Chapter 56 - The dawn.

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The fires were still smoking when dawn appeared. Kabal awoke under the morning song of birds, the smells of the conifers who were warming with the sun pointing. Rey left the tent and rolled her eyes. The day was going to be beautiful, there was not the shadow of a cloud.

She stretched and barely noticed the man who was scanning her further, as he ate a piece of bread. She turned her head towards Poe, and waved to him, to which he replied discreetly. She knew that this morning might be the last one they could share. She was going to rush towards him when Ben emerged from the tent, all dressed in orange and his helmet in his hand. She noted that he had still tied his sword to his belt. Poe walked away and she gave up any idea of ​​going to find him. With a twinge of heart, she hoped to see him again after the battle.

Watching Ben, she appreciated the new man. Less dark, but more concerned. The combination was really good ... She saw him stretch in his turn, and the rose rose to cheeks at the memory of their last night.

The first rays of sun cast an amber light and there was no time to indulge in reverie. She went to get a piece of bread, too, and tried to stall and get a little energy before the final confrontation. Ben joined her and began to eat as well.

- Hello.

- Hello, she replied.

- I have to join my squadron, I'm going to fly under the command of Commander Dameron today ... he said in a half-ironic, half-pitiful tone.

- The black squadron? she mocked. Really, you could not have fallen better.

Suddenly, the alarm sounds in the improvised base. The signal of the gathering. All let go of their frugal breakfast to get to the main platform, where Tyder was waiting.


- My friends, my companions, resistants! This day is the day of our victory. This day is the last day of the First Order. We have worked hard, we have lost loved ones, we have almost disappeared ... and yet here we are, strong and numerous. We have achieved this feat! We have gathered around us the greatest strategists, the best engineers, the most daring and brave fighters. And we have the last Jedi with us!

At these words, Rey shuddered as the crowd screamed an approving hurray. Tyder continued.

- We have made so many sacrifices, which will soon be rewarded. We will defend and make freedom triumph in the galaxy, and light. The First Order, this enemy emanating from the dark side, will soon be but a distant memory in the hearts of all.

Ben scowled, he could barely hear that speech. For him, Resistance fighters and members of the First Order were part of the same group: the extremists. And he knew he was there for Rey, and only for her. He wanted to undo Hux, but in the hope of reuniting all the dominant currents and tearing the galaxy.

- Today, we will have to fight. Yes, all. Technical staff, administrative staff, fighters, pilots ... All, we must exceed our limits, do not let go! We will all have our part to play, whether in support or at the front. Victory will belong to all of us and it will be shared by all, if and only if we are all able to unite and remain in solidarity. Of course, there will be losses. We will not be coming back. But all of us who die will do it for the good cause. Will do it to defend an ideal, but not an utopia. Tomorrow we will be free!

Again cheers and whistles.

- Tomorrow my friends, we will still be here, less numerous but even stronger. Tomorrow, a new life will begin. I will be like a father who will look after each of his children today. I will be attentive to all. And as a father, I will cry for all of us who perish. But we must not be afraid: the Force is with us. And we will all join when the time is right. At present, I let you join your units, and review with your superiors the tasks and missions that fall to you. May the force be with us!

The sentence was resumed in chorus, then the alarms sounded again. The crowd ran off, and when Rey turned to see Ben, she saw him leaving with his unit. He turned briefly to her, and their eyes met. She saw, pouting, that he would have liked to talk to him, but he was already leaving. A tear rolled on Rey's cheek. She was alone, and she was suddenly afraid. So great a responsibility rested on his shoulders ...

She felt a hairy paw resting on her shoulder. Chewbacca came to comfort her, and accompany her to her unit. Without saying a word, they walked to the meeting point. She was relieved to discover that today she would be with Finn, Rose, Chewbacca, Malo (a blond young man) and Alice (a young woman with diaphanous skin and long red curls). Malo came to introduce himself immediately.

- Hello Rey! I'm glad we teamed together today. I am a trained geographer specializing in cartography and strategic analysis. I will be the progress manager.

- Hello! I'm Alice, specialist in camouflage and concealment techniques. I will be in charge of opening the way and preparing the ground.

Finn, Rose, Chewbacca and Rey were the raw forces of the team. They would be pure fighters. All six of them watched the area assigned to them and their objective: to storm the command center for ground weapons. A scientific complex at the base, hijacked to make it a military center of the First Order. In addition to this main objective, they would have to avoid the ground troops that were soon to disembark. Several teams were to be landed at strategic points throughout the city of Tawakar, former abandoned Tevarian city. All would have the same goal, but not all teams would likely wait for the control center.

After checking the equipment and weapons, the group set off for the shuttle.


There was not a word exchanged in the shuttle. All stood at the lateral metal bar. Two action groups were embarked.

Finn had a very unpleasant sense of déjà-vu. He remembered his landing on Jakku, and the hell that followed. He felt Rose's arm grip his waist and his body clinging to hers. No, finally, it had nothing to do. Today he knew why to fight, and why he did not have the right to die.


On board his X-Wing, Ben Solo was worthy of his name. He smiled as he thought of his father, of this gift for flying he had inherited from him. He adjusted his shields, and remained in formation, as his leader had asked. The takeoff had been smooth, and he had resumed his marks in the iconic fighter as if he had always flown with. He just regretted the much stronger thrust of his TIE silencer.

- Black leader to all, stay in formation, I see the enemy hunters appear on my radar.

Everyone confirmed, including Ben.

- Black 3 to Black leader, confirmed. Detection confirmed.

- Black leader to all, spread your wings. Arms engaged. Stay in training until my order.

Ben saw appear in the shadow of the planet the Fluency, accompanied by five other destroyers. He saw, in the distance, the swarm of TIE hunters approaching. There was.

Poe saw on his radar a myriad of TIE. BB-8 beeps nervously.

- No, everything will be fine. One like me is worth 20 like them, he joked.

He says to himself "go, do not let me go today".

- Go BB-8, maximum shields at the front, preparing the torpedoes.

Then he went back into the microphone.

- Black leader at all, shields set on the front, torpedoes engaged. I want you to dismount the first line, then attack the surface cannons!

He waited a few seconds until he saw his reflection in the porthole of the TIE that rushed on him.

- Break the formation! he shouted, as his X-Wing bounded 90 degrees to avoid the collision and shot down three TIEs at once.

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