Chapter 13 - The escape.

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She suddenly heard noises of struggle and shooting, like a distant echo, but which were close enough to pull her from her half-sleep. She tried to get up, but she had a lot of trouble. The last sting had stunned her, she had felt the cold liquid spilling into her veins and had not wanted to fight. In fact, it suited her. Sedated, she felt nothing, neither shame, nor despair, nor hope elsewhere. Nothing. And for once her mind stopped torturing herself. 

She still struggled to get up because it seemed to her that the noises were getting closer. So there was life behind her door! She stumbled as she got up, and dragged herself to the door. 

She saw the door open and a stormtrooper falling in front of her, on the floor. On the ground too, she needed all her will to look up and saw men in khaki outfit who seemed to talk to her and gesticulate. She did not know who they were, but they vaguely reminded her ... oh yes! Resistance! She tried to articulate something, but managed to get out only pasty gurgles. 

She felt raised by the arms and carried like a sack on shoulder, while Finn and Poe were drawn from their cells. In the ensuing cavalcade, she saw some men fall in green and blood spurting around them, then at the bend of a corridor her head hit a wall, and it was the black hole.  


Kylo Ren, surrounded by his Praetorian Guard, listened to the presentation by the Chief Engineer. The latter presented to him on the hologram the last advances in the project which had been entrusted to him. He seemed proud to show how hard they had worked to design the new NewOrder class destroyers. 

A sound of fast-moving boots caught his attention behind him. He turned, and with him all his guard. Hux was coming, escorted by several black guards as well. His face was flushed with anger. 

- Supreme Leader, he said, bending down on his knees. 

- What is it, General? asked Kylo, ​​who was beginning to feel anxious himself. 

Hux raised his head to speak, but did not get up completely. Kylo then understood immediately. 

- The prisoners were released, Supreme Leader. I just learned it. 

He closed his eyes so that the lightsaber would light up in a red flash. The rage poured in like a volcano erupting all over Kylo's body, and submerged it. He could not contain it, but he found the strength not to slice Hux in two, so he redirected it to the hologram behind him. His guard moved away calmly, as the engineer chief opened his eyes and closed them to protect himself from the incandescent sparks that emerged from the carnage. Hux stayed on the ground, lowering his head to protect himself. He wondered what would happen to him, remembering Ren's words about Crait, before they left for Endor. 

Kylo Ren screamed as he cut the projector and the hologram table into dozens of glowing fragments. When he finally put away his lightsaber, there was only a smoking and glowing pile in the center of the room, an engineer chief who could not close his mouth and his guard which remained stoic. He turned to Hux. 

- How could that happen? he said with clenched teeth. 

- A small group of rebels managed to make their way through the Fluency, through a revision hatch. As he was stowed for the jobs they .... 

He felt his throat tighten and his whole body lifted from the ground to stand before the Supreme Leader. He saw Kylo Ren's eyes flaring with anger and thought his last moments arrived. Kylo could not stand this jerk anymore, yet he knew it was not Hux's fault. He should have killed her for a long time, she, this pilot and this traitor. 

He released Hux, who crashed to the ground. His head hit the metal floor and he straightened up holding his bleeding nose. 

- Where are they? Kylo Ren snorted. 

- They went aboard an unknown cargo ship. He had encryption, we did not see him approaching. 

- And have you, at least, been able to put a tracer? To cover your incompetence! Kylo Ren shouted. 

Hux lowered his head. He even hesitated to answer. 

No, Supr ... 

- Oh shit! shouted Kylo, ​​going back to the Fluency followed by his guard. 

Hux felt the men pass around him, jostling him, but he did not get up. When he did, he and the chief engineer looked at each other for a moment, then Hux barked at his guards to move and alert all available spies to find out where this damn girl and her friends might have gone. 


Rey woke up softly on a softer bunk than she had known in recent days. She felt something on her left hand, and she turned her head. It was Finn, who slept, his head on her hand and the body on the chair next to the bunk. She did not dare to move at first, for fear of waking him up. She wondered how long she had been there. Then she tried to gently remove her hand to get up, but he awoke with a start as soon as she moved.- Rey! he said, taking her in his arms.Rey had straightened up, the blanket still on her. She hugged her friend back, and their embrace lasted several long seconds. She gently pushed him away, and he sat down to look at her.- It's okay? You look awful, he said softly.

- Where am I? She replied. She could not have said how she was, her memories were foggy, painful, and shameful.

- On the Rebirth, a cargo ship NK-Witell. He rallied to us when you were gone ... Finn said nothing for a few seconds, then he went on. Besides, why did you leave? It was madness, he could have killed you!

- But he did not do it.

- Look at you, Rey! And ... well, I mean ... I saw you in the cell, I saw what he pushed you to do. I saw how you collapsed! It was not you!

Rey took a deep breath. She definitely did not want to talk about that or what happened next.

- Finn, I do not want to talk about it. You must promise me not to tell others.

- But what happened, damn it! He squeezed her both hands, but she removed them immediately. I was scared for you.

- Finn, I do not want to be unpleasant, but really ...

He got up from the bed, looking serious. He understood that she had closed again. Rey got up as well, she had to lean on the wall so she would not fall.

- I must speak to Leïa, she said to him. Is she here, or on the Falcon?

Finn's face turned into a mask of sadness.

- On this subject, I have to tell you ... he began as they both sat back in bed.

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