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A/N: okay so Cupcake and Ruriks children is called Hally and Clive cuz I like the names

Cupcakes POV:
"Mammy! Mammy!" My daughter calls from upstairs. Be a parent is hard but I love it anyways.

"I'm coming Hally!" I yell up.
I grab a pillow and run up to our room. She's too scared to sleep in her own room so until she's 6 she stay in my room.

I turn on the TV and we start to watch Shrek on Netflix.

Hally lets out a long sigh and starts cuddling my arm.

"What's wrong baba?" I ask.

"I miss papa, mammy.."

I froze. She can't. She doesn't even know what her dads looks like so how could she miss him.

"Hally how do you know about him?" I ask.

"I saw a picture of him in my closet..." Hally mumbles. I pat her skull.

"I know.. But your papa died sweetie."


"Don't be upset! C'mon let's finish the movie!"

She nods and we continue to watch the movie.

Ruriks POV:
I pat Clives head before handing him his lunch. He's so like his mother sometimes it kills me.

"Papa? Papa you're staring into space again!"

"Sorry! Anyways what were you saying?"

"You said you'd take me to see Underswap today!"

'Shit... Anywhere but there!'

I take a deep breath before saying, "son why are we going to Underswap again?"

"You said they have to best hot chocolate! And I said nu-uh so you said we could go to prove it to me!"

"Oh... Yeah right! Go and get your coat.."

I go and put my boots on. Underswap was the last place I saw them.
Clive was dragging me along because he saw the coffee shop. I let out a chuckle at his enthusiasm for hot chocolate.

"Come on!" He says excitedly as he gives up on pulling me there. 

He starts running over. "Damn that kid is fast!"

I hear a yelp and see Clive, a skeleton and a younger skeleton on the ground. I run over and help the girls and Clive up.
"Thank... You..." The older one says before grabbing the younger one, probably her daughters hand and hurrying off.

Her voice was familiar. If only I had caught a better  glimpse of her face.


A/N: yes this chapter is short cuz its late and im writing on a phone. FYI the plot isn't going to be too sad its gonna be cute and stuff

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