Chapter 50 - A death.

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Two days after the failure of the motivator, they were in orbit around Kitel Phard, also known as Atrisia.

- We have to go recharge, we have no choice!

- I know, Ben said, running his hand through his hair. But the problem is that it's really not the right place. Here, the dark side and the First Order are everywhere ...

- Can not we blend into the population?

- Impossible, we are too well known ...

Ben sighed. He was tired of those two trying days of sailing. After their argument, they spoke little, but Rey was also very tired and irritable. They had slept on their own and he did not know how to break the ice that had settled between them.

He glanced at the fuel gauge. They could not postpone the deadline.

- We'll go down, and I'll go get some fuel. And provisions. We still have a little more than two days of travel to Jedha, he said.

Rey looked at him. His tired black eyes seemed two ebony jewels in an ocean of sadness. He was exhausted, it was obvious. And the pressure they were undergoing was just filling up day by day. The messages that came to them from the Resistance urged them to complete their mission to join them. The fleet had gathered and the final preparations were in progress. Everyone was going to leave Ganaria from one moment to the next.

- Okay, but I'll come with you.

Ben opened his mouth to speak but she raised her hand to silence him.

- I do not intend to be alone waiting for you. I want to come, I want to be useful.

He sighed. Like something already seen. This woman could get what she wanted from him, in the end. It was ... tiring, intriguing, extraordinary. He stood up and held out his hand.

- Together, then?

- Yes, together, she smiled back.


Atrisia was a planet covered with dense vegetation. And sometimes a city, so modern and dense, emerged from the deep jungle that the contrast was almost disturbing.

They put the shuttle on an anonymous landing platform, and dressed like two ordinary travelers. However, they did not forget to take their weapons before leaving the ship. Rey looked around her, and saw beyond the horizon of tall buildings an ocean of greenery. She thought she was getting used to the greenery, whereas a few months ago she would have given anything to see even one end.

They quickly found a point of delivery of fuel, and Ben paid without skimming this expensive refueling. He still had possession of his credits, and remained immensely rich.

- Do not hang around, he said to Rey. It will be known very quickly that I have used my credits, and even faster will know where I am, he ends up saying.

- Heard. But we need food, let's go to the market.

They started at a fast pace to the market. The rich and varied stalls were spread out before them in a profusion of colors, smells and various flavors. Rey approached a fish stall that looked delicious, but soon the smell disgusted her and she continued her way to another stall. The crowd was dense, and she hugged Ben as they walked. They scarcely noticed the girl who bumped into Rey, and apologized. Rey assured her that it was nothing, and they went on their way. A child approached the couple running, but Ben, irritated, deviated his way with a discreet gesture of the hand.

- There are too many people, we are not safe, he said, teeth clenched.

- There, mangrocks. I will buy some of them and we can go back to the ship. Ah .. and karsic too.

She quickly paid for her purchases and they began to return. But Rey began to feel bad. She began to get hot, sweat profusely. While walking, she breathed harder and harder and her trouble did not escape Ben.

- Rey! he said, catching her as she could not walk anymore.

- I ... I do not feel well ... I ...

But no sound could come out of her mouth. She had fallen, unconscious. Trying not to panic, Ben pulled her between two alleys to hide.

- Rey! he repeated as he tried to wake her up.

But Rey remained unconscious, and her breathing was weak. Desperate, he began to bring her back to the ship carrying her. He left the provisions on the ground and seized her. But he immediately felt an attack happen. Cautiously, he put her back on the ground and grabbed his light-saber, as well as the one Rey wore. And he saw them arrive, facing his fate with inevitability and determination.

Six men appeared on either side of the alley in the same costume as those who attacked them on Ach-To. He put himself in a fighting position, above Rey. Then he lit the two lightsabers, one in each hand. He felt the fire boiling in him, his rage multiplying his senses as he had so often dragged himself with Snoke. He did not restrain this drive, this drive of anger and annihilation, to protect the one who counted so much, and was so weak. He let these feelings rise in him by tightening his grips around the lightsabers.

And finally, he waited for them to attack. He felt his Force bubble around him, and visualized the paths taken by the Force of his adversaries. Like signals, which could tell him the best way to hit without needing to have his eyes open. Of course, he was not as used to fighting two sabers as with his only specific saber. But he had trained, and was a formidable fighter. The stake of life or the death of Rey gave a last impulse, if it was necessary, so that his sabers struck quickly and well.

Ben retaliated and attacked violently, jumping, leaning on the narrow walls, and dodging the blows easily. The men attacked him with very powerful spears and swords he had never seen. But he knew who he was dealing with. A band of torturers, mercenaries of the First Order and the Empire before him. Constantly commemorating the order 66 having destroyed, thanks to his grandfather, the Jedi order.

Fanatics who are ready for anything and do not care about a life. No way to let Rey alone in front of them.

His macabre dance lasted a certain time, of which he took no idea. And it was only after having defeated the last attacker, dead like the others without a sound, that he put away his sabers and rushed towards Rey. He came out of his trance, and the reality jumped in his face brutally. The screams of the inhabitants in the streets around alerted the local police. It was not necessary to linger. He thought he'd think about how these men found them later. He lifted up Rey from the floor, checking that she was still breathing, and noted with horror that she was thin. And something else: lifting her up, he found blood under her. Not having realized that she had been touched, he detailed her quickly.

He found nothing, and leaving his doubts in neutral, he ran off to the ship. The takeoff was quick. He had barely time to put Rey on a bunk and strap her on. He had not been able to do the repairs, but had the necessary resources at first sight. He made sure that the ship's orbit would be safe for at least one time.

Once their safety was assured, he took care to activate the baffle shields and the occultation and got rid of his stained clothes. He approached Rey. Her condition had not deteriorated, but not improved. He felt helpless. Wanting to readjust the blanket he had put on her, he observed her in detail. And he understood where the blood he had noticed had come from. There, between her thighs, along her pants, Rey was bleeding. She was bleeding profusely, and he sat down in shock.

He had finally understood what Rey had been trying to hide from him. And he began to cry.

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