" Well firstly sir, You obviously had your hands full yesterday and I definitely didn't want to interrupt both of you again. Secondly, you called off the appointment we had yesterday and left me doing nothing at work! And thirdly, I was just trying to be nice to the old lady across the room! Maybe you should try that sometimes!" I mummered the last part hoping he didn't hear and bit my lip at the sudden confidence.

He suddenly moved closer to me and I backed away

"Excuse me? Control that mouth of yours! I'm still your boss." he said as he kept coming closer until I hit the wall. I felt caged and his fresh minty masculine scent engulfed my nostrils.

I couldn't help but stare at his eyes. They're so beautiful.  His hand  came up and removed some hair that fell in my face. He kept on staring at me as if memorizing every detail. His eyes then shifted from mine to my lips which were still in between my teeth.

I instictively licked my lips and he copied the action as his eyes darkened. He used his index finger to remove my bottom lip from my teeth.

And then he backed away.

Disappointment surged through me.

What just happened?

His face returned to the cold one he had before and I could bet my whole face was red.

" It's your job and you have to deal with it" he said again.

What are we talking about again? I think his handsomeness made me forget...

The way his thumb touched my lip....

Right ! the meeting ...

" well I definitely dealt with the meeting you opted out of yesterday.." I said in a composed manner.

" How was it?" He said running his hands through his hair and looking apologetic.

Don't drool. Don't drool.

" Oh so now you're intrested? " I let out a meaning less chuckle. Funny how he couldn't spare me a glance yesterday but he's suddenly concerned about it today.

I noticed him flaring his nose and his knuckles whitening.

"Ariane, can you quit arguing already?" he said in a dangerously low voice." Were you able to reschedule?" he added when I just turned away and didn't answer.

Did he just freaking ask me that?

I think I voiced out that thought because of the way he sighed in exasperation.

"Ariane! Be serious goddamit! You keep turning around in circles here!"

" I got him to email the documents and details instead. I'll send them to you right now." I said turning on my heel and leaving suddenly tired of arguing with him. I knew he was staring but I didn't care.

Maybe just a little but still..

Once I got into my office, I slammed the door and sat in my seat. I opened my drawer and took out as many candies as possible and stuffed them in my mouth incessantly.

"Who does he think he is?" I asked out loud." He's so annoying."

That's because he's so handsome.

"What does that have to do with anything? And he's not - fine, he's handsome but does that give him the right to be a jerk?"  I answered my mind.  Ughhh!

That doesn't stop you from liking him does it?..

"I don't like him." I can't like someone like him. He's rude and authoritative and domineering and a man whore. Its just business anyway.

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