Chapter 24 - "Sweetheart".

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Rey stayed. Without a word, they stared at Endor for long minutes, side by side. They felt the Force around them at that moment. There was a balance, and Kylo's dark aura had married Rey's, forming a neutral, soothing force. They were calm. The presence of the other cared for everyone's fears, and as on Takodana, Rey felt serene, despite all that was around her. And despite the others. And despite the trials that loomed. 

They would have remained there forever, if the sound of a door had not drawn them from their fullness. The officers residing on this level were starting to come out, and Kylo explained to Rey that the morning would soon rise on the ship. They had to get ready. Rey had a twinge in her heart. 

- I'm going with you, said Kylo. 

The tone was direct, and it was not a proposition. Rey went back to her room, Kylo at his side. They met an officer, who bowed at Kylo's passage. Rey felt him stiffen, he did not seem to appreciate these demonstrations as he passed. They arrived in front of her door, and Rey would have given everything for this moment to continue. 

- We find ourselves in my apartments, in a few minutes. I will send my guards to get you. We will have a meal together, and then we will go to Endor. 

Once again, the tone was cold. Rey was struggling to make herself to his double-personality. But she acquiesced.  

Once in her room, she realized she had a few minutes to get ready for the day. She took a quick shower, although she particularly enjoyed the hot water. She then dressed with an outfit that had been prepared in a drawer. Black, simple, adjusted. She decided to leave her hair free, simply tied in half-tail so that they do not fall back into her face. She was ready, and had been waiting for several minutes, legs crossed and sitting on the couch, when the guards appeared at her door. 

She followed them. As she passed through the maze of corridors, hateful eyes turned to her. Some even turned their backs on her. She heard a cry: "Terrorist!" against her, and tried to see where it came from. But among the crowd of anonymous, she could not see anything. She felt all the way through an angry mob, let her be there, free, among them. And it affected her deeply. 

It was in this state of nerve that she crossed the door of the private apartments of the Supreme Leader. Kylo was in the dining room at the end of a long corridor. He called her, and she stepped forward hesitantly. She did not feel at all comfortable. She sat down at the table. Kylo detected her discomfort. 

- What is it? You are mad at me? He asked. 

- During the journey ... I felt that nobody wants me here. And I know that I should not be here. Someone called me a terrorist, I think it's a shame ... she whispered. 

Kylo's eyes filled with anger in their turn. 

- Who? he said curtly. 

- I do not know. I have not seen it. But the fact is, Ben, that there is nothing for me here! 

He swallowed and rested his napkin on the table. He seemed pissed off, and hugged his lips in a thin line. A few seconds passed.  

- They'll get used to it. It was the same for me. They had trouble, but they agreed. 

- What? 

- My presence, my freedom of movement. My privileges, he summed up. But this insult was out of place, I am going to investigate. 

Rey sighed. 

- No, it's not worth it, I do not want to know who it is. 

She stood up to vent her anger. 

- I do not want to be here, I have nothing to do here! she said angrily. I want to be a Jedi, not your slave, not in the dark side. I want to help my friends, I want to work for good, do you understand? 

He rose at his turn, and dominated her from his height. 

- You're not my slave, you're my guest ... 

- Yes, as in your interrogation room, it's true, she taunted. I'm not free, Ben, I'm choking! Why not teach me elsewhere? You do what you want, you just have to decide it, right? 

- No! How many times should I tell you? he said, clapping his fist on the table. Being the leader does not say to be free. I too have responsibilities, and I will hold them. 

Rey became aggressive. She did not understand him. He spoke of his responsibilities, but denied her own.

- And my responsibilities? Has the Supreme Leader forgotten that I have some? 

- You made your choice! He shouted. We fought but you surrended Rey! I told you I will not support this game for another minute! he shouted this time, packing off the table and everything on it. 

Rey remained silent in front of his fury. She did not understand herself anymore. She felt her anger fall. She had overreacted to the anger felt at her during the journey, and to her more than delicate position. 

- I'm sorry, she murmured. 

Kylo was breathing fast but seemed to calm down, too. 

- I only want this story to end well, for all. 

- But me too! Kylo replied. 

The tears of Rey pointed at that moment, and she could not hold them back. She approached Kylo and he wrapped his arms around her to comfort her. He knew only too well what she could feel. He understood her. And he was torn by her grief. She calmed down soon, soothed by his warmth and the balance of the Force around them. He was soothing her, again. 

And then she did what she wanted so much but it seemed forbidden. He was there, she wanted him as she had never wanted a man. She had never felt like hugging someone like him, and she was now sure that it will only be him. He soothed her, in his arms she felt safe. 

She raised her head and standing up on tiptoe, she kissed him. Ben replied to the kiss, but he felt something else. Rey stuck closer to him, then pulled him back against the wall. He followed her movement and came to press her against the wall. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. The fire was burning between them, and Kylo would not have hoped so much. He was reluctant to do anything, but Rey wanted more. 

Detaching her mouth from his, and looking into his eyes, she murmured to him: 

- I want you to be gentle, and I want only Ben. 

Kylo looked away, he seemed to be flinching at the stakes of what she offered him. 

- No, Rey. You're upset, and I do not want you to regret it. 

He broke away from her and stepped back, resting her on the ground. She was red and breathless. She dared not look at him anymore. He took her chin and forced her to look at him. 

- In due time, sweetheart. We have something else to do this morning.  

Rey remembered their trip to Endor. He turned back to the corridor, she heard him breathe hard and breathe slowly. He then went to the elevator, and she followed him. She was both shocked and felt as if she was on a cloud. He had called her by a nickname, intimate. He loved her. It was safe and new, even though she had already seen that she did not leave him indifferent. He was in love! For the first time in such a long time, she counted for someone, not for what she was worth, but for her. 

Two guards were waiting for them in front of the elevator, and departed at the arrival of their Supreme Leader. Kylo let her go first. She felt the cold settle. It was no longer a question of feelings, it was necessary to give the change. 

With curiosity, she then settled in Kylo's shuttle, surrounded by two guards, the others on the lower level. Soon the planet came to grow in the cockpit, and a dense forest appeared. A shiver ran down Rey's spine. There, down there, something dark was waiting for him.  

Dawn of a new ForceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora