Chapter 52 - Uncover.

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It had to be decided to bring Rey back to the Resistance base when she did not regain consciousness after two more days. The poison had weakened her greatly, and her face did not look serene despite her unconsciousness.

Finn, Rose, Chewbacca, and Poe had taken turns since then not to leave her alone, while there was hardly anyone left on the base. Most of the personnel and equipment had been transferred to the cruisers in orbit of Gannaria pending the final attack order. Ben had strangely kept clear of herself and her friends, spending most of his time meditating at the edge of the ocean.

And at the dawn of the fourth day, Finn entered her medical room almost on tiptoe. He watched the devices watching over his friend, hoping she would have woken up. But nothing had changed.

- Hi, Rey ... I'm leaving, I've come to say goodbye. I would have liked to discuss with you before my departure, but I tell myself that it is only postponed.

He watched the impassive face of his friend.

- I'm sure you'll get by, I trust you. I have never seen someone as strong as you.

He sighed, being talking to him in this monologue was so strange. He could not stand to see her like this. He would have done anything for her to wake up. He was about to leave on a dangerous mission, and was not sure of coming back.

- Rey ... I'm leaving for Kabal 1. We're going to storm the command center. Once neutralized, we will be able to use all the weapons of the old Tevarans. Rose offered to stay here with you and a small staff until you wake up. Chewie is with me, and some others you do not know. Poe ... well you know him, he can not help but jump into an X-Wing as soon as he gets the chance! He is aboard the flagship cruiser, supervising the final preparations. He will take care of the air / ground attack.

He got up and kissed Rey's forehead. He shook her hand one last time.

- Wake up quickly, he whispered. We miss you, and to me maybe even more. My best friend misses me.

He turned on his heels and suddenly heard a small voice, weak, but he recognized immediately.

- Not so fast ...

He rushed to the bed and lifted the transparent hull he had folded onto Rey.

- Rey!

- You were going away without hugging me ...

- Never! he looked at her anxiously. How are you?

- I hurt everywhere but otherwise I think it's ok ... She stared into his eyes. The attack is near?

He raised his eyebrows, surprised.

- Did you hear everything?

She nodded.

- Since when? He asked.

- Since I'm in a bed ...

- Including when Poe ...

- Yes.

Again, she looked up at him.

- Where is Ben?


Cross-legged, facing the ocean and the beautiful sunrise, Ben had his eyes closed. Hands on his knees, he was in tune with the Universe. He could hear birds singing in the palm trees, farther away the murmurs of life at the base, then higher the ships bustling in the sky, and he could sense the currents of Force that connected everything between them.

Ben drew on painful memories and his love for Rey to look for the future. Precognition was a discipline shunned by the Jedi, for all the risks it presented. In the first place, to be mistaken, to see only a small part of the truth. Secondly, because of the lack of credit that could be given to a vision, the future was so volatile and subject to various influences. And lastly, especially because it could lead to fear of what could happen, the will to protect one thing over another, and the risk of wanting to change the future and destroy the present. Luke had told him about this gift that some of them had at very high potential, and all the risks mentioned earlier. And Snoke had taught him how to reach that state of meditation to touch the future.

The Sith had always been inclined to use this gift, while it was rejected by the Jedi. But today, Ben did not care about one or the other. He had to open the door of the future. Luke's words haunted him, he had to know the sacrifice he should make, and for whom he should do it.

He had not dared to see Rey since they arrived on Gannaria. He knew that precognition required a very consistent use of Force; now it was the dark side that gave him the most power. The anxiety of not knowing what happened to her, the fear for her, the sadness and the lack of Rey, all this fed his agony and his dark side. And today, he felt that his mind opened that door.

She was there, on the floor stained with white. He laid her down while she was still sounded.

- Stay here. I will come back to look for you.

And he left, his feet treading on a floor seeming made of snow.

- Where are you? he heard her say.

- I'll come back, sweetheart, I promise you, he told her harder.

His heart was pounding, he felt the fear around him, the shots of blasters, the screams of the fighters. The smell of blood. And another smell. He arrived at the top of a hillock, and saw between the trees the flames which ravaged the city. Desperate, out of breath, he saw Resistance fell under the blows of electric club of the troopers. And he recognized the smell: soot, smoke. He looked down at the ground: it was not snow, it was a thick layer of white ash covering everything. He touched it and saw how thin she was.

He was going to help the Resistance when he felt him. He turned around and saw Hux in black armor. Hux raised the blaster towards him, and behind him he saw Rey limping. Poe supported her by the arm, and they both froze when they saw the two men face to face. Ben felt he had to distract, he had to monopolize Hux. With a discreet gesture of the chin, he made a sign to Poe who understood immediately. As quietly as possible, he took Rey with a hand on her mouth. She tried to struggle but he restrained her. They both went away as Ben laid his sword on the ground and ordered Hux to fight on equal terms with him.

Ben opened his eyes again. Is this the sacrifice announced? Should he give his life to save Rey's? He had seen a bit of the future, but he knew the risks to interpret it. Exhausted, he put his hands in the sand and reveled in the coolness of it. He did not hear the hurried footsteps approaching. He only looked up when he saw boots approaching.

- She's awake! Finn shouted. She asks you.

He smiles. It was the most pleasant thing he had heard in several days. He got up and tapped Finn's shoulder as he passed, which almost fell under Solo's iron grip. The two men ran back to the base.

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