Stupid Mission, Iruka Killing Time and Whaaaaa!

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Im sorry you guys but I still, and most likely never will, own Naruto and just because this is chapter 14 does not mean that this book is over. There is still more to come.

OMG, THANKS FOR THE 4.4K READS I LOVE YOU ALL! ;* ♥·♡♥·♡·♥·♡·♥·♡

Now, I wanted to explain this before the story starts, It has been a month and a half after the Haku and Zabuza mission. For this reason, Sango is now seven and half months, which is why she can say mommy and crawl. I am giving a six month time limit before the chunin excams. You will find out why later...................

Third person

Naruko pushed her brother into a wall and stared deeply into his blue eyes, the same ones she had. She wanted him, needed to talk to him to tell him how she felt, so she ignored the pain of the Jutsu just to talk to him. She wanted to tell him that she loved him and cared for him more than a brother, but as a lover. She wanted him in ways that would make their parents turn over in their graves.

The only problem was that she couldn't quite put it into words, so she did the next best thing, kissed him. Narto didn't push her off either for he loved his sister in the same way. But down in the pit of his stomach he knew this was wrong. Twins shouldn't love each other this much.

He pushed Naruko off of him and gave her a sad look before trying to walk away with his head down. Naruko, who was now saddened by her brother's rejection, ran behind him an grabbed his arm, turning him around. "Seiko! Stop!" Naruto yelled as he yanked his arm from her grasp. "Twins can't do this! We are siblings!"

Naruko's face turned red with anger as she yelled back, "Why, Seimaru! Why can siblings kiss? Why can't they hold each other when one needs it? Hell, why can't they have sex?! What's so wrong with it?" Her arms flew in the air with the frustration in her body. Naruto only looked at his sister with his eyes slightly wide.

"What the hell do you mean 'Why?' It's just not right." He responded. Naruko walked closer to him and smacked her hand to his cheek. "Why is it so wrong?" She continued to ask as her eyes softened. "Because no one approves? Or thinks it's right? Well I don't care about them I care about you and only you." She caressed his cheek as she leaned in to kiss him again. And once again he let her, but didn't push her away......


"CUT!" The director yelled as I pulled away from my brother wiping my lips in disgust. He was my brother, so why the hell am I making out with him like he's Sasuke you ask? Because this is my retarded ass mission. "Wow Naruto, Naruko, that was great acting. I almost thought it was real!" Sakura squealed. 'Yea whatever Sakura you said that the first 309 takes what make the 44364163750th any different?' I thought but decided to ignore her as I stomped over to Kakashi-Otou-San as he looked at me with a hidden smirk. I have grown to know Kakashi's facial expressions.

"So how were Seimaru's lips, Seiko?" Kakashi questioned, his words filled with sarcasm. "Shut it!" My voice snapped regaining my usual stoic face and dead voice.

"Kakashi-Sensei why do we have to do this incest-filled mission?!" Naruto was loud as usual as he walked over to me and the 'Copy Cat Ninja'. "Well because, this mission was given to us from the Hokage and the Director specifically asked for young teenage twins that can act. And well, you two fit the description." Kakashi stated with a closed eye smile.

"Plus, Naruko and Sasuke need all the money they can get, with supporting kids and all." On que Sasuke came over and glared at Naruto as if he wanted to kill him were he stood. "Were are Haku and Zabuza?" Sakura was now added to our bunch.

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