Iruka Sensei?

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Never owned Naruto and never will.

I was sitting outside of the Academy, everyone even Naruko passed the exam. I sat on the old swing my sister and I used to share, looking at all the kids who had passed. They all had their parents congratulating them and giving them hugs showing them affection. But I had no one. I sent Naruko home wanting to be alone. She gave me a questionable look but ended up leaving.

I know that she tried to be my mother figure. She yells at me to do my best, praises me on the good (even though she still held no emotion) and punishing me on the bad. Cooking, cleaning she did it all and I know she tries hard; I'm not being ungrateful but sometimes I just want my real parents. The bond of a full loving and caring family. I want that but I know I'll never have that.

I hear the whispers and and I feel the stares, the pain of the abuse. My sister feels it too. We grew up on it. Everyone turning their backs on us not even giving us a chance. That's why Naruko never went to the Academy. She was scared of more rejection. And I was too, but to be a great ninja you have to face your fears. Thats what I did but it just got worse.

Somehow I kept my smile. But Naruko didn't. I know you all never expected me to be this deep but I have a dark past and when I talk about it and how it felt is just comes out this way. I hide my pain in all the pranks I pull trying to get a laugh or two. get the attention I always wanted, that turned out bad two.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Hinata behind a tree. I kind of just sensed her. I turned around and our eyes connected."Hinata if you want you can........ I dunno join me?" I said quite confused on why I wanted her next to me. Her face turned a deep red before nodding and slowly walking over. She sat next to me and played with her fingers still red-faced.

"H..hi N.....Naruto-kun." She said in her soft voice. It sounded like music to me. Like how I feel after eating romen from Ichiraku. Mm, kniw after I thought about it I am hungry. I turned to Hinata. "Do you want to get some Ramen? I'll pay."

After that her whole face went red and she fainted. I sweatdropped and picked her up. I didnt want to leave her here and I'm hungry. I ran as fast as I could to the Hyūga part of the village and layed Hinata on her front porch. She looked so cute sleeping.  Wait. WHAT? I...I dont think Hinata's pretty. Do I? I mean she looks pretty adorable just laying there lightly snoring. I shook my head and knocked on the door before running off. She going to be ok. And I had to get out of there her prettiness was taking over my brain.

While I was walking I saw some kids from my class with their headbands. I had forgotten all about that. I hung my head low as I walked. As I walked I bumped into someone.  I looked up to see Mizuki. He smiled down to me and I gave him a questionable look. What was he so happy for? I failed my exam and he saw that. Si why in the hell is he smiling at me? Is he teasing me just like everybody else? My fists gripped together as I sent him a glare.

"Calm down Naruto," he said. "All I wanted to tell you is that there is another way to become a genin.

A smiled spread across my face as I got eager. "Really, what is I'll do anything, Believe it!" I yelled.

He smiled at me but something about it. Eh, so what i'll be a genin! He told me that I needed to get some scroll and learn the jutsu and it in the woods. Then he would meet me there with my headband. I nodded and took off toward the place he had told me to go.

After hours of practice I finally got the Shadow Clone jutsu down. I was going to work on some other stuff until IrukaSensei came. He looked mad but I didn't see why. I smiled big. "Iruka Sensei I'm going to be a genin. I've already got one jutsu down, Believe it! " I shouted happily.

He looked even more upset. He made me figure out that I have stolen the scroll. That when Mizuki popped up. Soon after a lot of yelling and harsh words spit at me (which I was used to) and figuring out that Iruka Sensei's parents died becouse of something I held inside me, Mizuki had thrown a huge shuriken at me. I closed my eyes expecting pain by it never came. I looked up to see Iruka Sensei and he had the shuriken in his back.

My eyes widened. Iruka then told me how we where the same. We grew up almost alone and that he's sorry for how he treated me. I looked over to Mizuki who was laughing n I instantly got angry. I ran after him and stood on. "if you ever touch my Sensei again.......I'LL KILL YOU!" I screamed at him.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I yelled. Soon there were more me's then I could count. "Sexy Jutsu!" I yelled again. We all started to attack him at the same time. When he was finished with I decided to leave him for the higher ups. After everything that happened Iruka Sensei told me to follow him. I did and just as the sun was raising he gave me my headband. I smiled big and hugged him tight.

I'm a genin. Yes another step to becoming Hokage, Believe it!

My stomach grumbled. I never got my Ramen!

--------------------------------------------- If you loved it tell me. If you want me to change some stuff tell me! I will only learn from you all! Love you! *smoothes*

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