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Rose Mortimer:

After our ice creams, we decided to head home after getting what we needed for dinner and for tomorrow and the day after since we are staying three days but two nights. I stayed outside with Bentley and try and make him socialise with all the different people that wanted to stroke him coming in and out of the supermarket. He was actually a really calm yet slightly exited puppy when needed.

Carrie stayed out with me so that we can have a much-needed girl talk.

"So Buttercup how is it going with Mr Mcdreamy over there." she questioned giving me 'the look'.

"All is going great. Is it just like we have been together for years ya know? He knows me like the back of his hand and knows so many details about me that I thought he would forget after all this time. Like the fact that I hide sweets in my room and that I love everything with raspberries." I smile like and idiot.

"Or the fact that I wanted a puppy for as long as I could remember..." I patted the top of Bentley's head as he looked up at me with his tongue hanging out because of the heat.

"Ooh, my little Buttercup is all grown up!" she placed her hand on her chest and wiped away a fake tear.

"Oh stop being a drama queen!" I shoved her making us both laugh.

"So have you done the deed yet, ya know roll around in the bed sheets, a little sport in the bedroom..." she made her left hand into a hole using her pointer and index finger and her left pointer finger making it slip into the hole.

I blush bright red and try and hide my face behind my hair.

"Stop doing that! We are in public Carrie!" I broke her hands apart making her grin.

"Soooo..." she pushed.

"Did he pop your cherry?" I shook my head.

"No. He hasn't. And I don't plan to 'pop my cherry' right now."

"You have been dating for what? Seven months? Congrats by the way, but don't you think it's time to consume your relationship that way?" she asked as we walked a little in the parking lot because Bentley was getting agitated.

"I suppose so but we have never been in that position before. I don't feel ready and he's not pushing me to do anything I don't feel comfortable with. I know he could get ass anytime he wants because let's face it he is a god, and yet he sticks by me." I blush a little thinking about Kendyn.

I don't want to talk to soon by I think I may love him?

"I know Buttercup, he is truly a gentleman. I'm glad that you have found someone like him and not a guy like fucking Bryan." I rolled my eyes at her last statement.

"We should probably head back, Carter sent me a text saying that they are at the checkout." she nods as we made our way back to the cars.

Once home, we let Damon cook because the rest of us can't cook for love nor money. Well, we did offer to help but he didn't want us in the kitchen when he was doing his magic.

I head over to Kendyn's room to set Bentley's things for the night. But as I was setting things I didn't realise that my man had come out of the shower and was now standing there with only a towel around his waist. I turned a bright shade of pink and quickly stood up making things fall around me and try to catch them but ultimately failed and made an even bigger mess around me.

Kendyn was only laughing at me making my clumsiness multiply and next thing I know I'm tripping over the dog bed and waiting for the fall to grace my lovely ass but it never came. Instead, I was greeted by the warmth of the strong arms of my gorgeous boyfriend.

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