something about the farm on the Internet,'' I speak sadly.

''Oh! We had so much fun, see you later All'' Carly waves me and girls do the same.

''Bye!!" I shout back and start making my way home. I walk and look around, so many stray dogs. As I return home, I see my doors wide open. I walk inside and call my mother and father ''Mom, dad!''.

I hear giggling from the living room and I quickly enter. I shock, but a huge grin appears on my face. I see gifts on the couch and next to my family.

''Oh my gosh! Is that for me?'' I ask, grinning.

''Yes honey,'' My mother Lisa says.

''Thanks, but why?'' I question, looking at the gifts.

''Because you are going to the farm and we wanted to buy you something,'' Paige says, grinning.

''Oh thanks so much!" I wrap her in the hug and she hugs me back. My mother dusts her hand off her clothes.

''Open this one first'' My father gives me a flat box. I smile and unwrap it.

My eyes widen but I relax, not impressed.

''That is Pine-wood Acres Magazine,'' My mother exclaims and Paige nods.

''Thanks,'' I mutter and out it asides over the box.

I open another bigger box,  I shock as I see whats inside.

There is a Girl red print snap shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boots, why?

''Nice clothes you got me,'' I say and open the last box which had a letter inside. I open it and read:

Dear Allison,

You are welcomed to Pine-wood acres ranch, you will catch a train at 8:15 on Wednesday. Thank you for deciding to pay us a visit.

This ranch is open to refresh yourself, clean your mind and fix personality traits.

You can find out more about us on pinewoodacres.com/info and contact us on (346) 7008-3694.

Thank You.

Woah, I am welcomed somewhere where I don't want to go.

''Well done Allison! I am so proud of you!" Lisa shouts and hugs me.

I bet.

''Yeah, yeah. Thanks, mom'' I jump out of her hands and she sighs.

''You don't look so excited?'' She asks and I grin.

''Yeee! I can't wait to go there,'' I lie and jump around, pretending to be excited.

''Its gonna be soon'' She smiles.

That's what I definitely don't want to hear.

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