Chapter 25: Final bullet.

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Ru'uanian defence ministry head quarters.
Esmend had his head in his hands. Nihil stood in front of him, winching in pain from the dragon steel dagger. A demon guard had positioned itself in front of the door. Esmend was muttering curses and shaking his head.
"How. How. How! How did you lose all of you stationed white fangs insurgents! Then get injured by a man?"
"A huntsman more accurately. One armed with dragon steel. Knightfall and some of his buddies got the jump on us."
"First Mephina and now this? How many more losses until we get a single victory?" Esmend said standing up, pistol in hand.
"We've got more losses. Salem has been injured by a man named Lòng. And Mercury Black is dead, stabbed in the chest by the blind assassin. Our losses are mounting and there is no movement on us." The demon guard at the door shifted uncomfortably.
Suddenly there was shouting from outside. Then the rallying cry, a man's voice calling over all others.

Esmend was about to open the door, until Nihil pulled him back.
"No! You idiot that's that's the sound of a mutiny!" Nihil replied harshly, drawing his pistol and pointing it at the door. The guard now backing up and pointing its crude spear at the door.
The door thudded under the weight of someone ramming against the door, the shouting becoming more louder by the minute. Nihil let lose a few rounds through the door, puncturing the door and slamming into the man who was ramming into the door. However the man didn't fall down, seemingly not caring about the bullets. There was a sudden crack! as a golden gauntlet punched through the door. Nihil panicked and dumped the whole mag into the gauntlet though the shots only pinged off the armoured glove. The man behind the door kicked it open as Nihil reloaded. He was about to fire again when a dragon steel dagger was plunged into his shoulder. He dropped to his knees, trying to pull the dagger out, until the thrower pulled him close and whispered. "For those you have killed. For those you banished from eternal peace. This is their revenge." The man drove a silver sword through Nihl's chest. Nihil collapsed to the ground, blood gurgling from his throat though it was clear he hadn't killed him. The guard changed at the golden gauntlet wearer, until a grey werewolf launched out at it. The guard panicked, attempting to avoid the werewolf's jaws but instead the spear was torn from his hands and his throat bit out.
"Try and hurt my cousin and you'll die!" The werewolf shouted, standing up from the mauled body.
The werewolf transformed into a man in his early twenties with brown hair and a light green left eye, his other eye a milky white colour that screamed 'I'M BLIND IN THIS EYE!!!', with grey wolf ears propping from out of his head. The gauntlet man had dark skin and dark grey hair, he wore a bunch of belts (carrying various weapons) and had a grey poncho draped over his left shoulder. He pulled it back to show some bullet holes, though it had not gone through his skin instead the bullets looked like it had hit concrete. The man pulled one crumpled bullet out of his chest, revealing white and red demon skin underneath.
"Wow. He actually got me." The man exclaimed.
"You alright Prime?" The werewolf asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine Silver. Don't need to be worried about me." Prime replied, crushing the bullet in his gauntlet hand.
Another man stepped through the doorway.
"You handled the security Magor?" Prime asked. The man turned on the lights, revealing a man with black hair and red eyes.
"Those who didn't side with us? Then yes. Consider then neutralised." Magor replied, shutting and locking the door behind him.
Esmend looked in between the three men, changing the position of his gun to point at Magor.
"Oh no you don't." Magor promptly snatched the gun from Esmend before unloading the gun and tossing the mag into the bin at the back of the room. "You've got great crimes that you'll have to pay protector." Magor said breaking the gun over his knee.
Esmend could hear rapid machine gun fire, the light zap sound of laser fire, the heavy thudding of metallic armoured suits, the single bang! from a sniper's rifle, the large boom from explosions and the roar of fire from outside the room.
'Bout half an hour earlier.
Magor walked into their living quarters. Silver was sitting on the floor, cross-legged, seemingly meditating. Prime was lounging on the sofa in front of the tv, remote in hand and was skipping through various channels though he wasn't really paying attention as he was looking on his phone. Magor didn't think much of it as he walked towards the kitchen where Beckendorf was making Mac and cheese on the stove. He was about to take a cider out of the fridge when-
"Phoenix news at ten. With Tyrant Heterica."
"People of Ru'uan. I apologise. I apologise that what I'm about to show and tell you may shake this nation to its core. I apologise that this may cause this beautiful nation to fall onto its knees."
Magor's face scrunched up, confused however interested, he knew Tyrant well; a noble half devil beast master, who had defended Prime for the younger duration of his life. He walked back into the living room, where Prime had taken his eyes off his phone and sat up as interested as he was. Silver had opened his left eye, not exactly paying attention but still watching the news.
"Everyone knows the head of the RDM. Esmend Ro'meave. He is a veteran of the Fiore-Alarez war and and high promoted general. But everyone knows that war isn't fought without it's fair share of Atrocities. Unfortunately some just go way way to far. The screen cut to some footage of RDM agents shooting cowering civilians in the streets of O'kallis, then demon bodies being piled up and burnt with gasoline only to have the camera pan to agents forcing the survivors into large cattle trains before being sent off and finally security footage of a man, tied up by chains to the wrists secured to the floor, forced to take a unknown serum that made him writhe in agony as his right arm shone a dark blue hue and his left in a crimson red light. Prime and Magor looked on, horrified at the acts even though they had been through their baptism of fire, while Silver had now stopped meditating and watched on while adjusting his eyepatch. Beckendorf had walked in, holding a bowl of mac and cheese, he watched from his position in the open kitchen.
"This is only some of the atrocities that this man has done. He has been responsible for Secretary of State Hayden Zvhal's murder and the disappearance of his children. He is responsible for the corruption that has dirtied the rights that were stamped into our history after the divine civil war. He is res-"
Suddenly the TV cut to black. Magor was about to shout when Beckendorf cut him off.
"It ain't a power cut. The power is still on in the kitchen."
"Then what the fu-"
"Citizens of Ru'uan."
Prime's jaw dropped, recognising the voice immediately, while Silver was shaking his head in disbelief. Magor gritted his teeth, recognising the voice of his uncle's murder, restraining himself by reminding himself how much Prime's old man had sacrificed for them to live. A torchlight was pointed to a man with light-ish grey hair and a brown and golden mask clinging onto his left side of his face, the mask had a large crack across the middle of it; meeting where a long raggedy ran across his face.
"I asked for one thing with my dying breath. And that was for this world to be free of all injustices. Clearly it was not met."
The mask then dissolved into steam, to reveal Gold Diamondclaw in the flesh. Prime shock his head, refusing to believe his father was alive and well. Magor had already cracked one of his teeth in anger. Silver had now stood up, hands in front of him in disbelief. Beckendorf had dropped his fork in surprise.
"However. I believe in this world, this country is my homeland I ain't giving it up just yet."
Gold pointed towards the screen.
"We are the future for Ru'uan! We have fought for three thousand years why lose now?"
"We are the strength that moves people forward." Galbraith stepped forwards from the shadows, his arms across his chest slightly sneering in the bright light. Magor grinned, seeing his old man was always a relief to him.
"We are the kindest of people that help those who have fallen." Abbey stepped forwards, no expression on her face. Silver whooped. "Kick his a$$ to the curb mum!"
"We must be the discipline that keeps our enemies on their toes." Steven stepped into view, smiling gently.
"We must step up. And show that we won't eat out of one's hand." Dragon walked into view, pulling down his hood.

"We are the beast street heroes. We won't step down. We won't be forgotten."

And that's it! The end of beast street heroes guys!
Must give thanks to nIideafor and Just1nR1pper for letting me use their O'cs. There won't be any QnA because of the events that unfolded during the series. There will be new characters joining the series soon. Look out for the new collab story that me and PeanutButter_Cup be doing called Island of the dead. See you guys round.

-Goldendragonseal signing off.

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