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Chapter Thirty Five

When they walked into the party, most people from homecoming were already there. It was an open house and so no invite was necessary. Most girls were in different outfits that they must have brought with them to homecoming, and Robin instantly regretted not bringing a change of clothes. She wanted to dance more and her dress was comfortable, but not enough to be sweating in it. She wondered if Stacey was holding her own party, and she probably was, but despite the fact that more people were probably at Stacey's party, she would much rather be at Kelly Kapowski's house.

Last time her and Stacey "partied together", it ended up with Robin babysitting her for the rest of the night, until River showed up and practically rescued her like a knight in shining armor.

"Sick," Corey muttered as he walked in side by side with Elizabeth, his arm around her waist.

The song "Walk This Way" by DMC was blasting on the stereos placed conveniently throughout the entire house, and everyone was either dancing, talking, or sitting around drinking or smoking. The smell of weed, cigarette smoke and liquor filled Robin's nose, but it wasn't overpowering, it was actually a kind of relaxing common scent. Not that Robin drank or did drugs, but it was nice, not grimy. River seemed unaffected by it and looked around as he walked in, not so interested in the scene that was happening around him as he was in Robin.

"YES!" Feldman raged, throwing his hands up into the air and running off without Heather, who had previously been walking beside him.

Elizabeth turned around to face Heather as if to say "aren't you going to run after him?", to which Heather's distant expression read, "no way, no day."

"I'm gonna go get drunk," she muttered, clearly not having a great time.

She had been like that for most of the night, and while Robin knew that Heather wasn't one of those girls who actually cared about superficial things like homecoming and prom, she didn't expect her to be so sulky the entire night. She blamed it on Feldman. Heather walked off, her lace black gown draping behind her as she treaded across the floor, clearing a path (imagine when Nancy from The Craft walks into that party and everyone moves away from her LMFAO).

Elizabeth shrugged and faced Corey,


"Upstairs?" Corey asked, raising his eyebrows.

Elizabeth's smile said it all, and they raced each other up the stairs. Robin and River both looked at the two of them hopping like twitterpated bunnies up the stairs. Once they had disappeared, Robin and River's heads slowly simultaneously turned towards each others, giving each other a glance.

They each shook their heads immediately after they deciphered what the other was thinking and said in unison,


They both wandered towards the kitchen together, Robin pouring herself a cup of punch from the punch bowl. River was looking at it in disgust, over analyzing all the chemicals and additives in the sugary drink, while Robin put the drink to her lips. River became alert immediately and punched the drink to the floor, making Robin jump back so the juice didn't spill on her. He ignored the jeers and complaints about the spilled punch from the people around him and shook his head frantically, wide eyed, while Robin stared at him as if he had three heads. He gulped,

"Uh, sorry. It's just, it could be spiked, or, um, poisoned. Sorry, I get it from my mom. She's quite keen on those things. You're not really supposed to take drinks from open bowls."

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