Chapter 19: Eye of the storm.

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Several hours later
Dragon Knight dropped onto Dragon's couch. Vulcan, Drayken and team KAZE following close behind. "Thank the gods that you brought your own house son." Dragon Knight sighed. Dragon shook his head. "You knew this was a trap. Didn't you?" Dragon asked. Dragon Knight nodded. "I had suspected that Mephina may try to sell us out again. Kept that in consideration, I didn't give her the information they needed to bring the revolution to a halt." Dragon Knight said, pulling out a small USB stick from one of his pockets. Dragon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"What in Irene's name is that?" Dragon asked, gesturing to the stick that Dragon Knight held.
"This. Is a whole 10 GB of atrocities that Esmand has committed over his 20 years in government power. The massacre of dragon's nest, the butchered population of Scaleswind and the disappearance of Falconclaw. Everything." Dragon Knight replied, a fire burning in his eyes.
"Yo moving injured through! Get out of the way!" Galbraith shouted as he tried to navigate the stretcher that was carrying a wounded Gold those mask had been knocked off during the fighting. He was clutching a giant gash across his stomach, one that had been caused when he had got a bit too close to Trechares. He grinned in pain, trying to not show pain though it was evident on his face. Dragon tried to look in the other direction, trying to avoid making eye contact. Jacob shuffled in, trying to keep his arm in shape. Dragon Knight only looked on. "Hey Galbarith. Bring him over here." Dragon Knight said. Galbraith obliged, making his way through the tired crime fighters. Dragon Knight lit his forefinger on green fire, it looked ghostly in the dim light. Gold was gasping out of pain, as his heart condition kicked in. Dragon Knight sighed. "Somethings never change do they? You still got the condition a millennium on."
Gold and Galbraith were sparring on the sandy arena. Freghyn  sat down next to a newly introduced legionary called Isaac. "You watching the pros fight?" Freghyn asked. Spooking Isaac, causing him to jump out of his seat. "Er-er Yes!" He said, watching as Gold parried a blow from Galbarith's new war hammer. "It's my hometown. They wouldn't allow things like this. They'd discipline you until you didn't do it or die." Isaac replied, as Galbarith swung his hammer in a wide arc, Gold only narrowly dodging the hit. "There are many things that have happened in my lifetime. Be thankful you're here now. Life is short you'll never know when it'll end." Freghyn replied as Galbarith gave a roar of anger as he swung his hammer into Gold's chest, sending him flying into the arena wall. Freghyn winced in pain while Isaac clenched his teeth. "Got yah Diamondclaw! What are you going to do now?" Galbarith laughed as Gold pulled himself from the dent in the wall. "I'm...going to..." Gold said before he stopped abruptly, seemingly struggling to breath. Galbarith stopped laughing, a look of concern on his face. "Hey Diamondclaw. You okay?" Galbarith asked, approaching the huge dent in the wall. Freghyn looked concerned, a quick line of draconian passing through his lips. Isaac looked at Freghyn. "What's going on?" Freghyn shook his head.
"Nothing good. That's for sure. Get Diablo, we're going to need to his ghost ability here." Freghyn said, running off.
Gold stumbled out of the flowing dust, almost immediately collapsing on the ground. Galbarith sprinted towards Gold, dropping his war hammer. "Yo Diamondclaw? You okay?" Galbarith asked, shaking the unconscious Gold. Gold tried to speak, but clutched his chest in pain. Galbraith recognised the signs a little to well, to say the least. "Oh by Protis. Come on sit up, lying down is not going to help you." Galbraith said, helping the wheezing Gold to sit up.

Dragon Knight put his finger above Gold's wound, quickly sealing it up. Gold smiled, nodding his thanks before Jade hugged him tears in her eyes. Dragon Knight turned away, pulling out his phone and putting it into to his ears. He quickly left the living room.
Phoenix news. 10:46 pm.
Tyrant breathed out a sigh of relief, straightening his tie and dusting himself off. Freghyn was adjusting the lens on his camera, muttering a few angry Latin words. Butters was angrily typing on a laptop, looking at her notes every few seconds. Two Dragonborn, one brass coloured and the other blue coloured as they talked.
"Damon. Hand me that water bottle will you?" The blue Dragonborn asked, pointing at the water bottle on the desk while tweaking with the sound.
"Alright Brazier. Give me a second." Damon said, trying to put the sponge on the sound stick. He growled, his frustration becoming evident on his face. He huffed out, a few embers flowing out of his nose. He gave up, dropping the sponge and handing Brazier his bottled water. Brazier quickly gulped down the water, he bared his teeth at the taste. He threw the bottle into a bin right next to him. Suddenly his scales flashed with lightning right before he let loose a roar of lightning at the bin. It fizzled and sparked for a couple of seconds before it stopped. Freghyn looked at the two of them weirdly. "Can you two brothers get over here. I need you two to help me review this video." He said, beckoning the two brothers. The two of them shuffled towards Freghyn, who had uploaded the video onto a computer. The video had been uploaded onto YouTube, with the title "THE LEGION IS BACK AND THEY'RE FIGHTING THE GOVERNMENT!" Brazier rolled his eyes, snorting with annoyance. "Not one of these again. I'm not watching-" Damon pulled Brazier back before he could walk off. "Come on brother. Just see legit or not."
"*snort* Fine. But you owe me a brunch."
Freghyn smiled as he clicked on the video. It showed some really shaky footage before it eventually settled. The person with the camera seemed to peek behind a car wreak. They could see a gold blur fighting the agents, knocking them all back and killing some. Suddenly it stopped, to show a figure that Freghyn recognised well. "Dragon're back." The footage kept on at a steady flow showing the fight until he saw someone getting a little to close to the fighting. Butters and Tyrant were now leaning over the brothers to see the video. "Wait is that Gold?" Tyrant asked. Suddenly they could see a long line of blood over the camera and a crunching noise as Gold was thrown next to the camera. The footage was abruptly cut off.
"That can't be fake. No one ever knew the cap that well." Tyrant said, concern painting his face and tainting his voice. Butter's face was that of that of pure shock, shaking her head, refusing to believe. Freghyn kept a stern face as he scrolled through the comments, though they weren't much help. Damon and Brazier looked at each other, questions being asked silently through eye contact. Tyrant's phone started vibrating in his pocket, he pulled it out of his pocket. He lifted it to his ear.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"Well hello Tyrant. It has been a while since we talked."
Tyrant's eyes widened in shock.
"Master Dragon Knight?" Tyrant asked, his voice shaking in shock.
"Yes Tyrant. It is me. We need to talk."
"What is that YouTube video about?"
"Oh...that. We didn't realise that she was there...don't bother trying to figure out how. But I'm going to need your help."
"What do you need sir?" Tyrant asked.
"First, drop the formalities. We're going to be fighting side by side and I don't need that type of stuff. Second of all, I need to explain the situation."
Tyrant nodded. "Tell me."
"We're currently in the middle of eye of the storm. Esmand's forces have been hit in the face and are dazed. Once they recover, they're going to do everything in their available power to find and eliminate us. We need the power of the people on our side to win this. That is where you come in."
Tyrant smiled, looking at the crew assembled in front of him. "What have you got planned?"
"I've got a lot of incriminating evidence against Esmand on this one 10GB USB stick. I'm going to send Ghost to do a dead drop in Rising park, next to the war memorial. I need you to pick it up, and broadcast it on live television. That'll cause more then a few problems for Esmand, it'll slow him down and give us a bit more time. Time is of the essence, I'm also send your old captain to assist you."
Tyrant was now on the brim of tears, hand over his mouth.
"Hey Tyrant? You ok?" Damon asked. Tyrant nodded, smiling still.
"Can I speak to him?" Tyrant asked. He could here a voice asking who Dragon Knight was calling.
"Of course! Hey Gold get over here!" Dragon Knight shouted. He could hear the phone being passed to another person.
"Hey how are you Tyrant?" Gold's voice became audible on the phone.
"Fine sir. How's being alive?"

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