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Rose Mortimer:

Our weekend at the beach sadly had to come to an end. We arrived back home on Monday morning and took the whole of Tuesday to get back into our normal time zone. Kendyn had gone back to his place leaving Bentley with me because he kept whining when I was out of sight. With a little convincing, I managed to keep him with me at least until he was a little more settled and did his nights without needing to go out to pee.

We were now Wednesday morning and I was woken by the glorious sound of my arm clock.

I groaned and pulled myself out of bed and got ready for the day ahead of me. I decided to wear something cute but comfy so I opted for a pair of dark blue skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees with a striped top that I tucked in the front and was baggy with long sleeves that I rolled up a little. I let my blond hair down and applied a little makeup to compliment my tan.

I went downstairs and bumped into uncle Ray.

"Careful there princess." he teased. I jumped into his arms and gave him a bone-crushing hug, well as bone-crushing as I could make it since I was like half his size a maybe a third of his weight -in muscles.

"What are you doing here? I missed you! Is Ryder here?" I rambled out all the questions.

"Slow down princess. I'm here on business, I still work for the gang and your dad. I missed you too princess but we saw each other for your birthday! And yes he is here and guesses what?" he looked at me with a childish grin.

"Ryder is now going to go to school with you guys! Annie and I bought a house that wasn't two hours away but like ten minutes!" I squealed and jumped with joy.

I love all my uncles but Ray is probably my favourite because whenever I see him I see Annie and she is the only Aunt I have since Carter passed away and Paul is Gay. Yep Paul is gay, he came out not long ago and we were all super happy for him. Mum said that she knew it and was happy that he finally said something.

"All right I need to leave you to it princess, I have to meet with Ash and your mum and you know how your mother hates tardies." he gave a scared look mentioning my mother and I can understand why, she is hella scary when she wants to but never to her children except if we did stupid shit, but that never happened.

He kissed the top of my head and walked off in direction of the office. I said hello to my younger siblings when I came into the kitchen, I knew that Bentley had been walked because my mum left a note for me on the kitchen table where I normally sit all I needed to do was feed him and give him water, which I did.

"Come on Roro, we have to go," Damon Called out. I gave one last stroke to Bentley and stood up to get my things leaving the house.

"Where's Kendyn?" I questioned when I saw that we were heading to the garage.

"He's not feeling great, we won't be coming today." Damon shrugged. I frowned at the news and pulled my phone out to see if he sent me a text telling me, and my frown depended, even more, when I saw that he didn't.

I hope he's alright.

"You coming couz?" Ryder asked seeing as all the boys were stepping into Damon's car. I shook my head and pointed to my beetle.

"Nah, I'm driving solo today, might pop over to see Ken after school." he nodded and closed his door giving the ok for Damon to drive off.

I let out a sigh and then went into my car driving to school. Once there I parked it and headed off the class.

All day I wasn't feeling great, I sent messages to Kendyn but he never answered them so I started getting worried. Till I got an 'I'm fine, don't worry babe' from him after lunch.

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