the Mortimer series

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Hello, my loves! How has been your day so far?

It has come to my attention that a lot you want future books about some of the characters such as Wolf, Carter and Damon and have been asking me about it. So I've decided to let you in on some sneak peaks of future books in the Mortimer series!!!!! I hope it doesn't spoil anything for you and that this keeps you hooked on the following books!

SO here as all the books that are in the Mortimer Series!!!

His, Hers, Ours. Book one of the Mortimer series:

But what I didn't realise was the man walking towards me and put his leather jacket around my shoulders.

"You're cold, here."

I looked down and stuttered a thank you.

He lifted my chin so that I could look him in the eyes.

"No need to thank me, angel. Come with me."

I couldn't help but blush at him.

"O-ok. But don't hurt my daughter please."

"Don't worry angel I won't hurt my little princess"

What just happened?


Everleigh is a 21-year-old single mum from England. She moved to America with her 3-year-old daughter Rose and her 2-year boyfriend Dan.

But he beats her and blames her for his unsuccessful business. She does everything to protect her daughter.

But that one night, she is saved. That night changes her life, she becomes his angel and Rose his princess... of the one and only Ash Mortimer, the leader of the Dark Snakes.

Guns and Roses. Book two of the Mortimer series:

I wish I could just go to a corner and hide. pretend I don't exist.

This club/ party type thing, whatever you call this place where I'm at, I could really do without.

This guy that seemed very off came up to me, seeing that my friends had oh so nicely left me to fend for myself. I was standing at the bar waiting for my next drink when he started talking to me and then he started getting a little to close to me.

"Hey th-there sexy kitten, you ready for me to rock your world?" He only but slurred out. I scrunched my nose at his breath.

"Sorry... I'm here with my boyfriend." What a total lie! Rose you liar!! You only wish you had a boyfriend!

"Yeah right, what he doesn't know won't kill him.. I bet..." the weirdo couldn't finish before a pair of strong arms came around my waist.

"Hey, baby. How's my girlfriend doing?" A deep husky voice that I remember quite distinctly.

But before I could understand what came next a pair of lips crashed onto mine like I was the air he needed.

Why on earth is Kendyn Emery kissing me?


Rose Mortimer is one of the children of the notorious gang leader power couple: Everleigh and Asher Mortimer.

She is the opposite of the rest of the people at school. At 17 she has more secrets than most people.

But she is is not the only one.

Kendyn Emery is what you call a " bad boy player", well that's the image that people have of him. But he has a lot more going on in his life.

What will a night, a sticky situation, leads to a kiss that will forever mark both of them.

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