Chapter 18: Gold, shadow and fire.

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Dragon Knight stood back to back with Jacob, his shield held in front of him.
"When did you grow a beard?"
"Why are you asking?" Jacob asked, eyebrows raised.
"Doesn't really suit you if I'm honest." Dragon Knight said grinning like a mad man. Jacob chuckled as the agents started to surround them, guns raised.
"Don't think that these guys have ever seen a dragon legionary in action. Want to give them a shot?" Dragon Knight asked.
"Would be my pleasure." Jacob replied as he charged at one of the agents. The agents started to fire at the two of them as Jacob closed the distance in between him and the agent. The agent started to fire rapidly and desperately. Jacob raised trechares Yang over his head as the agent's gun went *click* *click* *click* the agent's eyes widened in fear as he looked up at the sword. Jacob brought his sword down, slicing the left arm off. The agent screamed in pain until Jacob swiftly decapitated him in seconds. The agent's corpse thudded onto the floor as the other agents hastily reloaded their guns. Jacob leaped up into the air, his swords aimed downwards.
"I, Jacob Lycan of the Heron Destrey line, command the blades of the wind and the shadows to become one once more! Become the blade that control the skies and the underworld! Become the very blade of the realm breaker. Trechares!"
The blades became a purple substance, wrapping themselves around Jacob's fingers. Jacob landed on the road with a *crack* sending fissures spiralling away from him. Trechares was now a three meter long sword, it had three feet of shark teeth edges then a smooth but deadly edge. The guard of the sword had the ends pointing downwards, it had a silvery opal in the center of its guard. Dragon Knight's eyes widened as he saw what it was. "How in Irene's name did you get the oracle's eye in there?" Dragon Knight asked, lifting his shield up to deflect a volley of incoming gunfire. "Turns out Shad had the idea of putting the eye into his sword so he could fight with both hands instead of having to hold the oracle's eye in one of his hands. Of course he was defeated before he could do it." Jacob replied as he cut down several agents at once. Dragon Knight grinned as he loped off some poor man's arm with his axe. Jacob's face was awash in confusion. "Sir when did you use an axe?" He asked.
"Ah, that. Before I became the master of the Dragon Legion, I used an double handed axe. After the divine civil war ended I gave up my use of my double handed axe and used a sword instead. I still have my respect for the older gods who taught me you know?" Dragon Knight explained as he sliced upwards with his axe. Jacob nodded with grudging respect as he impaled one of the agents on his sword. There was a sudden glimmer of bright light as a man with a spear and round bronze shield appeared. He wore the Royal armour of a spartan hoplite. "Am I late to the party?" The man asked, locking himself into Spartan formation. Dragon Knight laughed. "Leonidas! Took your sweet time getting here!" He said, harshly. Leonidas laughed, spinning his spear around before jabbing his spear head into one of the agent's heads ramming his spear into the ground. "I've been handling a couple problems recently. With Esmund going corrupt and sh*t. I decided to seek out some old allies of mine."
Suddenly a massive werelion leaped out. Sinking it's teeth into a whimpering agent's neck. It tore the poor man's head off, crimson blood now staining its golden mane. Ragnarok suddenly appeared, his massive shadow dwarfing the highway easily. Ragnarock screeched again, a grey glow in his throat before he unleashed a line of grey fire. One of the cars immediately exploded when exposed to the fire.
"You brought Jay?"
"Why not? We needed a heavy hitter!"
"And you brought a freaking werelion?"
"You got a problem with that?" Leonidas asked, ramming the butt of his spear into the jaw of an agent.
"He's dating Maria for Kul'zak staff!" Dragon Knight shouted, parrying one of the agents day stick.

"There they are!"
Dragon Knight looked up. Smiling like the sun had finally arisen after the Arctic Spring.
"Welcome back red dragon."

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