Chapter 16 - Jealousy.

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Rey had waited for all the crew to be up in the main mess. She could not go back to sleep after her dream. Memories were starting to come back to her. And she began to doubt what Kylo had told her about her parents. Could it be that he lied to her? But why? All these questions tormented her, and even more than making a new lightsaber, she wanted to see Maz again. She had a presentiment that she could tell her where she came from, she who had been watching over her world for over a thousand years. 

Finn got up first, they had a quick breakfast together, but Rey did not want to talk about it right away. She wanted to wait for Poe to wake up. What he did painfully, an hour later. He got out of Rey's room, and Finn's eyes widened like saucers. 

- But ... but ... he stuttered. 

He turned to Rey. 

- You ... you and Poe ... he whispered. 

Rey burst out laughing for the first time in a long time. Finn was so confused that the situation could not have been more comical. Rey understood immediately what he had imagined, and decided to restore the truth.  

- No! Poe was drunk last night, he made a mistake in the room, she half lied. 

Finn did not seem convinced, but he was reassured to see that his friend had obviously slept fully dressed to see his clothes crumpled. To see his faltering step he also understood that he seemed to have a hangover. Poe managed to drag himself to their table and fell on his stool. He raised his hand to a droid that passed there. 

- A glass of cool water ... the droid beeps back. And beeps less hard! he growled. 

Finn tugged at Poe's back, which literally crumbled on the table. Rey watched, amused, the joke of his friend. 

- Hey Poe, what's happening to you? Finn asked. You are not feeling well. 

And he burst out laughing. Poe, who had received his glass of water and sipped it, looked at him with a black eye. 

- That's it, mock you. Enjoy, because it will not last. 

Rey thought it was a good time to present her plan. She cleared her voice and then launched. 

- I waited until you both got up, because I have something important to ask you. 

They turned their heads to her at the same time, Finn straight and Poe still slouched. 

- I want to go back to Maz Kanata. I need information about the Jedi, she eluded. I need someone to guide me with the Force, especially now that Luke and Leïa are gone ...  

Poe swallowed his sip of water with difficulty and looked at her as if he saw something very weird for the first time. 

- Rey, you just came back? Can not wait a little? 

- No, everybody's counting on me. And I want to be able to help you. But I will not help you if I do not master the Force. I'll go anyway, with or without you, she said firmly. 

-Huh ... the Force, Poe grumbled. Ok, count on me, finally if Tyder agrees. 

- I'm coming, said Finn. No way you leave alone. 

Chewbacca, who had come closer to the group, grunted and took Rey in his arms. Rey smiled back. 

- Thanks Chewie. I would need you too. 

- So four of us are following you, Poe summed up. But I want to drive, I'm tired of playing the commander. I'm taking over the Falcon, and no one will argue that, he said. And I want my droid, he finished, turning to BB-8. 

BB-8 beeped in confirmation, and the small group dispersed to prepare the trip.  


General Tyder agreed, relying on the prospect of rallying more people to the rebel cause, at the sight of the-one-who-had-killed-Snoke, as he called her. Rey felt that her "legend" was running, and she was even more anxious not to be up to it. Tyder thought it was good for Rey to study the ways of the Force more deeply, and she understood from their discussion that he wanted to see a new Jedi order restored. 

Rey did not feel comfortable with this idea. She first needed to find her place in the universe, before thinking of restoring an order so ancient and strict. She thought of all those who had failed to follow the Jedi precepts, and heard Luke again explain to her how they had caused chaos and war. Would she be strong enough to literally apply the teachings and never turn away from them? Besides, was the future to follow these teachings? Kylo Ren did not think so ... 

All gathered in the Falcon, she nevertheless felt a fullness. She had found a family of hearts with these brave men. She was now looking for her blood family, which she missed so much. Poe, sitting in the pilot seat, warned that they were going out of light speed to land on Takodana. Maz had told them that she was rebuilding a refueling point, as she had done several times before.

Rey asked Finn to help her repair a defective calcinator in the back of the freighter before they arrived, and she was on her knees when she felt the connection resume. She cursed internally. The situation was not comfortable, with Finn next to her. The noises around them faded, and she straightened quickly. When she turned, he was sitting in an armchair next to a console, his eyes dark, his leg crossed and his arms resting on the armrests. Rey realized that she had to get rid of Finn, and asked him to go get a rare membrane, which she knew he would not find immediately. That left her a few minutes alone with him. 

- I'm not sure I appreciate that, she whispered. 

- Why are you talking so low? You are not alone? he said, turning his head to try to see something. I only see you. 

- I'm not alone, and I have little time in front of me. 

- I'll find you, he said dryly. 

Rey swallowed. 

- You know I'll push you away if you try to read inside me, she said. 

- I do not need to read in you. I just have to shut up, and listen to this idiot screaming ...  

Rey frowned. She did not understand anything about this strange discussion. She did not answer and listened. The world that seemed to be quiet at the beginning of their connection was actually full of noises. In opening her bubble to the outside world, she heard it too. Poe came out of the cockpit and gave his orders verbally, arguing with Chewbacca on the best approach angle on Takodana. Rey realized she was putting them all in danger, and looked at Kylo. He smirked, and she would have slapped him if he was really in front of her.

- Well done, but you will not arrive in time, she spat. 

- It's lucky that one of my destroyers is only two parsecs away from you.

He paused. 

- What a shame I can not come for you myself ... Nevertheless, I will give special instructions to my men. I will receive you with all the respect due to the rebels you are, and especially your boyfriend ... he finished with a rage in his eyes.

Rey felt the jealousy radiate out of him. She hesitated between undeceiving him and hurting him even more. She was angry, she chooses to hurt him. He provoked her, he put all her friends in danger. The rage was pointing in her, and something else ... a point of challenge? A hint of passion? She could not identify but when Poe approached her, she let herself go to provocation.

- Rey, can you hear me? Go strap up yourself, we're getting closer, said Poe, planting herself in front of her. Rey? he asked, turning to see what she was staring so intently behind her.

Rey gave Kylo an intense look. He saw Poe stand between them and got up from his chair, clenching his fists. Suddenly, she pulled Poe to her, kissing him on the mouth. Kylo recoiled, while Poe, at first surprised, closed his eyes and took advantage. He pushed Rey lightly up to the wall. Rey had kept her eyes open, she was staring at Kylo. The connection stopped, and she gently pushed Poe away.  

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