Chapter 9: Rage of the beasts.

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Diamondclaw walked through first, his golden gauntlet shining through the dust. He quickly kneed one of the members in the face before breaking his neck, he held a silver machete in his left hand while holding a m4 in his gauntlet hand. He looked round, he was clearly impressed. Suddenly on of the members tried to club him on the head, he was thrown off by a wing flinging upwards. "So this is your base? Impressive. Mind if I destroy it for you?" Diamondclaw said before hacking some poor guy's arm off.
Next was Huntress, the graceful yet deadly woman of the western side. She had an eagle perched on her shoulder and every time someone would try to shoot her a large piece of stone would slam them in the face. She quickly drew her bow and pointed it at Orga, who was trying to rig up his electric cannon. "Say good night black lightning!" She shouted before letting go of her arrow. It slammed straight into Orga's back, knocking him forwards and possibly killing him. "That was for the couple who you killed last month." She quickly re-drew her bow. "Who's next?"
Suddenly a young man wearing a green and gold dragon mask strode in wielding a sledgehammer. "It's Ruathan! He's the guy who crushed the serpent's vemon gang last month!" Rufus said before his skull was crushed by Ruthan. "Shut up. You talk too much." Ruthan quickly threw a Molotov cocktail at a machine gun turret, burning the occupants inside to ash. He heaved up his sledge hammer from the bloody mess of Rufus's head. "Anyone else?" He said. A faint dragon roar was heard above the chaos.
The Lightning demon moved with impressive speed, dodging machine gunfire and smacking grenades away using his crowbar. Korenbolt (the guy who always dressed as a ninja) leapt forwards in a effort to try to stop him but was smacked by the blunt side of his crowbar that sent him flying. One of the Mefiwas tried to attack him from behind suddenly a light blue spirit swatted them away. A man who looked just like Steven. "I got your back."
"Thanks old man. I appreciate it."
The spirit smiled and clicked his fingers and lightning bolt slammed into the ground. Frying every electrical system in the house. Old dog new tricks. Most of the members were sent into panic as they knew what was coming.  Suddenly three people railed down on ropes from the rooftop. Their eyes glowing brightly, one turquoise, one Amber and one a dark red. "It's the three of the night! Viper! Night and Skiadrum! They're all here!" Said one member before getting punched in the face by Skiadrum. "Jesus. Ruthan was right they are a herd of chickens." Skiadrum exclaimed with a smile. Viper smirked under his mask. "Let's give them hell then!" Suddenly a hydra with 52 dagger like teeth in each mouth pulled itself out of the shadows. Long live the prince of the shadows! The hydra roared as it crushed several of the members. Your orders my prince?
"Destroy the Tigers. Don't leave a single one alive."
Of course my prince. It be my honour. The hydra smirked as it turned towards the poor souls.
Night quickly jumped from member, knocking them out. She glided on angel wings every time someone tried to hit her. "Nice try clumsy. You fight like a toddler!" Night was quick as she made quick work of the Tigers.
Finally two other people walked through the gaping hole. "Let me introduce our two newest members. Green eagle and Firefist. They're quite the fighters. And they've got spirit. Can you two take it from here?" Diamondclaw asked with a giant smile on his face. They only nodded, one was a boy wearing green body armour and a gas mask with green goggles. Another was a girl with icy blue eyes with hair to match it, she was wearing the hellfire gauntlets the ones that if you punched fast enough they would be set alight. The boy pulled out a glaive and a revolver. "Let's go Firefist."
They charged forwards, slashing, shooting and punching the frail tigers. Green eagle was the quick fighter, dodging the the quick bursts of gunfire before returning fire with sniper accuracy. He would throw tear gas before running  into a machine turret to blind his targets before slaughtering them. Firefist charged forwards, breaking her enemies by striking them with quick and powerful strikes. do we put this? Doomed? Screwed? Flipped up? Well let's just say he regretted even thinking about joining the Sabertooth gang. The new boss of the Tigers, Minerva Orlando (the daughter of the old boss) was furiously shouting orders while being out of reach of the vigilantes bullets. Then Sting realised something he had never thought about.
He was going to die here.
No one would care. No one would give a second look. They would say. "Well. That's life." Sting bit his lip. Weisslogia, mom, Rogue, Yukino...God I'm were the guys who actually cared for me and I let you all down. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do. He pulled out his pistol and aimed it at his head. He stood up so that his boss, his friends and the vigilantes what he was about to do. "Sting Efficle! What do you think you're doing?"  Minerva said with a whole lot of dislike in her voice. "Taking the easy way out." He replied. Green eagle quickly pulled out his revolver and took aim. And before Sting could pull the trigger on himself it was shot out of his hand. Yukino screamed, in thinking Sting had been shot by Green eagle. "Sharp eye. Take the tiger out."
Abandoned flats nearby.
A man was on the top floor of a ten floor flat. He had his sniper primed on a certain black haired woman. He could have taken the shot when the raid started. But he was waiting for one thing.
The permission to fire.
The wind whistled through his red military beret. He had his right eye looking through the scope. He had packed for a whole night camp out up here. Rations, water, bullets and scopes. He hated the gangs that roamed the streets, after all  they were the ones who murdered his wife and son. His radio crackled. "Sharp eye. Take the tiger out."
He smiled.
"Roger that."
And he pulled the trigger.

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