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Chapter Forty Seven

The hot shower water doused Robin's soapy skin and she did a slow 180, letting it all drip down. It felt nice to shower, it even felt like she hadn't showered in a week, and during that week she had been trekking the dusty sands of the Sahara in one outfit. This was an emotional cleanse rather than just a physical cleanse. And it was great to be able to get away from everybody. She was glad to be staying with Ariella but even with her own best friend in her room, it still felt a little crowded. And not to mention, Jesus was just a few doors down and that just made the whole house feel suffocated. In the shower, she was alone, and didn't have to talk to anyone or be around anyone- just herself, and the slow trickle of water coming from the showerhead.

But at least the elephant was out of the room- even if it was just the first and biggest one. But now Robin still wanted to have a talk with Jesus about what exactly happened between the two of them that led them to this acquiescent acquaintanceship, despite the fact that they had once been lovers. But it was time to pretend like nothing had ever happened and get accustomed to being around everyone again. After all, it was Christmas Eve. Everyone else was waiting for Robin to finish getting ready so they could open one present (Christmas Eve tradition), and play family games.

She got out of the shower, the fog well spread on the mirror in front of her, and put a towel around her chest as well as on top of her head to dry her hair, which she had just washed. Hey, there was no reason to look presentable, everyone was family. She swiped at the mirror with her hand to clear the fog and looked into it, her face even seeming fresher, more vibrant. She put on lotion (not looking presentable does not equal looking ashy) and slipped into her fuzzy slippers, opening the door to the bathroom and walking out. Only to be met face to face with Jesus.

To both their surprises, Robin smiled. She was feeling an ounce more confident after the Lifetime movie scene that had occurred in their living room, even if it was heavy. That was the whole point. She smiled, even when she was met with a mostly blank and hesitant stare. Jesus looked gorgeous up close too, she noted- just like River. His tan skin was burning red and his deep brown eyes were wide.

"Um..." Robin said for a while after the staring became awkward, but granted him a small grin.

"Oh, uh, sorry," Jesus shook his head and snapped out of whatever trance he was in.
Robin pointed at the open bathroom behind herself, a yogurt container full of shower supplies in that hand,

"Did you wanna use the-"

"Oh, the bathroom?" Jesus questioned.

She smiled and they both chuckled awkwardly.


He stared again and then shook his head slowly,

"Oh no, I was just..." He shifted to another foot and took in a breath. "Can I ask you something?"

Robin, who now honestly just wanted to get changed, nodded,

"Yeah, sure."

She tried not to sound too eager, but not too irritated either- just the right balance so Jesus got the point.

"You don't um..."

He lost his words, but Robin prompted him, looking up at him and humming,


"Nah, it's nothing. I'll see you downstairs?"

Robin made a face, wondering what that "nothing" really was. She knew Jesus, and if he had something to say, he usually had no trouble getting it out, just like Ariella. If he wanted to say something, he should have just said it then and there, because then they could at least have a conversation, even if Robin was clad in a towel. But her expression softened and she nodded,

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