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Chapter Fifty

It was New Years Eve. Robin woke up at six, unable to sleep all last night because of a general sense of excitement and happiness. River always made her happy, but yesterday he made her especially happy. And the idea that he could be with her, so close, and so hidden from the others but not on purpose, was like an epiphany. She hadn't spoken to her dad about him giving River his blessing but she knew she didn't have to bring it up, as he probably would before she chose to.

But although she couldn't sleep, the excitement was enough to stir the creativity inside of her, as it had been so rapidly fluttering about for the past twenty four hours, and so she got up with the sun and started to churn out her writing. She played her radio softly, not so loud so that Ariella would wake up, and she started where she left off. But every few minutes she stopped writing to look over at Ariella, who was sleeping peacefully, her face squished against the white pillow they shared.

Today was the last day before Ariella and Jesus headed back, or at least the last full day. They would be leaving early in the morning tomorrow back to Georgia and they had a full day planned out to go out and then come back home in time to celebrate for New Year. Robin was melancholy about the fact, but she chose to cherish their last day together rather than lament it. So when Ariella woke up, Robin put down her notebook and they made breakfast together, Jesus joining in shortly after, and then eventually the entire household. After eating breakfast cuddled around the TV in the living room, Robin, Ariella and Jesus got ready to go out.

Usually, the tradition to spend the day exploring the town and shopping lay between Robin and Ariella only, but this year they had to incorporate Jesus into everything, which wasn't so bad especially since Jesus wasn't mad anymore. So the pair spent the day out on the town in the glamorous midst of Boston, the streets glittered with snow and the stores still decorated with Christmas lights and mini Christmas trees. Robin was proud to be living in Fenway, the height of Boston and where most tourists could be found venturing to, or Boston locals looking to visit a museum or see a Red Sox game. They littered in and out of shops and strolled by the outsides to window shop, got gourmet Chinese food at one of the more expensive restaurants, and went to go see a movie.

By the time they got home, it was dark and around 6pm, and the local and national New Years Eve Countdown shows were due to be starting soon. The adults were surrounding the TV with glasses of red wine and cheese platters, looking especially adult-ish, so much that it was almost laughable. They barely even noticed as Robin and her friends shuffled in, shaking the snow off their coats and hanging them up on the hangers.

"That was fun," Robin remarked as soon as she'd changed out of her snow boots. "I'm glad we added you in, Jesus."

"Yeah, you got lucky," Ariella teased. "Everything Robin and I usually do alone, you're now a part of."

"As I should be," Jesus retorted with a prideful shrug.

"So, what's next?" Ariella asked, her hair swirling behind her as she turned to face Robin.

"I think I'm gonna write, just until we start watching the New Years programs."

"That's fine. Am I ever gonna get to read this writing?" Ariella suggested, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.

"You'll see if and when I win the competition," Robin smirked, serving back just the right sized order of mischief as well.

"Okay Ms. Thang, as you should. Go ahead, we won't bother you."

Robin stayed cooped up in her bed for the next few hours, writing in the dim light of her room with her knees pulled in to her chest and her notebook laid up in her lap. But before she knew it, one hour turned into two and two turned into three. An unacknowledged amount of time had passed when Robin heard her parents calling her from downstairs, but it was all muffled noise to her and she barely even acknowledged it. Then she looked beside herself at the clock, which blinked: 10:00 PM in bold red letters, and, startled, she scrambled out of bed.

"Where have you been, girl?!" exclaimed Ariella as soon as she saw Robin.

"I'm sorry, I completely lost track of time," Robin pleaded, sounding as if she were breathless from the act of strenuous writing.

"Yeah, I bet," Ariella snorted. "Now you have to stay up late to compensate the time we've lost together," Ariella declared, gesturing in a circle motion from her to Jesus and back to Robin.

Robin groaned, already feeling a headache coming on because she'd woke up so early that morning, but obliged anyway. Besides, time passed by relatively fast what with the family games, the ratings of the NYE performances on television, and the constant snack breaks in the kitchen. Before she knew it, the glittering ball was dropping in Times Square and they were counting down loudly, glasses drinks clattering together and Robin's father hurrying to the kitchen to get both champagne and non-alcoholic champagne (for Robin's mother) to pop when the clock struck midnight. It was within the last thirty seconds that Robin realized she had a boyfriend who could have given her a New Year kiss and vice versa, but she'd hold off on that for tomorrow.

Finally, the ten seconds were nearing, and it was if 1987 flashed by Robin's eyes- and wow, what a year it was. Through all the troubles and secrets Robin still found light, in fact she was blinded by it. And she got her New Year kiss from Ariella anyway, a slightly drunken friendly smooch on the lips, and all was well. 

SO you guys I finally got my new laptop !!! and I've been using my mom's to write for the past 1-2 years but its her laptop so it made writing for Wattpad and in general a little bit harder but now I genuinely have my own laptop which I can use all for myself which is sooo exciting !!! I'm really happy lol . So yeah that's great also sorry if this update made you snOOOZE I know it was super boring it's just a filler I'm ready for this book to be DONE and I'm ready to start skipping around it's gunna be guuuud. yee yee

thanks for sticking with me! :)

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