Chapter 5: A family secret.

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Easter industrial site. Blackdread industries. Warehouse 42.
This was not the friends idea of a secret base.
Rogue, Jeffory and even Katelyn had been tossed into the back of a truck, bags over their heads and then driven to a unknown area.
Pft well it wasn't the worse thing ever. Probably...well flipping done Goldheart.
But the three of them could pick up a couple of names. 'Dragon' 'Jacob' 'Abbey' and even mentions of other people. Jeffory could hear two other voices in the truck but he couldn't tell who they were.
Suddenly the truck came to a sudden stop. "Okay. Get them out." Red Dragon ordered.
"Aye sir." Shadow hydra replied, dragging Rogue out by the arms. While Jeffory and Katelyn could feel the Red Dragon grab them by their collars. They were quickly marched to a warehouse, Jeffory could hear the clicks of ammo magazines loaded into guns, he could hear the faint whistle of hunting arrows and the faint rumbling of fire.
"Red Dragon. What in Enki's name you got here?" A voice from the right asked, with the faint thumping of feet.
"Diamondclaw. May I introduce Jeffory Goldheart, Katelyn Firefist and ex-Sabertooth member Rogue Chentny. Goldheart and Firefist have been following us since I saved them last month. I think we should reward them with a look at our base."
Jeffory could feel warm breath on the back of his neck.
"Very well. People masks on."
Katelyn could see again and she could see several people now. All of them in masks.
One man, who she presumed was Diamondclaw, had a gold diamond studded gauntlet covering over his right arm. He also had a machete sheath on his right leg as well as a m4 slung over his shoulder with a magazine strap securing it. He wore a golden dragon mask. The man was stroking his chin with his gauntlet hand.
She could also see a girl wearing a green scarf, she had a bow in her left hand as well as wearing a quiver. She had twin hunting knifes in her belt. Her eyes were a forest green, a piercing forest green. The girl was wearing some sort of green hoodie. She had the emblem of a light green eagle head on her chest. She was staring at Katelyn, like she had seen her before but didn't know where.
Rogue could see one man leaning on a yellow crowbar. He was wielding dual Uzis with a lightning finish to them. He wore what looked like a yellow demon mask, he didn't bother putting on a hoodie and you could see that his hair was blonde colour. He was swinging his crowbar side to side in anticipation. He was very clearly impatient.
There were footsteps outside the warehouse.
"Gold. What is he doing here?" Rogue almost recognised that voice immediately. He couldn't bare turning round.
"Jade. Please not now." Diamondclaw said with a agitated tone.
"What is he doing here?"
Jeffory turned round to see a girl with blonde hair and dark skin. Followed by a man with a green and gold dragon mask on.
She was basically to polar opposite to Rogue.
"Dragon. What in Shad's name is going on?"
"Bad blood in the family. Probably. Galbarith do you think?" The man in the green and gold mask walked up to the Red Dragon. Red Dragon quickly whispered something into Galbarith's ear. "Yeah they should." Is all that they could hear.
"Jade." Shadow Hydra said.
"You should give your brother a second chance."
"Why would I? He's done so many horrible things! Why should I give him a second chance?"
"When you lose them for good. You'll miss them and regret that you didn't spend as much time as you could have. Trust me. I made that mistake. And I regret that dearly." Shadow Hydra looked down, tears threatening to burst.
"Please Jade... Give me a second chance... I never did it willingly. I just wanted to keep the family safe..."
Jeffory looked at Rogue with admiration. By Irene.... That must be rough.
Jade looked away, but she also had tears in her eyes.
Jeffory started to speak up. "Jade. Your older brother is one of the bravest men I've ever met. He got stabbed more then 15 times, yet he kept fighting to keep you safe. He saved me from Gemma, on the threat of death. He played three games with death and won by the skin of his teeth. You should give him a second chance. He needs you to support him."
Jade gave a big hug to Rogue. Tears flowing down her cheeks.
"I-I forgive you. Older brother."
Rogue hugged her back.
"Thank you Jade."

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