Preliminaries Part Two.

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Hey guys! Thanks for the wait, I hope it was worth it! I don't own Naruto and Naruko is gonna turn a little - okay why am I lying....A LOT CRAZY! And they'll most likely be blood and gore, this is your WARNING!

And this chapter is just long to me and since I don't want to keep ou guys waiting any longer they'll be a part three to the preliminaries.

"Little Fox you look so terrified. You know what that means..... a new punishment awaits."

More tears poured out of Naruko's eyes as she crawled away from the man, making a beeline for her favorite corner. As the man left to retrieve his torture equipment, the blondie folded into her self. How did this happen? How did she end up back here? She escaped....right? She killed that man, drove her hand right through his chest. She felt his heart explode around her arm as she ripped it out of him. So, why was he alive and evil as ever? What the fuck what going on?

'Kill him again.'

Naruko wiped the snot that was about to run over her lips with the back of her forearm and shook her head. "I can't. I'm not strong enough to take him on by myself." It seems that this time around the blonde was utterly alone, no one but herself remained in the horrid room.

'Kill him. Show him that you are strong. That you'll never let him see the light of day for doing this to you. Kill him and return to your battle.'

The blondie became confused. B-Battle? She had a battle? That fucking fox had to have lost her sanity. Kill the man alone? Return to her battle? Naruko chuckled quietly, pulling her knees closer to her forehead as she sulked. She didn't see a future k. Ml of this room. This is where her life ended and she fully accepted that.

'YOU IDIOT! HE'S RETURNING! GET YOUR ASS UP AND KILL HIM!' The wooden door whipped open and Naruko scrambled to her feet. Out of no where one of her swords appeared in her hand. "What the hell?" She muttered to herself.

'Its your choice now. Its either kill or be killed. Take your pick...' And just like that all traces of the tailed beast was gone. The man in front of her smirked as he set all of his equipment on a steal table. "Now, what are you going to do with that?"

Kill or be killed....

She didn't like the sound of dying anymore. With the blade in her hand she could survive.

Kill or be killed.....

Her murderous intent flourished, her visible right eye turning a deep shade of midnight blue.


A Cheshire smile was pulled onto her face. She could do this.


With a sadistic roar of laughter Naruko looked at the man, tears whelting up in her eye. "KILL!"
Before the man could react Naruko had dug her blade sheath deep into his stomach. With a chuckle she closed her eyes, the room fading and the preliminary grounds returning.

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