New Team

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Don't own Naruto so don't get your hopes up.


I looked up and saw a woman. She had red hair and purple eyes.  She has multiple scratches on her face and blood coming out her mouth. She was crying and I noticed a claw-like thing in her stomach.  Behind her was a man who looked like my brother and I. He had the same blue eyes and blonde hair. He had a smile on his face with blood also trailing down from his mouth. Behind both of them was a huge demon I remembered from a book I read. The Nine Tailed Fox ,  The Kyuubi or Kurama. She woman was talking to two babies.

They both had looked exactly like the man, except for the whisker-like lines on their faces, just like Naruto and I. What is this? Am I dreaming? "Naruto treat women nice. Choose a girl just like me ok? And Naruko choose a man just like your dad. Minato I-I don't know what else to say." She said still crying. The 'Minato' man held her hand and smiled. "It's ok Kushina just say goodbye we won't see them for a while. I've already put the rest of our chakra into them." he said.

She smiled and nodded."I just wish I had a longer time with you guys ya' know?"

I opened my eyes and wiped my head. Kushina? Minato? The hell is going on. I sat up and took a long shower. I didn't know how to process that dream. I they were talking to twins named Naruto and Naruko. I'm to smart to jnow that, that is a coincidence. The man looked just like me and the lady was crying to us about out lives. And I know that they died and so did Naruto and I's parents.

I shook it of for now and got dressed. Naruto never cane home last night I hope he's okay. I'm worried but I be damned if anyone finds out. I tied my hair into on pigtail and my headband around my thigh. No bandages today I don't like the way they look anymore. My bangs naturally framed my face.

I walked to the Academy and looked around. Naruto was already here. This boy right here. I face palmed and shook my head walking over to him. "IDIOT!" I yelled as my fist connected to the top of Naruto's head bringing him to the floor. He rubbed his head and started anime crying. "Why sis what did I do, Believe it! ?" He cried.

I rolled my eyes and gritted my teeth. I picked him up by his collar and held him close to my face. u"Why didn't you come home last night," I asked teeth still gritted. " I waited up until 2 in the morning and you weren't there. Do you how wor-" I cut myself off. There is no way I was going to let everyone know I had feelings.  I dropped Naruto and took the end seat, making Naruto sit next to the Emo. "Whatever never mind" I mumbled.

Soon it sounded like a herd of wild buffalo were running towards the door. I turned to see both Sakura and Ino trying to enter the door at the same time. Ugh this is why I hate fan-girls. They squeezed into the door but I noticed that Sakura did in fact have a couple of inches on Ino. They started bickering and I kind of tuned out. I stared at a corner of the room. Looking close, you could see a faint shimmer.

It must be the Hokage watching us like he does every exam. I thought. Soon I snapped up to see who were the people yelling in my ear. I was totally surprised to see that it was Sakura and Ino yelling at each other for the seat next to Sasuke (Sarcasm noted). Oh wow, there terribly desperate. Naruto jumped on the table starring hard at Sasuke. I jumped in because I really didnt want to start anything this early in the morning. Sasuke already told Naruto to get out of his face and I also did not want to see my brother get beat up.

I jumped in between them hold in back Naruto. My back was against his chest and my arms where opened wide to stop him from being a dobe. He continued being stupid because he kept trying to get to Sasuke. Then all of a sudden my lips crashed into Sasuke's.  Our eyes where wide open in shock. I pulled back 7 seconds later after my brain had processed the situation. I turned to kill Naruto but I felt my hair being pulled back. All the girls (except Sakura, Hinata and Ino) pulled me to the ground.

Naruto's Twin Sister (Sasuke and Hinata Love Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now