Chapter - Ach-To.

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The island of Ach-To Jedis appeared in the middle of a storm. Rey activated the back-thrust switches, while Ben guided the shuttle for the landing. Silently, they watched the granitic soil approaching them. When the shuttle finally touched the ground, Ben took the time to observe, through the cockpit, where they were.

- Why here? he suddenly asked Rey.

She looked at him, surprised. He turned to her, and she felt his confusion.

- Because it's here that I started to become, really, what I'm going to be. And it was here that I understood who you were.

- Who I was ... he said thoughtfully.

- You're not a monster, finally, she said, half-amused, half-serious.

He looked at her and managed to smile too. He remembered their conversation through the Force, when she only rejected it without real power. So much road traveled since.

They put on cloaks and took some stuff in bags, then down the ramp. A wave crashed against the base of the ship, splashing inside. Ben understood why he had received water during one of their exchanges at a distance.

She guided him to the little village, and her heart sank at the sight of Luke's stone hut. She hesitated, on it doorstep, but finally entered, almost on tiptoe. Ben followed her. Inside, nothing had moved. The guards had left Luke's business in the state they were in when he left. Cautiously placing her bag on the floor, she approached a traditional Jedi outfit and clothing that he had left, well folded, on his bed of stones. She saw the corner of the eye Ben take a small object in his hand, and stood up to see what it was.

Ben had taken a sort of small cylinder, elegantly engraved in wood, the size of his hand.

- What is it? she asked, puzzled.

- A toy that Luke had given me, when I was very small. I did not remember it anymore. But now, it's coming back to me. I used it for a very long time ... I think as soon as I knew walk I got it. I thought it was destroyed in the fire ... he said, his voice breaking.

- A toy? It does not look like anything I know.

- Look, he said.

He pressed a small button embedded in the cylinder and other hidden cylinders unfolded to form a long wooden rod. An ingenious system, which hid actually a replica of reduced size of lightsaber. A wooden replica, for a young child. Rey was ecstatic about the object, which was the very symbol of Ben's childhood. A childhood she had trouble imagining.

- It was Luke himself who made it in a piece of sacred wood. It is light, it was to allow me to start training alone. Look how balanced it is, he said, putting the little sword into balance on his forearm.

- Luke was a considerate uncle ...

- And oriented, he said abruptly. Yes, he was present. But I think I've always been pushed to become a Jedi, while ... I'm not sure that's what I wanted to be.

Leaving Ben to his thoughts, putting away the little sword, she came out in the pouring rain. She noted her old hut exploded by the Force, and began to settle in the one that was her neighbor. She went in, put down her bag and waited for Ben to join her.

- We'll sleep here, she said. As soon as the rain stops, I will bring you to the old temple. We can train there.


- Poe, do you have a moment?

- What's Finn?

- We intercepted a communication, it is Rose, more exactly, who intercepted it, he said anxiously.

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