[20] Our Magic

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After the incident, or should I call it that way, I was quite shocked, but anyways, I continue to train her on saddle.

I pull her around the curve of the arena and she suddenly stops. I twitch my eyebrows and she lifts her head as I give a slight tug.

''Come on,'' I groan and she remains still. I look around, no clues for what could cause her to stop. I smile as she walks towards me and we continue our training with no trouble. We finish the training and I tie her on the wooden tying pole, I take off her saddle and she pricks her ears back, she lifts her hind quarters. ''Easy,'' I whisper and slide off the saddle pad. I unhook her reins from the poles and she bolts in a run and pulls it out of my hands, mainly confused I yell her name and she utters a loud neigh, I decide to run after her but I feel a grip on my wrist, I turn around and face Victor.

''Victor? I need to go!'' I whine and he chuckles.

''Nope,'' He simply says and I roll my eyes ''Come on, people might catch her and hurt her,'' I whine again and he shakes his head, ''Fine, go because you are a whiny'' He groans, letting me go. I grin and he rolls his eyes, I run after Kira and follow her hoof prints. I see track over the big grass and I run, following the trails. I yell Kira's name but she does not respond, I see a white figurine laying in a field of flowers and I gasp, my heart start to race from the scene and I run to where I see it, it was motionless.

I arrive where she remained silents and motionless, I fall over her back accidentally and she raises her head. ''Kira! You got me so damn worried!" I scold her, frowning playfully, she slowly lift herself from side laying but she still remained on the ground, she was fine. I realize I was on her back nearly so I gulp and get off, walking to her front quarters. I smile and she nickers, pressing her big white head to my chest. I rest my head on hers and we sit for long time in the field, in same position. The sun shines above us as we are the beautiful golden orb that needs the light. I love Kira, with all of my heart and I will never let her go. Passing my hands through her silky mane I feel soft and lovely feeling that traveled my whole body, I lie back on the grass and she crawls to me, I look at the clouds and she places her massive head on my chest. My eyes slowly close as my thoughts land on the magic we shared together.


I open my eyes and see Kira grazing next to me, I sit up and brush the flowers off me, I smile as I see Kira's peaceful eyes,  she walks to me as she was stalking me and I chuckle under my breath. I adore that look in her eyes. Her ears flicker back and forth and she snorts happily, I pat her cheek and slide my hand to her jowl, she bends her head and I smile, pushing the mane out of her face, she shook her head and her main was again messy. She lifts her head towards her reverse and I twitch my eyebrows. I look behind her an I bite my lower lip as I see a man through the field, he had a pitchfork and is yelling ''Get them out of my field!". I chuckle but notice he was walking drunkly and he had a gun. I gulp in fear and look at Kira, which rears and neighs at me, I run with her further from the man but I am way to slow, he cocks his gun and Kira turns away facing me.

''There is only one way'' I say while the man was pointing his gun and filling his bullets at me. Kira neigh loudly and shakes her head.

If this was my end, her eyes were the last I saw, the only one I wanted to see, the brown eyes stare in mine and I bite my lips, she walks to me closer, the man was coming closer every time. I nod my head and grab her mane, I hoist my self on her back, Kira rears highly and swings her legs, man is shocked, paralyzed. I grin widely and Kira bolts in a fastest gallop I experienced, my body its self bounced on her back, her gallop was bouncy but enjoyable. I never thought I could do this, she continues to run but I hear gunshot noise, I close my eyes but I survive, Kira utters a neigh as barn enters my view and her too. I smile ans run next to some riders, she storms through the crowd and I hold tight when she rears. I hug her neck and she lands on all four, breathing heavily. I dismount and walk to her face, she pushes her head to my chest and I hug it.

''Thank you, so much,'' I thank her reassuringly and she nickers, her head still pressed against my chest.

''Allison, are you okay?'' Concerned voice comes from behind and I smile. I turn around and see Victor, I smile widely again and run to him. I wrap my hands around his neck and press my lips against his, he quickly responds by deepening the kiss, I moan through the kiss, his hands go around my waist and he pulls me closer, we both pull away, gasping for air. I rest my forehead on his.

''You actually rode her?'' He asks, with smirk.

I nod my head, reassuringly.

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