Chapter 6: Bifrost

Start from the beginning

"We will gather some things and be on our way." Thor said, leading Jennica and ushering Loki to follow; Odin was left behind without further say in the matter.


Provisions were gathered and Jennica did her best to be useful. Packs of food were put together with help from the maids and pouches of strange currency were hidden inside. Lady Eir even insisted on taking along a couple of small healing potions. Three packs were distributed among them.

"Please tell me you won't be requesting to use my secret pathways again." Loki teased, swinging his pack over his shoulder.

Jennica buttoned her pack shut and held it against her breast, watching as Thor tried to shove a few more pieces of dried meat inside his. It was a rather amusing sight.

"Not to worry." He replied when he finally got it to close. "We will be going through Heimdall this time."

Jennica grabbed a coat that was offered to her. "Who's Heimdall?"

"A friend of mine. And the gatekeeper of the Bifrost. He can see everything, which will aid us in our task."

Loki sucked in a sharp breath. "About that..." Everyone frowned. "I may have banished him during my rule."

"What?!" Thor's composure disappeared. "Where did you send him?!"

"Anywhere but here! I couldn't very well have him discovering what I was doing. I didn't have enough magic for that." He hated to admit so.

The tension grew but Jennica was hopeful. "Can we bring him back?" Thor was obviously angry and Loki gave only a shrug. A journey with these brothers would prove to be exhausting, eventually.

"Please tell me you at least kept the Bifrost sword."

Scoffing at Thor, Loki crossed his arms. "What kind of fool do you take me for?"

"I take you as one quite often, now do we still have the sword or not?"

"Yes!" These debates were getting old. "Now come on, you're the one who's taking us on this little adventure."

Little? Jennica doubted it would be little.

Thor took them out of the palace and walked a distance to the bridge, where neither of them shared a word. People had stopped to stare inconspicuously along the way, and until Jennica realized it was because of Loki, she thought it was her.

The bridge was a terrifying new experience to anyone who crossed for the first time. Jennica could not deny the tenacious thumping in her heart, but one foot stepped in front of the other, colors of rainbow shooting beneath her feet, and she made it across with her companions.

Loki had wanted to put walls up beside the bridge; some sort of barrier to prevent any accidents. Not that they were common, but he hated the thought of slipping from the edge, falling into that abyss and letting the lifeless atmosphere suck everything from you.  Arms and legs feeling torn from their sockets, air pipe swelling and choking you, eyes feeling like they could burst... it would be so terrifying. It was terrifying. He would hate to go through it again.

Thor announcing the Bifrost took everyone from their whims. It was nothing like Jennica had ever seen, with its golden architecture encasing them in a dome. Inside along the walls were wheels of solid gold. It looked like a clock. Maybe it worked like one. Nevertheless, it was beautiful, and the ceiling sparkled in the light that found its way in.

"The sword is gone." Thor marched up to the podium where there was nothing to be found. He gave his brother a glare.

Loki's arms were tightly crossed. "Don't look at me, I didn't touch it. I left it there to be used if need be."

"You left it unguarded! Who knows what hands have it now?"

"The hands it belongs to." A new voice entered. One that boomed and echoed around the dome. All heads turned.

Jennica could see a dark man, dressed in a ragged robe, holding the longsword in his fists with tip pointing to the floor. His golden eyes overlooked each one of them, conveying a deep understanding and wisdom that neither of them could share. This was Heimdall.

"Friend!" Thor greeted, rushing to him. "You've returned!"

"Your brother is quite the trickster." Heimdall gave a tired smile. "He tried to have me banished for treason but I escaped in time."

"You escaped?" Loki dreaded the thought of more failure. He couldn't even banish people correctly. "Where have you been all this time?"

"Hiding in the outskirts of Asgard. The trees provide formidable shelter. Perfect for hiding. It wasn't until I saw Thor that I decided to return."

"I am glad of that." Thor told him, clasping a large hand on his shoulder. "We need your help."

"Does it involve you going against your father?" Heimdall chuckled as if that had been a common occurrence. It was.

"No, this time we have his permission."

Face twisting in thought, just barely, Heimdall took his place atop the podium, the sword still secured in his grasp. He was so tall, standing there to tower above them. His eyes met with Jennica's and he instantly knew there was a mystery. A danger.
"I cannot see her." He told them, but his eyes never left their mark.

"You cannot?" Thor frowned while asking this.

Heimdall shook his head. "I understand what you want me to do. You want to find out who she is because she is defying the rules of magic and science. But why... that is what I want to know." His voice lowered. "Tell me everything."

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