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No I do not own Naruto so don't ask.

This is a week after the Toshiro's incident. This is going to be a long chapter depending on if I decide to put everything I want in this it or divide it up. I might not though. Also the rape that was mentioned a im the beginning of the chapter called "C ranked mission #2" may or may not be in this chapter. :/


   "Why in the hell am I up so early. It's like ten in the morning?" I rubbed my sleepy eyes looking intently at the Hokage. All three of the genin teams were in the room except for Kurenai she was on some S ranked mission, but since Zabuza and Haku were back, they were going to be their Jonins. I still wonder why Haku was even made a Jonin, then I remember my time in his Jutsu and I instantly know why.

   "I have a big B ranked mission for all of you-" Obviously the Hokage is interrupted by Naruto, "Yes! A B ranked mission! Finally we are getting recognized as real ninja, Believe it! Itai!" Sakura, Hinata and I high fived after ganging up to punch Naruto in his head. Though the scary part was that Hinata kept her usual nervous smile and blush on her face.

   "Thank you young ladies. Now, the reason I'm sending you on this mission is that the client himself requstes the help of young people. The mission is to rescue all the girls and few boys from a, how do a put it?" He asked Iruka, who just looked at him before blushing, "A whore house sir."

   I swear I would have started to laugh but sadly I was beaten by Naruto and Kiba. Thus causing Hinata, Sakura and I to team up yet again. "I don't want to go," I said, "I want to stay here and take care of my kids for once. Every time I get back to them I have to leave all over again. And after Toshiro's incident I just wanna make sure he's okay."

   "I'm sorry Naruko but this is a mandatory mission. You are a ninja and you have duties." My eyes glared hard at the Hokage as he spoke. What the hell, my job is to protect the Leaf Village, not random Bimbo's. 'How do you think I feel. Sango just called me Daddy yesterday!'  Sasuke complained in my head, which caused me to sigh.

   Toshiro returned to the Academy after my long talk with Meroku Yoshi. He's been there for only a week and he says he loves it, he has friends too. A boy named Notsu along with a girl named Himeji. When they grow up I hope they are in a team together.

   "Why do us genin always get sent on dangerous missions, isn't that for the grown ups?" Shikamaru said sounding bored as ever. But he agreed with me so I will now commence friendship between us. "Exactly its like no one cares if we die or get hurt. Aren't we the children if the future?" Added Kiba and Akamaru yelped in agreement.

   "Okay thats enough, there has to be a reason why the Hokage is sending us on this mission so just be quite." Haku said putting me in a head lock. When did he become so naturally violent. And why only me! I gasped for the sweet air that Haku wouldn't let me get. "Haku your going to kill her." Zabuza side glanced at us. My hands went to Haku's arms, scratching them trying to get oxygen. "Your killing Sasuke as well." Kakashi added which made us snap to Sasuke who was on one knee grabbing at his neck just like I was to Haku's arms.

   "Let go of Sasuke!" This time it was Ino. Were we even in here for a mission anymore? "Hokage-Sama can you tell Haku to let go of them?" Asked Sakura. I really couldn't hear much after that though, because is sort of got engulfed by black from lack of oxygen. Damn it Haku.  

   "Damnit where the hell is Haku?" I asked grabbing my neck in pain taking in deep breaths. Then I noticed that I was moving but not on the ground. I look up to see who's holding my and instantly see Shino. "What the fuck, put me down Baby Buggy!" I exclaimed loosing my composer, using the nickname I gave Shino. He only gave me a smug look I could see threw his high collar and glasses before putting me down.

Naruto's Twin Sister (Sasuke and Hinata Love Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now