Chapter 28 - The truth.

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After that magic moment, they stayed in each other's arms, Ben having drawn Rey to his left arm. She had rested her head on his chest and was resting, her breathing calmed by the beating of Ben's heart.

But the reality was soon to come back. Ben thought about it tirelessly and rehearsed his thoughts. Ben was always Kylo Ren to everyone, the Supreme Leader. And if he had never dared to hope for what had just happened, and did not regret it at all, he must admit that the moment was not the best choice. He had not forgotten Hux's maneuver. He was certainly preparing something, and Ben had to protect himself.

He knew that Rey's fate was as much at stake as his. She was tolerated only because he protected her. Her fate was sealed to his. And it was not just that. If he had been very happy to see this vision, to hear his voice, he did not forget that he seemed to be fighting, leaving Rey alone. He had heard the sounds of battle, and he suspected he was not fighting the Resistance. No, never would Rey now accept to convert to the dark side, and he himself was beginning to deny it. He felt more than ever the pull to the Light, and by becoming what Rey had expected of him, just now, he knew that his fate was sealed. He was allied with Rey, he had just to know how.

He was lost, he had a hard time admitting to having been wrong for so long. Having listened to Snoke, killing his father ... He remembered Han's last words: "Snoke is using you,  he'll reject you when he gets what he wants." And that's what happened. It had not been enough for Snoke to push him to commit this unnatural crime, he had used him to reach Rey.

Everything seemed so complicated.

He felt Rey shudder with cold and hugged her. She had her eyes closed, she was relaxed. At least, he thought, there was something fixed in this ambient chaos. A home port, a sure bet: his love for Rey, and its reciprocal. It would give him the courage he would need to undertake all the changes on the horizon.

He pulled away from Rey, letting her fall to the mattress, and stood up. He dressed quickly, then headed for the bathroom. The mirror always reflected the same face, hair in battle excepted. He ran his hand through his hair to regain his composure. But his eyes had changed. He smiled as he thought back to what had happened, he felt so different. Finally alive. He had experienced a moment of pure joy, and it had not happened to him since ... he could not remember when.

He went to bed again, Rey still lying under the blanket seemed peaceful. With a twinge in his heart, he went to the door. He could not stay, not now. Soon, he hoped, soon he could be by her side whenever he wanted. But there were other things to settle before.

The door opened almost noiselessly and he went out. He turned around to tap the lock code, and saw her standing on a bent elbow. He smiled at her, she did the same, then he closed the door.


Rey was alone now. Alone with her memories, which made her blush. It was her first time, and if she had ever heard of these things from old women about Jakku, she had only ever heard of such things as restraint, obligation, and a quick fix without pleasure. It had been so different, he had been so considerate ... she could not have dreamed better. The whole universe might well blame her, she would never regret having let Ben Solo take her first time.

She had felt the change. It was Ben who had come to her, never again there would be Kylo. She thought back with emotion to Leïa, she had managed to bring back his son.

But Rey was wondering now what would happen to both of them. Of course, she did not expect to walk hand in hand openly in front of everyone with him. But how to handle that, then?

She decided to get up to shower, and the sight of the red sheet made her turn her head. She had before her eyes the proof of their physical connection ... She put the blanket over quickly, and she thought that she would have to talk to him quickly. If it were a proof to him, it would be one in the eyes of their enemies as well. This sheet was never to leave the room.

The shower was quick, she was not used to hanging out under the water. Her life on Jakku and the harshness of her conditions there had not given her the opportunity to experience the pleasure of a long shower. The water made her feel uncomfortable overall.

She dressed quickly in the small bathroom and went out. And there she failed to fall so much the surprise was important. There was an officer there, waiting patiently in the room, sitting on the couch. She pulled herself together and congratulated herself on getting dressed before leaving the bathroom.

The man got up on her arrival.

- Hello.

- Hello ... she said carefully. What are you doing here? she mistrusted.

- I beg you to excuse my intrusion, I could not be announced. I do not have much time, I have a hologram to send you.

He handed her a card. She grabbed it but did not understand the situation.

- A ... hologram? And who is it?

- Our common friends sent you this message, I was asked to hand it to you.

Her eyes widened at the mention of "mutual friends".

- Today, the sun is too dark ... she began.

- But the sun will shine again when darkness is dissipated, he finished.

She understood. This man was one of the many double agents.

- I can not stay longer, ma'am. I wish you good luck, and may the Force be with you.

He nodded before leaving, as discreetly as he had arrived.

Rey remained doubtful for a moment. Was it a trap? Was someone trying to bring her down for treason? But the man had given her the code, the one they used to recognize each other since the Battle of Crait. He could theoretically be trusted. And she knew, because Leïa had told her about it, that the Resistance had the support of double agents. Anonymous, working in clandestinity of a go-anywhere look.

She decided to watch the hologram. She had a standard reader in the wall next to her bed. She inserted the card and waited a few seconds.

"Rey, we have received your message, we have just traced it and we know that you are aboard the Fluency. We are very worried. We will be on Gannaria for three days to reload our ships. Try to join us as soon as possible or send us a message. Destroy this message as soon as you look at it Rey, we do not understand ... we hope you're ok, I hope so. " Poe concludes.

Rey fell back on the bed. They had discovered a part of the truth. They had to be reassured. But send them a message ... what could she say? She could not lie yet, invent another reality, she had to face the truth.

She got up after a few minutes of reflection. She was determined. She removed the card and then cut it down into small pieces. She threw these pieces into the drain of her washbasin. Then she went out of her room. She had to ask to see the Supreme Leader.

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