Chapter 11: A new threat.

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Iron tree street 14:12
Jeffory and Rogue rushed down the street, doing their best to conceal their weapons while running. Rogue quickly pulled on his claw weapons while muttering a few curse words. "Dammit we should have taken a taxi here. It would have been more faster."
Suddenly his phone started to ring. I didn't know you had a phone.
"What you have a problem with that?" Rogue said quietly.
Just you're normally behind the times, heavily.
"Oh shut up." Rogue said as he quickly answered the his phone.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"Well hello Rogue Chetney. I see you're still in Phoenix Drop still."
"Who in Christ's name are you?" Rogue replied, alarmed that the stranger knew his name.
"Let's just say I'm an old acquaintance of your deceased parents. You could say." The voice was deep and was very clearly American.
"What do you want? And if it's about money, sorry I don't have any." Rogue replied.
The voice laughed. "No I'm not for money kid. You could say I'm a distant relative. And that technically makes me your guardian, correct?"
"Somewhat. But currently I'm a bit busy right now, can you call me later?" Rogue said as they turned a tight corner.
"Okay Rogue. I'll see you later then." The call ended and Rogue slipped his phone into his pocket.
"Who was that?" Jeffory asked looking at Rogue.
"Honestly I don't know? Some American guy saying that he's my new guardian."
"Bet he's a douche bag." Jeffory replied. Rogue nodded

They kept running until they came in front of a dark alleyway. Clearly it had been used by drug dealers as needles had been scattered all over the dirty ground. But what was even more scary, no terrifying, was the bloody scene that Garroth had ended up in. He had been kicked around and stabbed several times very brutally. Jeffory pulled his revolver and Rogue raised his fists while they pulled on their masks. It was eerily quiet but it was the middle of rush hour. "This ain't right. There should be a load of people here." Jeffory said, a concerned look under his mask. They could only hear their foot steps.
Garroth looked up at the two silhouettes and his eyes widened. "Green eagle and Skiadrum." He tried to stand up but the pain  in his right leg stopped him.
"Woah slow down kid. You're hurt. You shouldn't try to move." Skiadrum said as he put Garroth over his shoulder. "Now we got to move before-" Suddenly Skiadrum was slammed in the face by the butt of a gun, forcing him to drop Garroth and stumble backwards. "It's a trap!" Green eagle shouted as they were quickly surrounded by men in black. Most of the men were wearing wrap-around sunglasses so they looked like the dudes from the matrix. They immediately pointed their weapons at the men but they were outnumbered 3 to 1. The men pulled out small handguns, one pulled out a nightstick. "Well we're totally screwed aren't we." Skiadrum said, swallowing hard. "We ain't going down without a fight!" Green eagle shouted as he pointed his revolver at one of the men.
Suddenly one of the men were knocked against the wall of the alley way. "What in ch-" One of the men said before his head was slammed against the floor by a bare hand. "Open fire dammit!" One of the men shouted. "Jag kör ner dig!" (I'll run you down!) Roared a man with a massive axe in his hands. He quickly rushed forwards and rammed the rest of the men over.
He stood up. Showing the scars and muscles that made the man's body, he had a wild look in his eyes like a burning flame.

 Showing the scars and muscles that made the man's body, he had a wild look in his eyes like a burning flame

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"You shan't survive!" The man shouted as he slammed his axe into the man's head.
He shook his axe round to get off the blood.
He pointed to Rogue.
"I believe you're the boy that Night was talking about."

Hi guys! Please don't kill me for not updating! I've got a load of homework to do and school is crazy!

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