#9: Blurred Intentions

Start from the beginning

"Damn it..." Zeon grit his teeth reluctantly. "Turn... end... Skill of Scharhrot, Darkness! Putting Demonted into soul, and retiring your Vicreau! Then, I countercharge one."

Hand: 4
Damage: 4
Ritual: 8

Hand: 9
Damage: 3
Soul: 11

"So much for a "final turn". People as cocky as you don't deserve anything in this world..." He spoke with a harsh demeanour, moving Vicreau to the drop zone. "Thinking you could keep your words? How pathetic..." Spectre breathed with a sharp tone in his voice. "Tell you what."

"What?" Zeon replied with his left fist curled tightly. Spectre lifted his mask up to reveal his mouth. His lips were cracked and a faint pink, and were conformed into a smile, with pearly white fangs tightly put together.

"This turn, I'll win." Putting a card from the drop zone to the bottom of his deck, Spectre looked through his G-Zone and smirked.

"Go on then... Don't be a hypocrite and beat me!"

"That'll be easy. Luard's Ritual Cross, I can stride for free! AWAKEN! Strength found from within, manifest yourself in our intertwined life! Cross it, loathe it, destroy it, Dragabyss, Luard!!" The vanguard circle exploded in a sludge black with red sparkles. "On stride skill, counterblast and calling Iucharba! Retiring Baleful!"


"Now, calling Belial Owl. Dragabyss' skill, soulblast, G Persona Blast and retire Belial! Searching my deck for two grade 1 cards, and call, Daellad and Daellad! Iucharba's skill, Belial to soul, and Belial's on retire skill to draw a card. Daellad's skill, soulblast to draw a card! Again! Plunderer is retired!" Spectre smirked.

"Damn it..." Zeon muttered frustratedly.

"Alright, I'll call Dagda and call Raven. Into deck and shuffle. I won't call. Call, Fuamnach! Ritual 5, adding 7000 power to her and resist! (7000 > 14000) Now, Dragabyss' Ritual Cross!! I have 10 grade 1s in my drop zone. Adding 20000 power to the front row! (9000 > 29000) (26000 > 46000) (7000 > 27000) Boosted by Fuamnach, Daellad! (27000 > 41000)"

"No guard! (Wertiger Jaeger)"

"Boosted by Iucharba, Dagda! Skill of Iucharba, adding 3000 power! (29000 > 39000) Skill of Dagda! Counterblast and retire Daellad! Superior call from the deck, Mauthe and Fuamnach over that column! Now, there's 12 grade 1 cards! Upping the power to 30000 to front row! (39000 > 49000) Fuamnach's CONT! (7000 > 14000)"

"No guard as well! (Evil God Bishop, Gastille)"

"Boosted by Fuamnach, Mauthe! Mauthe's Ritual, power plus 4000! (37000 > 41000 > 55000)"

"Generation Guard! Cryptid Gnaw Liege, Sabnac! Skill, counterblast and he gets 5000 Shield! My vanguard gets 5000 power! (11000 > 16000 > 31000 > 36000) Adding Knight and Monochrome! (36000 > 56000)"

"Fine then... Luard, crush him. (56000 > 61000)" Spectre extended his arm, his open hand making Zeon take a step back with frightened eyes. In line with Zeon's face, Spectre closed it into a tight fist, as if he was crushing an apple in his hand.

"Closet Balloon, perfect guard!"

"I can feel it..." Spectre eye's blinked rapidly under his mask as his lips turned into a confident smirk. "Triple drive!! (Cursed Eye Raven, Cursed Eye Raven, Mage of the Rogue Eye, Arsur) Three Stand triggers!"

"No fucking way..." Zeon shivered as he looked at Spectre's drive checks. "This can't be real... You cheated, didn't you?!"

"What proof do you have? I simply checked three triggers. Don't blame me for stacking my deck, or cheating. If you read my card effects, they can both return to my deck! I simply increased my chance through deck filtering and returning them, and it paid off." Spectre spat. "So before you accuse me, use some common sense or get better at the game!"

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