Chapter 13

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Another unedited 4k words celebrating the 1k reads, honestly a special thanks 😗❤❤❤ for those who suffered through reading this story..

I couldn't continue editing it because it's freaking 4 am here and my eyes are shutting by themselves so expect a lot of mistakes sigh~

Anyway in this chapter we will be seeing a lot of the psycho's moves, it also may contain a little bit of violence and less clues.


May 10, 2018

12:51 pm

'Tik Tok' 'Tik Tok' Namjoon has been staring at the clock hanging on the wall in front of his bed while his plump lips followed the rhythm of the clock sound, he's been trying desperately to distract himself from the smell of the hospital since he hated it and hated the memories that comes after.

He held Yoongi's phone up to his eyes level and stared at the contact name 'Soo Jung'. A week ago he had asked Yoongi for her phone number and to borrow his phone since someone has token the SIM card out of Namjoon's small device and Yoongi doesn't use his own phone that much. Without telling Yoongi the reason behind his request, the latter got the wrong idea but he brought it anyways.

Namjoon wondered about what would happen after he tells her the person behind her suffering, what is she exactly going to do?. Shall he tell her or shall he not that's the question.

Finally with heavy heart and soul, he tightened his grip on the phone and started typing but noticed that it was much harder with just one hand.

Suddenly the phone was snatched from his grip before he click on the send button making him glare at whoever took it, but his glare softened as he tried to maintain a smile.

"Sorry Mr. Kim but you are not allowed to play with your phone yet," the nurse slid Yoongi's phone in her tint pink uniform's pocket after making sure of Namjoon's eyes looking away from her sneaky hands, Namjoon on the other hand couldn't look at her in the eyes because she was so stunning and hot for him. She bend a little to his head level and pulled his chin causing his face turn towards her, "how about you play with me instead?"

Namjoon chuckled and harshly pulled his head away from her tight grip which irritated the nurse. She pulled him again but this time she was climbing the bed, putting her left knee between Namjoon's thighs and her left hand on the wall beside Namjoon's head trapping their body against each other and making him forget about the phone and message completely.

The boy hesitated about pushing her or leaving her to do whatever she wants, yes indeed she was so hot for him to reject yet he can't accept her offer. He couldn't help but gulp as her soft hand grabbed his chin again and pulled him closer that each of them could feel the other's hot breath on their cold skin.

"Hoe! get your filthy ass out, before I make you lay on the opposite room," Yoongi growled from the door frame as he slowly with a scowl on his face approached the two.

"What a naughty shortie we have hear, whatever I'm leaving," the nurse took her stuff from the table beside the bed after she had stood up and glared at Yoongi. She send Namjoon a nasty wink before she close the door after her leaving the two males in an awkward silence.

Yoongi simply slid his hands in his torn jeans pockets and looked down at his foot while it swung forward and backward kicking the imaginary dust from the floor, he decided to not say or ask a thing about what he just saw till Namjoon tells him by himself.

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