Chapter 29 - Return.

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In the corridor where she could circulate, stormtroopers in faction blocked the forbidden accesses. She did not need to look long to ask to see the Supreme Leader. She was told to wait, and several minutes later two Praetorian guards came to fetch her.

She was taken to the throne room, where Ben was receiving his petitioners. He told her that he had little time to devote to her at that moment. But Rey was embarrassed. There was nothing intimate in this great hall, especially as the entire Praetorian Guard, if it said nothing, was there to listen.

He saw in her eyes that something important was happening, and took her by the arm to enter a small adjoining room. It was more of a closet than anything else, where old weapons and various ceremonial costumes were stored. But at least they were alone for a few minutes.

- What is it? he asked anxiously.

- I got a message from the Resistance, she began.

- A message? How? he frowned.

- A man brought it to my room, I ... I think it's a double agent.

Althougt Ben had decided to join his fate to that of Rey, he roars inside to this snub. Someone in his ranks had betrayed him. He wanted to know who. His eyes hardened and he clenched his fists not to lose his control.

- Keep on going...

- It was a hologram. They sent it to me here because they know I'm here, do you understand? They know I'm on the Fluency, they do not understand. How could they? I told them that I was continuing my training, that I was fine ...

Ben huffed and thought for a moment.

- But how can they ... we have recorded and sent since my personal holo ...

Rey swept this aside.

- How, we don't care! They know that's it! I must reassure them! They offer me an appointment ... she softens.

Ben was still thinking. Rey's credibility was at stake. He was faced with a rather simple choice, but one that was fraught with consequences. He could refuse that she join them, and then they would deduce that she had gone to their camp. The resistance would be weakened by this, and it was an opportunity not to be missed. On the other hand, he could access whatever she wanted. Let her go, the time for him to organize the eviction of Hux and possibly, he had imagined, to propose the entry into the government of moderate members close to the Resistance. Rey could perhaps negotiate for his part the abandonment of the attack that was undoubtedly preparing.

His dark side dictated that he did not miss this opportunity. He could hit them straight to their heart, right now. But he looked at Rey. She waited for him to speak, he could read the anxiety in her eyes: the anxiety of his choice, his, and that for her friends. He cursed himself and thought he had become weak. He knew that the path to the Light would be all the harder because he had descended deep into the darkness. He lowered his eyes.

- You must join them, he said.

A smile then lit up Rey's face. He had accepted, he had chosen the least easy way.

- Well ... I do not know how to thank you ...

- So do not do it. Nothing will be easy, we are preparing to live very hard times, I hope you are aware of it? he said, looking up at her.

- We'll see each other again soon, Ben. I will go there, I will negotiate your return among us ...

Ben cut him off.

- No! Can you imagine them welcoming me like this? Anyway, I'm not sure I want it ...

- But what do you want? she asked, not understanding where it was leading them.

- I had idea, finally I thought ... that we could form a government with members of both camps at its head. I never hid anything from you, Rey. I want to unify the forces. The Resistance or the First Order, if one of the two camps reigns without the other there will be an imbalance. And the old quarrels will resume soon. No, I want all this to stop.

- But it's impossible! We are surrounded by devoted fanatics here, starting with Hux! She threw.

- Yes Hux is a problem, I'll take care of it. But look on the other side Rey, do not you think there are fanatics too?

Rey had to admit he was right. The situation was very complicated. But they were advancing, she told herself.

- All right, I'll go hand them over your will. But there is still a problem: how am I going to join them?

Ben remarked that technically there was nothing complicated about it. But again, diplomatically, it was tricky.

- You will take a shuttle, which we will disable the plotter. You will become invisible. But I'll have to justify your departure ...

Rey smiles. For that, she had a plan.

- If you get rid of your guards, that you make me accompany by a stormtrooper alone, I can do it. Authorization to run away?

Ben smiled back.

- You know how to disable the plotter of a shuttle?

- No, but you'll teach me. In what shed do I have to go?

The implementation of the plan continued quickly. Rey had some resource, and on her arrival he had ordered not to kill her in case of an escape, but to recapture her alive. If his orders were respected, Rey would have the free field to run away.

The moment came to leave. They looked at each other, slightly embarrassed. Ben did not like goodbye, just like Rey. Nevertheless, knowing that they were risking doing something dangerous, being separated for an indefinite moment, they hugged each other.

Rey kissed Ben, who kissed her back. It was fast, but emotionally charged. Then they took out the small room. The next applicant was already there, kneeling on the ground, waiting for the Supreme Leader. Right and cold, Ben resumed his role. He dismissed Rey and asked a stormtrooper near the elevator to take his guest to her room. He looked at his guard. None had moved, waiting for the orders of their leader.

His eyes returned to Rey, who was moving away. She turned one last time, quickly, and their eyes met. There was so much hope in her look at her, and so much fear in his look at him. She wanted to tell him that everything would be fine. She felt guilty to leave him alone, facing his fears and difficulties. She swore to find Ben Solo very soon.


Her escape was almost a formality. A stormtrooper fired by the Force, a stolen blaster, and she made her way quietly, but surely. The alarm was triggered some time later. The stormtrooper must have woken up somewhere without understanding why and someone had to go and check that she was in her room, something they had inevitably discovered as nil.

She made her way quietly, without firing a shot to hangar 12. A shuttle was parked there, waiting for her. She slipped inside and instinctively found all the commands. Despite the shootout following her unauthorized takeoff, she was soon out of reach of the Fluency and its occupants. She turned off the plotter as he had told her, then entered Ganaria's coordinates.

One last look at the cruiser, and she went into hyperspace. She smiles at the sight of the blue stripes. Freedom, finally.


Arrived at the command post in an emergency, Ben looked away from the shuttle, then heard a technician.

- She disabled the plotter! We lost her.

Hux swore. He turned to Ben.

- Supreme Leader, this girl ... We lost her.

Ben resisted for not smiling. He saw the jump in hyperspace.

- It's a serious mistake, Hux. I told you how important she was. I leave you to find her, and quickly. Is that clear?

Hux frowned. He squeezed his lips before answering. He had understood the little game, and he would be the strongest at this one.

- Well, Supreme Leader. It will be done according to your orders.

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