Chapter 47 - Before the storm.

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Behind BB-8, Rey saw her friends. She stepped back almost unconsciously from Ben, blushing, surprised to have been seen in a moment of intimacy. Which did not fail to trigger an angry look at Ben. Finn hugged Rey, followed closely by Rose. And behind Rose, Rey saw Poe. He had stayed behind, not daring to approach. He waved her a hand, to which she also replied with a smile.

But Ben put an end to the reunion by asking in his deep voice why they were there and especially how they had found them.

- I intercepted a message from the First Order, Rose explained. They arrive here. I do not know how they found you, but it was because they located you that we were able to come here. I did not know this system, Rose said looking curiously at this new environment.

- Rey, they're coming to kill you, Finn said. You represent a threat to Hux, he will track you until he has made you disappear. The ... (he pauses looking at Ben) ... Jedi are a threat to him.

- I'm not a Jedi, said Rey.

- And me, either, Ben agreed.

- That's understood, said Poe.

He was left behind throughout the discussion, leaning against the stone wall of the little house. Arms crossed, he dared to advance towards Ben.

- We did not talk about you, Ren, he said.

Ben did not make a move towards Poe, but his eyes were enough to dissuade him from continuing to speak. Rey could not stand the palpable tension. It was the same every time one or the other was mentioned, and even worse when they saw each other. But she restrained herself this time.

She continued to chat with Rose.

- When will they arrive?

Rose bit her lip. The truth is that she did not know anything about it.

- I do not know. They can already be there, without anyone knowing ... you have to leave!

- What? No! Rey replied, shaking her head. I came here to finish my training, I feel that there are things here that I need to do, that I need to learn. This is an important place for me, I do not want to leave.

Rey paused, looking for Ben. She needed his support. Crossing his arms in turn, he looked alternately at Rey and Rose.

- How can you think they could already be here? We have not seen anyone since our arrival, and nothing could think that there would be anyone else.

- In the message ... it was said that a special commando was on the way. I do not know what it's all about, but I know they will not be stupid enough to face you in a classic way. I imagine they will send special forces.

Ben redirected his gaze to Rey. She stared at him, determined.

- I will not leave, not now! I want to build my own lightsaber, I want to learn what I miss. And then ... this island is my home, she says.

All looked at her, disconcerted. Ben knew already. But he would not have thought that she would so quickly reveal this secret to others. Rey motioned them to sit, while BB-8 was going to stand guard outside. She decided to tell them everything she had learned about her past.


- Reylyia ... Reylyia ... Finn repeated. Yeah, it sounds good! he says enthusiastically.

- It's a little strange anyway, said Poe. I never heard that name anywhere. By cons, I heard about your grandfather. I did not know he had children.

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