Chapter 17: Return of the king.

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Gold could feel a giant heatwave as he slammed the brakes on the mini bus. He immediately regretted doing that his head slammed onto the head rest. Oh ow....that's going to leave a bruise. He could hear angry shouts from the back of the bus.
"What the hell was that for Gold!" Steven shouted as he stumbled out of his seat.
Gold could only remain silent as he looked at the scene in front of him. "Hey you mind telling me oh..." Dragon said as he stared at the scene.

The highway was littered with the wrecks of burning cars. Some were alight with a golden fire and looked like the fire had been breathed on by a winged beast. He could see the safety rails on either side of the highway had been littered with holes, like something had punched through a hole through the railing. Oh dear... I think I know who did this...this ain't good news... Gold recovered from the shock. "Everyone! Armour, masks, weapons out! We got a hot situation on the road! We got to be ready to move!" Gold shouted as he attempted to gain control of the situation. That was until a ear splitting roar shook the car several times. Suddenly Dragon's eyes turned blood red. "Oh" Dragon stuttered. What do you think? The fire is something to go by! Gold shook his head. "Who are you talking about? Who's he?"
He could feel everyone's eyes on him. He was normally the dude with the info, not asking for it. Dragon Knight. The first master of the legion. The only man alive who could beat me in combat when I was around. He killed Horus and Ra! Gold grabbed his equipment in such a way that he accidentally brushed his shoulder against Dragon's knife, cutting his jacket open and revealing his demon skin underneath.
"What the hell is that?"
"Don't bother!"
"NO! We're talking about this now whether you like it or not!" Dragon bellowed. Everyone turned to look at him.
"Why would you care?" Gold questioned, looking up at the angry Dragon.
"Because that very nature of you keeping secrets almost got you killed!"
Silence filled the van, abolishing the noise of preparation from the space.
"What are you talking about?" Gold questioned, teeth clenched.
"When you took the arrow for Jade! Two thousand years ago dammit! You lied about being okay, when in reality the venom was coursing though your veins killing you from the inside."
"I took that arrow and it was my choice. Not yours!" Gold shouted, eyes glowing gold.
"I care about my teammates. I don't agree with my partner's methods but he has a point. You can't keep hiding yourself in a shell that's going to break. I saw his memories, I felt the pain he went through! You may think hiding your pain is going to help everyone, the real truth is that is causes more pain! Because they wish they could have done something about it!"
"And what would you know?" Gold said standing up, machete in hand.
"I saw you die. I saw the aftermath of everything! You wouldn't know because you died before it happened!" Dragon declared. Dragon gritted his teeth, trying to keep his emotions in check. "You know nothing of the pain we went through! " he shouted
Gold stopped, trying to take that in. He was the person to be unwilling to admit that he was wrong. But he had a point, he was right that trait he had almost got him killed on so many occasions that he'd lost count.
"So you finally came to your senses Diamondclaw?" Gold turned round to see a shadowy figure on the road. It seemed to flicker in and out and the only solid object on the figure seemed to be the crown. It looked like several writhing hydra heads with amber inlaid where the eyes should be. It seemed to be some sort of shadowy warrior with a massive purple sword strapped to his back.
"Who are you?" Gold asked. The shadow only replied with laughter.
"How about you asked your friend Shadow hydra? He'll give you the answer." It replied, chuckling under his breath. Gold looked at Jacob those eyes were wide in astonishment but also fear.
"H-how? How are you here?" Jacob replied, fear shaking his voice. The figure again laughed, seemingly enjoying Jacob's fear.
"Because I am here. Dumba$$." The shadow replied. Jacob shook his head. "I asked for the King! Not you!" Jacob shouted.
The two of them stopped. Trying to figure out who said it. Then the voice boomed again.
"What do you want?" The voice asked Jacob. Jacob whelmed up the courage to speak.
"I need you." He replied. The voice seemed to hesitate before it answered.
"Why exactly? You know I can't leave my throne here-"
"And leave your friends here? To live and die again while you stay on a cold throne with regrets that will never be settled?" Jacob shouted.
"Don't you dare speak about the King that wa-"
"No! Raiken he's got a point. I've been hiding for too long. I couldn't accept my comrade's death and it only caused more deaths to happen. I've done things that I can now only regret...Steven's and Abbey's blood is on my hands. I didn't say my final goodbyes to Dragon when he passed. I didn't follow through Gold's wishes to continue moving forwards when he'd sacrificed his life to make sure that the dragon berserkers couldn't get to us. Galbraith never forgave me for not saving the jury of wolves." caused him to snap alright. Gold's spirt quietly commented as he glanced at Jacob who looked on in sadness.
"I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean for them to come out that way-" Jacob tried to apologise.
"No. No point trying to apologise to a man who has betrayed his dying friend's last wish. You just made me realise how cowardly I really am, how weak I was compared to the older legionnaires. I am the only original legionary to still be alive today. Well your wish is granted."
Suddenly there was a rumbling of the earth as a huge crack appeared in the road. Gold gripped the side of the seat as the bus was sent rumbling to the action of the elder gods.
"What in the nether is this power. It's equivalent, no more then Viper!" Dragon Knight said trying to keep his footing.
"Keep your eyes on the prize Destrey! We got bigger fish to fry!" Vulcan said as cracks started to spread around his feet.
"What-what devil powers did you bring this time Libertas?" Mephina shouted. Dragon Knight shook his head as he pointed a golden crossbow at Mephina. "I brought nothing but the reaper's greetings for you!" Dragon Knight shouted as he fired off the bolt at her chest. Mephina swiftly moved out the way of the bolt. "Ha you really have grown weak in age-"
"What were you saying 'bout my guild master?" Mephina looked down at her chest to see a massive purple blade sprouting from her chest. "Cause you're gonna have to say that to the King of the shadow realm first."
Dragon Knight smiled as he saw who it was.
"Jacob Lycan. King of the shadows. How you been?"
Mephina spluttered out blood as Jacob pushed her off his sword. He was wearing a purple cloak over his grey battle armour, he had grown a beard reaching down to his chest. In his right hand he held trechares yang,half of Shad's original sword, in the other hand he held trechares Ying, the other half of Shad's sword.
"Good. How have you been sir?"

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