Chapter 25 - A clue.

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Rose leapt literally into Finn's arms. She had followed, like everyone else at the base, the destruction of the Falcon. She had been so scared that he was inside, seeing him make her heart leap in her chest. He hugged her, surprised by such a show of affection. He did not push her away when she kissed him, on the contrary. He appreciated the gesture, replied as best he could. 

Meanwhile, the cargo and cruiser passengers were greeting each other. Bursts of happy voices were heard everywhere, people were happy to meet together. They had hope again. General Btza himself came to greet General Tyder, and they went into great discussion towards the command post, accompanied by a Duro and Connix. 

Poe, who had grazed his comrades with big slaps on their back and his cheerful smiles, turned and watched Finn. He felt a rush of envy at the sight of these two entwined. It reminded him of Rey's kiss, and his immediate reverse. Nevertheless he chose to laugh and approached the couple, his legendary smile stuck to the lips. 

Finn and Rose took off from each other, embarrassed by the pilot's presence. 

- Please, go on, he said with a smile. 

- Poe ... you're really, really not ... Finn stuttered. 

- Congratulations you two! Poe exploded. It makes me happy for you. You're fine together, he said, winking at Rose.  

She flushes slightly. 

Poe began to talk with Rose: what had happened during their absence, the decisions made by Tyder. Finn listened anxiously. They told Rose their peripethies, carefully omitting what had happened between Rey and Poe. But Finn could not help but talk about Poe's hangover, which made Rose laugh. The atmosphere was so happy. 

A Duro arrived, visibly breathless. 

- Captain Dameron ... we have the result of the analysis of the message. I think it's better for you to come to the command post. 

Poe frowned. 

- Can not wait? I just found my friends ... 

- No, Captain. You must come, immediately. 

Poe nodded. He nodded to the others, then followed the Duro. The command post was full. Connix was talking with Gatsi, Tyder with Btza. A technician was waiting for Poe in front of a console, and Poe, stung, eagerly awaited his conclusions. 

- So, technician, where does the message come from? 

- We could not locate the source geographically. It is too well coded. 

- And ...? 

- And it seemed strange to us. Why so strongly encode the localization? After all, it was a message from one of your friends. So we had to push the analysis further, and a detail in the encryption reminded me of a ship signature. I was sure it came from a certain ship ... 

- And you found, yes or no? Poe became impatient. 

The Duro sighed. 

- Yes, Captain. The message comes from the Fluency. You see, there, this hook ... he pointed with the finger on the screen. 

Poe leaned down, squinting, but he could not understand anything in encryption. A succession of letters and numbers without any meaning was displayed. 

- Here is the hidden signature of the ship, and here, more importantly, it's the signature of a personal encryptor. Snoke's. 

Poe still did not understand, his mind refused to admit what he heard. 

- But Snoke is dead! How could he send a message? 

The Duro turned his seat to face Poe. 

- Captain, the Supreme Leader has been replaced. So we know that the message was recorded from the apartments of the Supreme Leader, on the Fluency. 

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